Found Signal Frequency for Telepathy


Registered Member
Ive been following research in this area for close to 25 years.
The main message is - there is an electrical signal that is
transmitted from a human subject at 8Hz and is picked up
by Vegetable matter and exhibits a change at 2hz.
Ive been working on a communication device that will use
these findings. I am using an ELF coil to pick up the signal.

Stay tuned for more.
Any information in the field would be accepted.
Thank you for your time.
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I have been doing some research on this subject myself.
I have a device that is very easy to adapt to your research.
I have found that attaching Carrots to my head allows me to receive and transmit the 8 Hz carrier signal egressed by my wife. And im happy to announce
I can make her get me a beer just by pointing my head at her. This also works with Dogs but you need to replace the carrots with cabbage. Hope this helps.

Sorry man Just joking I could not help myself. Do you have a Spectrum Analyzer? If so I would love to see some PICS of the wave forms. I do know that this type of research has been ongoing for years with potential to do some real good or real bad depending on the user
it worked

Sure did i used pieces of toast on a string instead of carrots.
my dog does flips and gets me a beer, but only if I leave the beer
on the table. He hasnt figured out how to get the frig door open.

I ve down loaded a spectrum analysiser that works through the
sound card. but I pick up alot of other signals because the
coil and circuit I built is so sensitive.
Work in Progress.
need help.
A software program is not even close to what you need. I would Check into renting a top of the line Hewlett Packard Spectrum analyzer. Im not sure how well versed you are on RF so heres just a bit of advice that may help. You really need to understand ingress and for that matter Egress and how to properly filter out as much of it as you possibly can. Also your testing area needs to as RF tight as possible "Ingress is a pain in the AZZ". The more sensitive your Array is the more garbage your going to get on your output. I suggest reading up on RF Notch filters. You can construct them yourself with a little knowledge and a bit of time. I guess what im saying a controlled environment must be established and maintained 1st if your serious about pursuing this research. :)
found some good filters

But I will build a box that is emf tight to put the
circuit and receiver (plant material) in since the
medium i am working with does not transmit in the
emf spectrum "i think" but the circuit does pick up emf.
The circuit will then only pick up the change in the plant.
There is plenty of software that outputs thid kind of frequency to help on meditation, thinking, etc..

Its a good way to relax...

Ive read from some papers that psi functioning is related to the Brain Waves being at theta or delta...
So Its like, when our brain is working on the 7Hz channel, its right on the spot for Psi phenomena to occur (ESP mainly)

Some studies have been made regarding this and below 8Hz its the sweet spot..
Although low frequencies related to the Alpha spectrum of Brianwaves gives the best performance for people that are working, driving, or simply meditating..

It is an interesting study in the field of neuroscience..
But of course parapsychology is using the data to relate it to psi phenomena :)