"Freedom of Religion" not what it seems!


Digging up old bones
Registered Senior Member
The Catholic Church admitted that Freedom of Religion is a moral right of every human, and essential to human dignity. However, this gives no one the right to reject Christ on the grounds that they have the freedom to do so.

Dominus Iesus, the encyclical authored by the new Pope before he became Pope, emphasizes that Christ is the only true way.

The Church also defines Freedom as only the Freedom to Choose The Good.
Choosing evil is slavery.
In the eyes of the Church the only lasting Good is the Truth himself, Christ.

In other words, anyone who has heard of Christ and the Church is bound to choose it, no one has the right to adhere to a divinty thats been proclaimed false by the Church.

Any other god is Idolatry. What the Church meant, it seems, by Freedom of Religion is that no one should be forced into not sinning through Idolatry.

Please let me know what you think of my interpretation.
It's a philisophical mess, I think deliberately so, just shut up and obey is their real message.
Lawdog: The Catholic Church admitted that Freedom of Religion is a moral right of every human, and essential to human dignity. However, this gives no one the right to reject Christ on the grounds that they have the freedom to do so.
M*W: You are infringing upon the religious freedom of 75% of the world's population. You're not only wrong, you're stupid.
Lapdog: Dominus Iesus, the encyclical authored by the new Pope before he became Pope, emphasizes that Christ is the only true way.
M*W: That's what 25% of the world's population believes, and it's no surprise that the pope, a christian himself, would make this kind of statement.
Lapdog: The Church also defines Freedom as only the Freedom to Choose The Good. Choosing evil is slavery. In the eyes of the Church the only lasting Good is the Truth himself, Christ.
M*W: Are you're claiming that there is really no such thing as free will?
Lapdog: In other words, anyone who has heard of Christ and the Church is bound to choose it, no one has the right to adhere to a divinty thats been proclaimed false by the Church.
M*W: This is absolutely moronic! You'll hear from many ex-xians on this forum who will call you a liar!
Lapdog: Any other god is Idolatry. What the Church meant, it seems, by Freedom of Religion is that no one should be forced into not sinning through Idolatry.
M*W: Again, you need to provide us with some evidence of your statements regarding what the pope or his cardinals may have said. Also, I'd like to hear from okinrus on this.
Lapdog: Please let me know what you think of my interpretation.
M*W: It stinks!
I have already refered to my sources, as in your absurd Josephus problem.

Sorry, I know it hurts. Other Christians have chosen Jesus as their savior, but we all fall into committing Idolatry at times, each time we sin we also break the first commandment.

Free Will is able only to Choose the Good. Even those who choose evil still suppose that they are choosing what's good about evil in their own eyes. Free will is oriented towards its end, which is The Good. Even those who believe that Evil is their right choice, do so believing that it ultimately will be good for them.

Why dont you read Dominus Iesus? Let go of your hostility and recieve Truth.
I would assume that this "freedom of religion" is in itself just a pleasentry, a nice saying to appear tolerant in our modern times. If one takes the tedious reading through the bible on the matter of freedom, indeed, the only true freedom lies in accepting god and his laws. Why, if there is only one god, there really isn't that much freedom in the first place, and since that god ist so damn powerful and influential, you do not really have a choice to start with.

I would say the church sanctified this Freedom of Religion to keep up appearances...

But that is not really surprising, how should slaves who submit themselves willingly to some being now the true meaning of freedom?
DREAMWALKER: "Why, if there is only one god, there really isn't that much freedom in the first place, and since that god ist so damn powerful and influential, you do not really have a choice to start with."

LAWDOG: This is an archetypal doctrine of Hell. Freedom not to die or not to commit evil is still a freedom, eventhough you are only left with one choice, God. When it comes down to it, there is only the choosing of GOD or NOTGOD. There is no third choice. This may seem like lack of freedom, especially if your idea about freedom is that of RADICAL FREEDOM, which the serpent has always preached in GENESIS, "...you shall not die if..."
Lapdog: I have already refered to my sources, as in your absurd Josephus problem.
M*W: Your "sources" incriminate you!
Lapdog: Sorry, I know it hurts. Other Christians have chosen Jesus as their savior, but we all fall into committing Idolatry at times, each time we sin we also break the first commandment.
M*W: There is absolutely no way you can hurt me! You do not have the power nor the intelligence! I have already gone into the fallacy in depth of Moses' ten commandments. I will not repeat them here for your benefit. You can look at the posts to learn something.
Lapdog: Free Will is able only to Choose the Good. Even those who choose evil still suppose that they are choosing what's good about evil in their own eyes. Free will is oriented towards its end, which is The Good. Even those who believe that Evil is their right choice, do so believing that it ultimately will be good for them.
M*W: Free will can choose whatever parameters it want to! Free will does NOT ENSURE that one would choose The Good! What is Good for one is Bad for another. Ultimately, there is no free will.
Lapdog: Why dont you read Dominus Iesus? Let go of your hostility and recieve Truth.
M*W: Why don't I read Dominus Iesus? Because it was not mandated as ex cathedra, that's why. (okinrus, where are you???). I have received the truth. That truth which may sound hostile to you is still the truth. It is you who feels it to be hostile, because you cannot defend it. (Why am I NOT surprised?).
The Church also defines Freedom as only the Freedom to Choose The Good.
Choosing evil is slavery.
Without freedom of choice human beings would be unable to do good. The choice to do evil notwithstanding that it leads into slavery is still good because whenever there's a choice to do evil there's also choice not to do evil. But how this relates to the law is unclear. We have laws against murder but people still have the choice not to murder. The law doesn't take away people's freedom but guards against people making the wrong choice.
Medicine Woman said:
That truth which may sound hostile to you is still the truth.

If it's hostile, it's not truth, and if he doesn't believe it, it's not truth. Truth is subjective.
To say Truth is subjective is like saying an Apple is a notApple. Truth is Absolute. Relativism, which claims that truth is whatever each person holds to be true, is an untruthful contradiction:

"There is nothing absolutely True"
(the very statement is an absolute statement claiming to be an absolute truth)
Lawdog said:
To say Truth is subjective is like saying an Apple is a notApple. Truth is Absolute. Relativism, which claims that truth is whatever each person holds to be true, is an untruthful contradiction:

"There is nothing absolutely True"
(the very statement is an absolute statement claiming to be an absolute truth)

Well... I think what you're just saying proves what I said. I said that truth is subjective, for you, it wasn't truth.

Edit: If there is an absolute truth, i think it's the sum of all subjective things. It is everything, and this means also that the truth is "nothing".

If you have all personalities, you have none. If you believe in everything, you believe in nothing. Everything and nothing are the same thing.
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Lawdog said:
The Catholic Church admitted that Freedom of Religion is a moral right of every human, and essential to human dignity. However, this gives no one the right to reject Christ on the grounds that they have the freedom to do so.
stupid Catliks just love to contradict themselves dont they...dumbfucks
Dominus Iesus, the encyclical authored by the new Pope before he became Pope, emphasizes that Christ is the only true way.
emphasize all you want, that still dont make it true!

others would say Budha or the Tao is the true way,so who is right?
In the eyes of the Church the only lasting Good is the Truth himself, Christ.
totaly unsuported,unprovable assertion
Christ does NOT equal Truth,..get used to it
In other words, anyone who has heard of Christ and the Church is bound to choose it,
wrong, as other beliefs and even non beliefs in your JC show
no one has the right to adhere to a divinty thats been proclaimed false by the Church.
no "True Scotsman" fallacy,huh
why are other Divine beings false?
what makes your one True?
Any other god is Idolatry.
why is your different?
What the Church meant, it seems, by Freedom of Religion is that no one should be forced into not sinning through Idolatry.
the disease of sin is only your churches invention and they have been selling you the cure=JC b/c you are too dumb to fall for it
"totaly unsuported,unprovable assertion
Christ does NOT equal Truth,..get used to it"

"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: No man cometh unto the Father but by me.