Foster Gamble's Thrive Ideas appear to be Pseudoscience


Registered Senior Member

Foster Gamble and other fringe scientists like Tom Bearden are claiming to be able to tap into the zero point energy and magnify it by using variants of a dipole configuration, thus bypassing the closed circuits that most modern electronics theories are based on...


The problem with the claims of the free energy theorists is that in reality, zero point energy is the lowest possible state, the ground state. But in order to have usable energy, energy must go from a source of high potential to a lower potential, it cannot go the other way as that is forbidden by the laws of conservation of energy and momentum.

Making claims of free energy and claims of doom and gloom conspiracy, is a way to make money but it is not an honorable way to exist. :itold:
Unless energy turns negative, then there's still a chance. I think it does. When energy moves to a central point, that point is probably energy free, but just below it there should still be energy negating away to escape. Something like a neutrino that can escape through mass. I don't think however that anyone is building this Dark Energy machine yet.
I would think a balanced form of energy would be feasible if one day science could ever develop it. I just think that the people who run things want to stay on the top and be in charge so they don't let this type of energy take place.