Four Sailors Killed on Religious Vocation


Valued Senior Member
The sad story ended today, as I learned on NPR news, in which the head couple and the supporting couple sailing the globe distributing Bibles were killed by Somali captors.

The leader was an associate producer in Hollywood who wanted to invest in his eternal future, it would seem. What more could a person do than to try to set up a great eternity for him/herself?

I can desperately relate to that desire. Yet, I have come to see that a person can get carried away in make believing. Considering the scant possibility that any two of the planet's 7 billion humans believe exactly the same thing, the quest to form ones belief a certain way seems mistaken. I wish them peace somehow, now. --link to site of CBS story.

The moral of the tragic story could be to try not to indoctrinate oneself. Be open to constantly forming one's beliefs as they keep getting adjusted throughout our lives of learning as objectively as we can.

Would that no one had to die.
Strange that they choose to be sailuing in waters they knew had pirates in them and the pirates have been in the news almost daily about hijacking ships of any size to hold people hostage for ransome. So here they were sailing in a million dollar yacht in pirates waters just as a bullseye to be hit. I'm not to saddened by this because they could have sailed elesewhere to enjoy their exploring but do not think that them dying is any good at all for now no money can be made.
I guess they thought God would protect them.

God never protects anyone from anything ever. I really can't believe that people haven't figured that out yet. Every single thing that happens on this planet happens because of the laws of physics and the choices that people make.
Not even if you are spreading his word and healing the sick. I'm sure we all remember the Christian aid workers who were stripped and executed by the Taliban in Afghanistan a few years ago for proselytizing to some villagers while providing them with much needed medical care.
Both afganistan and somalia are devout islamic countries. So it is no surprise that Christians out to share the Gospel where killed in these two instances.

The protection that matters from Jesus is ones eternal security, Not earthly security. Both these groups of gospel sharers have been honoured in that they have been found worthy to die for the Word of Yaveh. And as i believe we are entering into the times of great sorrows, being killed now can be considered a blessing. The horrendous shit that’s coming down on the world soon will make death seem an easy way out.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
The horrendous shit that’s coming down on the world soon will make death seem an easy way out.

Yeah, right. We're going to be the ones who witness all the events in the book of revelations. You'll have to excuse me if I roll my eyes over here. Every single generation since the death of Christ has believed that.

Here's a newsflash for you. No matter where you go throughout history you'll find moral and ethical corruption, violence, death, war, atrocities. We aren't special. We just have one thing that no-one has ever had before. Mass media.
Both afganistan and somalia are devout islamic countries. So it is no surprise that Christians out to share the Gospel where killed in these two instances.

What are you playing at?

My heart goes out to the four victims of the Somalian pirates.
Yeah, right. We're going to be the ones who witness all the events in the book of revelations.
Oh, my bad.
By "horrendous shit coming down on the world" I thought he was referring to his own posts.
I never thought of Revelations. :eek:
God never protects anyone from anything ever. I really can't believe that people haven't figured that out yet. Every single thing that happens on this planet happens because of the laws of physics and the choices that people make.

Yip, if there is a god, it actually never does anything, much less protect anyone. Some people say god talks to them. Fabulous! How does that actually do anything?

Those people were very brave. What a waste to throw your life away like that. They really should have been smarter and had some sort of protection. Next thing you know, Christians won't be wearing seat belts.

My deepest condolences to the families for their loss.
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Yeah, right. We're going to be the ones who witness all the events in the book of revelations. You'll have to excuse me if I roll my eyes over here. Every single generation since the death of Christ has believed that.

No. I do not think i will see all the events in the book of Revelation in my flesh life time. I believe i will see up to Revelation chapter 20 verse 6.

And No. not every generation believed they where in the end times. For many years most people where oblivious to the very existence of the book of Revelation because the catholic church had locked it up in their monasteries.

Here's a newsflash for you. No matter where you go throughout history you'll find moral and ethical corruption, violence, death, war, atrocities. We aren't special. We just have one thing that no-one has ever had before. Mass media.

Of course we are not special. But there are times when these things are more extensive and intensive and the times we live in now many of these things have been increasing in both ways. And before the mass media many civilisations kept good records of their trials and tribulations.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
What are you playing at?

My heart goes out to the four victims of the Somalian pirates.

Do you think those pirates killed them just as a random act of violence? No, westerners pay good to free their hostages.

By killing them the pirates where giving up a lot of cash. The only reason why they would kill their precious captive was the nature of their beliefs and what they where doing. Even islamic pirates wish to do service for allah in killing those who seek to help muslims free themselves from the bonds of that religion. I would not be surprised if the 4 started to preach to the pirates and they reacted quickly with 4 bullets.

Those 4 where Christian martyrs and i believe will have eternity with God, they are blessed.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I just wonder if the pirates killed them or it was a botched attempt at trying to free them by the navy. The pirates usually demand money and as yet didn't kill their hostages unless they weren't paid so why now are they killing them? It is just a thought as to why the captors were killed along with 2 or 4 pirates at the same time. Many will say that the pirates killed them when the navy went on-board to help rescue them but why weren't negotiations tried first? We will only be guessing if we don't believe what the navy says happened.
you know what this topic fuckin errks me.. why? because America sticks our fucking heads in shit that we dont need to for no real reason.. and the people we help if they ever saw an opportunity to take down the US they would do it without hesitation. YET if 4 americans get captured and killed in international waters nothing is done.. i say we have a new take on pirates if we know what boat they are on and they have killed US citizens or any person for that matter we take our 16 inch guns and make fish food out of them.
take our 16 inch guns and make fish food out of them.

Sorry to say but there are no more guns of that size being used by the navy any longer. When the last battleship was decommisioned that was the end of the "big gun" era. Now missiles, rail guns and an assortment of other weapons are being deployed instead.