Free thoughts?

Silent Bob

Registered Member
I was trying to sleep in bed, and almost did, but I suddenly started thinking up theories and what not. I decided I should look for a philosophy message board as I never had before. This was one of the first I found, and the title "Free thought" seemed great. Unfortunately, having read previous posts... it seems those that think outside the norm are the ones that get constantly bashed. I'm afraid I'd have to title this message board "Collective thought" until that changes and people actually give some thought to what they just see as wrong. Just my 2 cents.
Have you considered that maybe your opinions are kind of wacked, and that's why it seems that the world collectively disagrees with you. Most people do actually put thought to their ideas, and post seriously to this forum. Before you judge everyone as a thoughtless collective, perhaps you should prove how deep your own thoughts are, rather than using up a perfectly good screen name on insults.
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The last thing I would do is ask anyone to actually believe anything I have to say. All I ask is that if one has an opinion, be it wacked or not, that that person be allowed to express it without fear of repercussion. This seems to me to be what should be considered a basic of any board claming to be of free thought. I'm not here to flame, I have lots of philosophies. I don't care if they are not read, but putting them in public makes me feel like I have shown originality. I'm just not sure if this is the place to do it. Also, I really don't think the world collectively disagrees with me. The world seems to have skewed image of a "rebel" It's hard to not think however, that the world does PROVOKE collective thoughts, simply through it's consideration of the norm. I'm sorry for the provocation, I just need to express myself.
By the way, though it was not a compliment, thanks, I really like the screen name. I'm just suprised I got it first. I'm sorry you feel that it was created simply for insults. I'm sure Kevin Smith would approve of my using it, haha.
Welcome Silent Bob!

Fell free to express yourself and don´t fear the fearful!

Silent Bob, I would like to take this moment to welcome you to Sciforums.

If you have an opinion then say it. No one will know what it is unless you do so. There will always be those who disagree, so what? Obliviously you disagree with some of what you see. I see nothing wrong with either viewpoint. Just dive in and get it out. You never know but that someone has been waiting for just the idea you have to express and have not been able to put it to words so that it remains that nameless unformed idea that acts like a thorn in the back of the mind. Uneasy until it is read and then the light comes on and they say, "That's it!". Contribute.
The time has come

...the time has come, the walrus said, to speak of many things, of shoes, and ships and ceiling wax, of cabbages and kings, and why the sea is boiling hot and whether pigs have wings....

Just a passing free thought and didn't know who to tell, and besides this topic looked like it needed some more color. I doubt I remembered the rhyme correctly anyway - please feel free to correct me.

Hi silent Bob:

As wet1 said, just dive in and see what happens. We have also a philosophy section for deeep thought whose answer may not be "42".

Welcome and let us see what you have. We always have a group that protects the messenger, even though it is human urge to kill one...

Again welcome....
Free thought doesn't just mean you can say what you want and get away without a conflicting view point. For the person who critizises your idea is merley expressing there free thought.
What i'm trying to say is that it works both ways, and I have to say that these forums so far have been really good, all ideas expressed are debated in an intelligent and thought out way, i've seen forums a lot worse when it comes to meaningless bitching and ranting.
And so it should be, Neb. Meaningless ranting and bitching may have an occasional value but I would think it rare. Here you find people willing to accept a new point of view if you can show them it is to their benefit. To me, that's intellegence!

Now you will never convince all that your are right, even if you are. But those are the same odds you have on the street, wherever you live. Adaptability is the mark of someone who will make it. And you have a lot of I will make it's here!
Sorry if I came off wrong Silent Bob. First I agree with you that sometimes the people who are thinking a little differently get shouted down at times. But it was everybody being lumped into that group that I didn't like. And second, I agree with you it is a great screen name and like you I'm also surprised it wasn't taken. Nice choice. I look forward to arguing with you in the future.
I guess that I will add another 2¢. The only way someone will know what you have in mind is to say what it is. There will be those that disagree. Accept it and go for it. I echo the thought of nice screen name.
Hey!! you never welcomed me!.

Originally posted by Bebelina
Fell free to express yourself and don´t fear the fearful!


Is it because I'm "Godless"? don't let the name frighten you, Ps. I'm only playing with ya!. don't think I flamed U eh! LOL

How about a e-hug?
Godless, if I have not welcomed you then in is a slip on my part. My apologies. Sometimes I miss those who are new. Not often but I do none the less. I will remedy that now. I do indeed welcome you to Sciforums, a bit belatedly. It was not your netname, just over sight.

Flames are a rare thing here, it happens but not frequently.

An e-hug is certainly acceptable. Here you are [()].