Freedom isn't Free


Registered Senior Member
The following urls are but fragments of culminating world phenomenological trends; the messages therein may not portend the company that you and others keep, but, it is the company that keeps you and others.

The entire world, from eco-systems to academia, science, art and culture, is going south; the following blogs are some narrow beams of light still finding a way through the culminating darkness. One of these blogs is about the abuse of Dr. Brian Greene's sensational 'String Theory', and how it extends far beyond Dr. Greene or his theory, revealing 'a world that cannot scratch itself without becoming entangled in its own web'.

Another is about control of information, which is directly related to how 'educational reform' is bearing down upon us like the 'New Math' (which was taught for decades before it summed up its own undoing).

Of course, anyone who may seriously consider these sources of information is at hazard of perishing beneath a hail of crank stigmatized darts. That - mud-slinging, back biting, rat packing, ostracizing dynamic of character assassination - also, is subjected in the proffered materials.

Then, there are those who would understandably ask, 'Why?' What is to be gained by methodologically mass producing misinformation and crazymaking? What is there to be gained, by whom, for such proposed, contrived dynamics?

The answer is simply, that a higher gross national product is to be gained, by the 'corporate state' (big business): Masses of people in a general state of harmony, consume much less - of everything that there is to be consumed - than do masses of people in a general state of chaos, confusion and fear.

Operant conditioning, neurolinguistic programming, psychomolecular restructuring, behavior modification - brainwashing by any other magnetically exotic, Orwellian NewSpeaking name. Reality is being dismissed for lack of evidence. It's not reality, it crazy-making actuality.

(*'What difference does it make? Nobody cares. It's always been this way. There's nothing you can do about it.' - Familiar calls to surrender. Give ye up all hoopex, who roll in *herex.)

'Those who are not willing to defend freedom and democracy, are not worthy of enjoying any of it'. - Ben Franklin (paraphrased)

Readers may draw their own conclusions. :)