Free Will vs. Divine Guidance

Leo Volont

Registered Senior Member
Free Will vs. Divine Guidance

Yes, we have Free Will. But does a strictly isolated Free Will curtail God’s Providential Designs for the World to the purely human decisions of His Saints? Is God limited to providing a set of Teachings and then hoping that Humans will do their best, accepting whatever it is they finally come up with. Or is God Free to influence decisions along the Way.

I had a dream in which I was in the Company of the Blessed Virgin. I was completing the construction of a new set of Rosary Beads. Our Lady became impatient and wondered aloud whether we would not be late if I did not soon bring the car around. I told Her that I was almost finished. But then She opened up her outer robe just far enough for me to see Her Rosary, a beautiful set of what looked like Ivory or White Jade beads that were more rectangular and long then the usual roundness of Rosary Beads, and there were geometrical designs engraved in the beads…. And She said, “I would think We have a sufficient Rosary.” Looking at Her Rosary, it did not escape me that the one I was fabricating was indeed superfluous, and so I instantly got up to bring the car around for wherever it was that we were in such a hurry to go.

What does this dream tell me? That despite my best intentions, the Divine Principalities have a better view of the Spiritual Big Picture, and so it is advisable to acknowledge their better judgment and their guidance. Free Will is protected in that I had the choice to listen or to be stubborn.

I can add here that the Protestant Doctrine of “Scripture Only” precludes any dynamic interaction with The Divine Principalities. In their total subjection to an old dusty book, the Living Heavenly Powers are quite ignored by the Protestants. It makes no sense to build a Wall out of Old Knowledge that fences out all New Knowledge, and such is what we do when we use the Bible to shield ourselves from the Living Voices of God
But then She opened up her outer robe just far enough for me to see Her.. ..a beautiful set of what looked like..

Will I be cast down into Hell for having sudden thoughts of something other than the Virgin Mary's rosary beads? :\

- N
Neildo said:
Will I be cast down into Hell for having sudden thoughts of something other than the Virgin Mary's rosary beads? :\

- N

It was very off to the side. It was an outer robe that had sleeves to cover Her arms, but it did not cross over Her torso, although Her dress was of the same color. Her outfit was a light brown, just slightly darker then what we would call a tan.

She was of a between age. She was not young and virginal -- no teenager. But She was not middle aged either. I would have said 'thirty-something' from simple appearances, but She seemed Matronly at the same time. Old without looking old.

And She was slender. You could see She was a female by Her face... not so much by Her shape. But I did not stare and so I am not quite sure.
I can add here that the Protestant Doctrine of “Scripture Only” precludes any dynamic interaction with The Divine Principalities.

I think you'll find that the Vatican doesn't take too kindly to your brand of New Knowledge, either.
It seems your sub-conscience is trying to make up a consistent story with the following (remotely related) themes: Our Lady, late, car
melodicbard said:
It seems your sub-conscience is trying to make up a consistent story with the following (remotely related) themes: Our Lady, late, car

When has the sub-conscience ever worried about being consistent?

So, since you know absolutely nothing, I infer you've never had a dream which you remembered, but you once read an article on dreams, most of the details of which you have forgotten.
Free Will vs. Divine Guidance

i do not see anything contradictory u can have free will , God can guide u

u can accept or not the guidance

but i guess what should be a subject here is "God wiling " phrase

it is used to much here in the middle east where i live that i believe people forgot its original meaning anyway if everything is God will

i am sorry i do not see any free will for us !!
what free will your god has predestined your life completely, it know whether you will be one of those that go to heaven or burn in hell for all eternity.
Leo Volont: Free Will vs. Divine Guidance

I had a dream in which I was in the Company of the Blessed Virgin. I was completing the construction of a new set of Rosary Beads. Our Lady became impatient and wondered aloud whether we would not be late if I did not soon bring the car around. I told Her that I was almost finished. But then She opened up her outer robe just far enough for me to see Her Rosary, a beautiful set of what looked like Ivory or White Jade beads that were more rectangular and long then the usual roundness of Rosary Beads, and there were geometrical designs engraved in the beads…. And She said,“I would think We have a sufficient Rosary.” Looking at Her Rosary, it did not escape me that the one I was fabricating was indeed superfluous, and so I instantly got up to bring the car around for wherever it was that we were in such a hurry to go.

What does this dream tell me? That despite my best intentions, the Divine Principalities have a better view of the Spiritual Big Picture, and so it is advisable to acknowledge their better judgment and their guidance. Free Will is protected in that I had the choice to listen or to be stubborn.

I can add here that the Protestant Doctrine of “Scripture Only” precludes any dynamic interaction with The Divine Principalities. In their total subjection to an old dusty book, the Living Heavenly Powers are quite ignored by the Protestants. It makes no sense to build a Wall out of Old Knowledge that fences out all New Knowledge, and such is what we do when we use the Bible to shield ourselves from the Living Voices of God
M*W: Leo, there was a time in my life when I was Catholic, that I thought about my faith every waking minute of the day. I dreamed dreams of being with the BVM, I created visions in my mind that she was with me and my children. When I was driving around in my car, I would imagine her sitting right there on my hood guiding me. I carried rosary beads with me everywhere I went. Often, it was to mass everyday. I became addicted, and I couldn't give it up. I was close friends with my priest. In fact, every priest we had come through the military base, I got in close with them. Had them to dinner every other week as did my co-believers. The church was my whole life. I had no free will that I could envision. The only kind of material I read was the bible and other catholic books. I was obsessed. Now I can sit back and remember how addicted I was in those days -- my early 20s. Belief in god, or belief in anything associated with Jesus is addictive. That wasn't Jesus' mission on earth. Jesus never intended for us to be christian. He was a Jew. He taught Jewish Law. He was never a christian. Religious believe is all in the head. People are desperate to be with like kind, like mind. People who haven't found themselves or their purpose in life often get addicted to religion. If Jesus is up there looking down on us, he would be ashamed that we practiced anything but judaism. The RCC was built by men for men. No woman should ever darken its doors. Let the men who created it and the men who propagate it watch it crumble down around their misogynistic souls.
Well need I be the one to state that dreams are not worth much when concerned with whether there's a god or not, and how such a being would act.

It's amusing to see that in the bible, the overwhelming majority of 'sightings' of god came through dreams and visions. One could only imagine these poor shepherds who knew nothing about the brain, dreams and drug abuse.
Leo Volont said:
Free Will vs. Divine Guidance

Yes, we have Free Will. But does a strictly isolated Free Will curtail God’s Providential Designs for the World to the purely human decisions of His Saints? Is God limited to providing a set of Teachings and then hoping that Humans will do their best, accepting whatever it is they finally come up with. Or is God Free to influence decisions along the Way.

I had a dream in which I was in the Company of the Blessed Virgin. I was completing the construction of a new set of Rosary Beads. Our Lady became impatient and wondered aloud whether we would not be late if I did not soon bring the car around. I told Her that I was almost finished. But then She opened up her outer robe just far enough for me to see Her Rosary, a beautiful set of what looked like Ivory or White Jade beads that were more rectangular and long then the usual roundness of Rosary Beads, and there were geometrical designs engraved in the beads…. And She said, “I would think We have a sufficient Rosary.” Looking at Her Rosary, it did not escape me that the one I was fabricating was indeed superfluous, and so I instantly got up to bring the car around for wherever it was that we were in such a hurry to go.

What does this dream tell me? That despite my best intentions, the Divine Principalities have a better view of the Spiritual Big Picture, and so it is advisable to acknowledge their better judgment and their guidance. Free Will is protected in that I had the choice to listen or to be stubborn.

I can add here that the Protestant Doctrine of “Scripture Only” precludes any dynamic interaction with The Divine Principalities. In their total subjection to an old dusty book, the Living Heavenly Powers are quite ignored by the Protestants. It makes no sense to build a Wall out of Old Knowledge that fences out all New Knowledge, and such is what we do when we use the Bible to shield ourselves from the Living Voices of God

Your dream is a good one and tells me much. It says "Lean not to your own understanding. My grace is sufficient for thee."

