Freedom of speech


Valued Senior Member
What constitutes freedom of speech? Should freedom of speech be absolute or should there be limitations on it? or should it exist at all?
specifically, should hate groups be allowed to have rallies in populated areas?
I've heard people say that they wouldn't protest against a klan rally, for example, because that would be violating the klans right to freedom of speech.

In my opinion there should be no legal restrictions on freedom of speech, everyone has a right to express their opinion no matter how unpopular it is.
Therefore trying to prevent a group from having a rally or march would be violating their right to free speech, but showing up at their rally and shouting them down is only expressing a different opinion and therefore is ok.
In my opinion it's fine to say just about anything through most forms of media, so long as it's not something inciting people to commit some sort of crime or another (as there are definately some factors which go way beyond freedom of speach in that instanse), however a public rally, like say a KKK rally in the middle of a downtown area brings up a few problems as well. You can say whatever you want, but I also beleive that people should have the right to just flat out not listen to you, if you're forming a mob in a public space and shouting angrily such that anyone passing through that space can't help but hear whatever crazieness you've got to say, then I think it's certainly within people's rights to have their complaints, and even have a group expelled from said public area.

More important than the right of free speach, however, I beleive, are your 2nd amendment rights, as you can say anything you want when you have a gun :D
as long as that Klan rally doesn't impose on anyone else's freedoms.

so no lynching this time guys:rolleyes:

i recall a story about a town with a christmas parade and the klan wanted to be it. instead of letting the klan in they cancled the parade. you think the klan would take a hint:rolleyes:
What can speech hurt?

Actions cause pain. Why should the government restrict any form of verbal communication?

The flag burning stuff is kinda stupid. Its not constructive and it makes people think that you are crazy.

How many American flags are burned per year?
"I may not agree with what you have to say but I will fight to the death for your right to say it."
Freedom of speech does have limitations. It should not interfere with anyone else's rights, otherwise it is no longer protected.

I've heard people say that they wouldn't protest against a klan rally, for example, because that would be violating the klans right to freedom of speech.

I assume this means protesting the holding of a rally, not the rally itself. By all means they should be allowed the rally, so long as it doesn't interfere with anything else and is a legal protest. To not allow it based on the reason for the rally is drawing a line, and once that's done, the line can be moved farther and farther, until any rally cause could be protested against.

Groups like this usually end up making themselves look like the idiots they are, so let them. Give them enough rope....
Jaxom, I was referring to protesting the rally itself.
I was thinking about the KKKs first and only march in NYC a few years back...only a few of them showed up because the city dredged up an old law against wearing masks in public to keep them from wearing their hoods...thousands of protesters showed up though.
Some people I've talked to about this have said that they don't think they should have protested the Klan's march because it was infringing on their freedom of speech
Originally posted by Slacker47
What can speech hurt?
The classic example would be shouting fire in a crowded theater, causing people to be hurt as everyone stampedes out.
Okay, in actually protesting the KKK gathering, as long as you don't interfere with them directly, and just voice your disagreement, then no, it wouldn't go against the 1st amendment. Freedom of speech doesn't mean your point cannot be argued against directly.

Now, if the protest becomes more of a drowning out of the KKK gatherers rather than a show of opposition, then yes, I can see that being suppression.

Again, let them do what's legal. In your example, the very fact that only a few bothered to show at all says a lot. It wouldn't have mattered if there were protesters or not it seems.
free speech in the workplace?

i'm a new user here and just have a quick question...

tonight at work we had a manditory meeting and were told by our head supervisor that if we are overheard discussing how much we earn, or payroll in general, we will be terminated.
i am wondering if thay can actually do this. :confused:
or maybe i am just mad because now i feel like i have to walk on eggshells about what i say about anything there.

any input anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated.
thanks and peace out.
im no lawyer but im guessing since it is a private forum they can restrict your speech. it is kind of like imposing a dress code in the work place.

one could probably be given the argument that you choose to work there so you have to play by the managements rules. if you dont liek it you can leave.

i wouldnt want to work in a place like that, but people need money and the economy sucks so...

thanks for the responce. i was thinking the same thing but was hoping for something different. i dont even want to work there anymore but you are right on about the money issue. the dress code situation is even worse because certain people can get away with certain things and others cant. that makes me even sicker. but once again thanks for getting back to me. :)

Lets talk about the USA. Do you guys feel like your freedom of speech is more important than an elected persons freedom of speech? and I want to take it a bit further,Do you think the decisions that Elected persons make are more important or less important then the decisions you would make?
i dont know much about the US but in australia unless written into a contract that would fall under unfair dissmissal and you could sue them for heeps of money AND ur job and they have no come back:p

life is good sometimes