

Since I do occasionally live in a box please excuse my ignorance, but has this word muscled into current usage purely from overdubbed 'fuck!'s in movies?

I really dont know what your talking about about 'over-dubbed' but in Austin Powers doctor evil uses 'freakin'. I'm just guessing that people use 'freakin' because it is politer than using 'fucking'. I have no idea to its actual meaning or its intended meaning though. thats all the help i can give. :eek:
hi dickbaby :confused:
ummm .. freakin' is big down under! now thats not because we're under priveliged it's because we drink to much beer :) comprendah !!

ps. not really, us aussies are great - jusy look at games gold medal total! hehehe :cool:
1. It became popular due to religious people who feel 'cuss' words corrupt the soul. In order to get around this they use these 'replacement' words that hold the exact same meaning but are somehow better than the real thing...:confused:
2. because young people get in trouble for cussing, but don't get in trouble for saying frickin, or crud, or shizzle my nizzle....

Thats good, with these two powers combined, I am captain FRICKIN.

"friggin in the riggin"
Its because people think its 'cool' (whatever that is) to say words that people rarely hear. Fuck has been used to death. Its become 'lame' apparently. Well, thats what my sis says anywho
I think they use it just 'cause it sounds funny. Frickin. FRIckin. friCKIN.

But I think it's mainly to do with all the people who think swearing is wrong, but would like to do it anyway.

"Umm...we'd prefer it if you said 'peepee-soaked heckhole."
- Chief Wiggum (Simpsons)

Also, it's easier for minors to watch an Austin Powers flick which contains "frickin", and not "f**king". It's only PG-13, instead of R. Besides, it makes Dr. Evil all the more funny.

"Mini Me, stop humping the laser beam!"
- Dr. Evil
With Austin Powers, they didn't put swearing in for two reasons

A - Not many films in the 60's had the word 'FUCK' in it
B - They want as many people to see the film as possible, so swearing is a no-no

What do people have against swearing anyway. Its just a word.
If someone says to you 'Don't swear' just say to them, 'Its my right to swear, as stated in the UN Declaration of Human Rights under Freedom of emotion.'
As swearing is expressing how you feel, they'll have no defence. If they talk about their religious believes, basically the same argument just replace 'Freeom of Emotion' to 'choice to a Relegion'.

That'll learn 'em
What the Frell are you talking about. That'll never catch on.

Farscape uses Frell as it wants to keep the realism(????) in the show. Aliens that live untold light years away would only know the word 'Fuck' from John himself.

Farscape would like you to use "Frell" instead of "Fu*k". If that catches on...

:D Nah, 'Frell!' doesn't have the same shock impact as "F**k!" :)

I usually replace:
f**k - fudge, frick, freak, phoque (as in seal in French), frig, ffffff!, figs
shit - shite, shitzu, shot, shhhh!, shick
crap - crud, craptastic!, craparoni, crapper, creep
damn - d'oh!, dang, darn, durn, damnation, ding dang doodly
hell - hell

"So, we can swear now? Hell damn fart!"
(Bart Simpson)

Frell me, this is too freakin much.

I'm gonna frig off somewhere else and look it up in an effin dictionary...

Just seems soft to me. Big hard gangsta man saying, 'Ahm gohna freakin kiyylll yewwww'.

Flippin' 'eck, I'm scared etc, etc

Swear. Or don't. I know the diff, but this, this is the processed cheese of swearing.

Homer: "If you're happy and you know it, say a swearword!"
Nelson: "Boobs!"
Milhouse: "Highny!"
Ralphie: "Mitten!"
*everyone laughs*

(GO BANANA!) lol :D