Free will is an Illusion, I have proof!


Valued Senior Member
So you all think you have free will right? well you don't you have free choice and intention.

If you had free will you can will for anything. Look I am willing for a really hot nude women to appear in my room - its not happening, its my intentions my intentions are free.

So that means all life is preordained. You have free choices not free will only god (is there is one) could have true free-will he could will for anything.

Its you intentions which make you think you have free will its a goddamn illusion god cheated us, he is really going to judged us on our intentions as he has already predestined everything we can't change shit what god has predestined.

Maybe someone can explain this better then me...
No, we have free will:

Will (noun): a fixed and persistent intent or purpose.

The words will and intention are interchangeable. Just because we have the will doesn't mean we have the means. "Where there's a will there's a way," they say. No there isn't.

As for God, He probably doesn't exist.
Yes, nice one God. Thanks for programming our genes to decide our personalities before we have even seen the light of day. Thanks to your followers for telling us we can not control our own biology also... This is apparently your job, so they say.

If you had given me free will, would I have chosen to live in a universe where Jimi Hendrix died young and Cliff Richard got old? No.
If you had given me free will, would I have chosen to live in a universe where Jimi Hendrix died young and Cliff Richard got old? No.

But thats only because God heard Jimi play and said "i want him here NOW" :p

When Im sad, she comes to me
With a thousand smiles, she gives to me free
Its alright she says its alright
Take anything you want from me, anything
I have total free will, I am not perfect, I am the controller of my own domain, my own thoughts.
for I am not religious in any way shape or form, there is no messiah or god to control my will.
the religious are slaves to their religions.

but having said that, their god has no free will, (he does'nt exist, but for arguement sake we'll pretend he does) he is perfect, if he is perfect the he cannot want for anything, he therefore has no free will to change his circumstances. or to do anything and that includes create.
God has no Free Will
I believe that my 'free will' is comparible to pacman.

Wether pacman was created by intelligence or occurred by a natural process is not important. He is simply following meagre algorithms. Everything pacman does is part of the rules and not pacman himself.
Muslim said:
If you had free will you can will for anything. Look I am willing for a really hot nude women to appear in my room - its not happening, its my intentions my intentions are free.

It doesn't mean you don't have free will, it only means that you're not all-powerful. We have free will, our will is just very limited. We're as free as a dog on a leash-- free within certain limitations.

In the beginning when we were God, our will was unlimited, but our wills collided with other's wills creating interferences, limitations, concentrations, galaxies, planets, universes, personalities... (zodiac)
I gave some old clothes to free will. Does that count?

In any case, isn't free will less about getting what you want than it is about the want itself? Maybe I'm misunderstanding this thread.
The term 'free will' was invented by man in order to cover up a Divine Inadequacy.

In other words God cannot control us 100%, thus severely eroding His omnipotence, therefore a solution was required, hence free will.
Muslim said:
So you all think you have free will right? well you don't you have free choice and intention.

If you had free will you can will for anything. Look I am willing for a really hot nude women to appear in my room - its not happening, its my intentions my intentions are free.

So that means all life is preordained. You have free choices not free will only god (is there is one) could have true free-will he could will for anything.

Its you intentions which make you think you have free will its a goddamn illusion god cheated us, he is really going to judged us on our intentions as he has already predestined everything we can't change shit what god has predestined.

Maybe someone can explain this better then me...

On the bright side you could take birth an animal so the impediments to your desires don't prevent you from exhibiting the type of free will you want - to begin with animals don't wear clothes. Pigeons copulate hundreds of times per day - pigs don't have such distinctions between mother, sister, daughter or wife - admittedly there are other impediments that arise from taking birth as a pig or pigeon - but hey - you are free to choose whatever you want (although you are not free to avoid the reactions to your decisions)
I don't agree with you guys. Theres not such thing as free will!

Its going to happen like is going to happen. Deal with it!
Nothing is fated. He is wrong there. But "Muslim" is correct on account of a technicality. The Will is technically not truly free to will anything other than God. By its very nature it must will the highest good.

The translations of the Catholic philosophies often translated "arbitrium" a word which means choice, as the english 'will" They did not foresee the modern complication in Latin. Thomas Aquinas does assert that we have a free choice "arbitrium liberum" (not will). Today we say in English that we have free will, but we really mean that we have a free choice.
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Absolute free will cannot exist if there is a God influencing our decisions. Any direct or indirect contact from a supreme being contaminates our 'free' thinking processes. Free will means nothing is pre-determined for us and God cannot know what we will do next. Yes there is a contradiction there but we cannot know if God is even omniscient for that matter. So if the God who grants us free will exists then the bibles of the world don't mean a damn & religious leaders are preaching piles of horseshit. There cannot be any influence whatsoever from God in order for him to grant perfect absolute free will.

Ironically, staying out of the picture and honoring his free will promise is probably the closest thing God can do that might prove he exists, for true free will means we cannot know if He does exist.

Just one promise from him is influence, one prophesy is influence, one goddamn hymn is influence, etc. etc. Any person who claims that a god is granting us free will with conditions attached is talking thru their ass. There is nothing wrong with believing a God has granted free will but there is something wrong with believers telling us this is God's way or promise. We simply cannot know this in a free will world.
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Lawdog said:
Nothing is fated. He is wrong there. But "Muslim" is correct on account of a technicality. The Will is technically not truly free to will anything other than God. By its very nature it must will the highest good.

The translations of the Catholic philosophies often translated "arbitrium" a word which means choice, as the english 'will" They did not foresee the modern complication in Latin. Thomas Aquinas does assert that we have a free choice "arbitrium liberum" (not will). Today we say in English that we have free will, but we really mean that we have a free choice.

So what was the the word for god back then?

English word "god" did not exist until 1066 AD after the Norman invasion of the Saxxons. :bugeye:
Is that why it was called the NORMAN invasion? Because it was done by Saxons? And if we got the word due to Norman invasion the word would have been "Dieu" since they spoke French...
Muslim said:
So you all think you have free will right? well you don't you have free choice and intention.

If you had free will you can will for anything. Look I am willing for a really hot nude women to appear in my room - its not happening, its my intentions my intentions are free.

So that means all life is preordained. You have free choices not free will only god (is there is one) could have true free-will he could will for anything.

Its you intentions which make you think you have free will its a goddamn illusion god cheated us, he is really going to judged us on our intentions as he has already predestined everything we can't change shit what god has predestined.

Maybe someone can explain this better then me...
Poor little Muslim

He’s mistaken Will for Wish.

I Will means I act, you poor thing.
I Wish means I hope.

One thing's for sure, your will is far from being anywhere near free.
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Oli said:
Is that why it was called the NORMAN invasion? Because it was done by Saxons? And if we got the word due to Norman invasion the word would have been "Dieu" since they spoke French...

No, the Normans invaded England. My point is the english word "god" did not exist until then.
Look I am willing for a really hot nude women to appear in my room - its not happening, its my intentions my intentions are free.

Do you mean willying, doesnt that make you go blind?