France's National Rosary for Life Sparks Vulgar, Anti-Catholic Counter-Protests

Brian Foley

Valued Senior Member
France's National Rosary for Life Sparks [Vulgar, Anti-Catholic] Pro-Abortion Counter-Protests
To mark their 23rd anniversary, the French pro-life group SOS Tout-Petits held their annual National Rosary for Life on Saturday, sparking heated protests from the country's pro-abortion activists.

Catholics gathered to pray outside cathedrals and churches in at least 28 cities throughout France, as well as in Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Philippines. In many of these cities, the peaceful event attracted large anti-Catholic counter-demonstrations.

For example, at the St. André Cathedral in Bordeaux, police were called to the scene as a large crowd opposed the 150 people gathered to pray. The crowd carried pro-abortion signs and shouted "Caca Catholic," "Mary, Jesus, we f*** you," and "If Mary had had an abortion, we wouldn't have this sh**."

...Videos of some of these protests can be found on YouTube here and Daily Motion here.

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Yes, disgusting-- but in an ironic way, the haters picked the "right" people to hate.

The rosary-praying prolife advocates will undoubtedly pray for the haters, struggle to care for them spiritually, attempt if possible to befriend them, and beg Le Bon Dieu to have mercy on them.

The haters are fortunate to have such loving people as their targets.
loving people? you mean groups that dont care if they die or suffer in some idological war about abortions? groups who (in the US at least) have BOMBED abortion clincs but have managed to avoid being labled terrorists for god only knows what reason? Groups whos church must take partial responcability for the spread of AIDs (and the suffering which comes with it) in an idiological quest against condoms?

Yes they DID pick the right groups to hate but i wish there methods were different
groups who (in the US at least) have BOMBED abortion clincs but have managed to avoid being labled terrorists for god only knows what reason?
Abortion clinics equal death Camps, the same argument was used as to why the US didn’t bomb Auschwitz as it might of killed inmates.
Groups whos church must take partial responcability for the spread of AIDs (and the suffering which comes with it) in an idiological quest against condoms?
Opposing condoms is one thing, Christians preach abstinence as the most effective means. But the reality is that condoms have been freely available to Sub-Saharan Africa, the problem is from your side meager foreign aid hand outs mean these nations only can purchase one third of their social requirements. So in effect the spread of the Aids epidemic is from your side of the coin not Christian.
Yes they DID pick the right groups to hate but i wish there methods were different
Hate for people, yeah hate, hate seems to be a habit with those who support Abortion and Euthanasia.
Was there a point or question in there somewhere and I just missed it?

Or are you just looking for something to feel outraged about?