Forum Rules

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Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
To the membership of sciforums:

It is our wish to enhance your enjoyment of this site. At the same time we have an agenda to meet. In the interests of learning, legal aspects, civility, and common sense, these following guidelines will be enforced but may not be limited to:

You will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, or threatening. Racial slurs or remarks are also not welcome here, nor are messages that are insulting towards other forum members. You will not be warned - at a minimum, offensive posts will be removed without notice.

Cursing is allowed, but only to an extent, and at the discretion of individual moderators. If you are using excessive amounts of vulgar language you will be asked to tone it down. Posts that continue this trend will be deleted. If you are here to flame, you should leave now. We do not consider an "intense" discussion of a topic "flaming" unless it shifts to member on member conflict. If a thread or post results in flaming, it will be closed or removed.

Posting large verbatim extracts of text from other sites is undesirable for several reasons:

It uses up storage space on SciForums.

It duplicates information that is easily accessible elsewhere.

It can disrupt the flow of a thread, because posters have to scroll through large amounts of text that they may not wish to read.

It may breach copyright laws.
Therefore, we ask that posters abide by the following guidelines:
All quotes from other sites must be attributed (e.g. by posting a link to the site).

Quoted text should be restricted to a few lines or a paragraph unless the poster is quoting the text along with his or her, own detailed analysis (interspersed with the text).

Avoid verbatim reproduction of entire posts of other posters (e.g. from earlier in a thread). If you want to dissect a post, it is fine to split it into different parts, but do not simply quote the entire post and then add a one or two line comment.
Posts which deviate from these guidelines will be deleted or edited at the moderators' discretion.

Posts that interrupt a serious thread with ANY inane comments that in no way, shape, or form relates to the original topic, will be deleted. Threads that repeat a previously posted theme may be merged together or deleted in its entirety.

Changing a moderator's edit for any reason may result in your immediate banning. Most know this but some think it their right. It has become necessary to state the obvious.

It is our intention to moderate in such a way as to encourage profitable discussion and discourage flame wars, and no forum can be moderated to everyone's liking. You are a guest here, and will be treated well; but do not expect everything to be tailored to your desires.

Freedom of speech is granted only as long as what you say is coherent, flattering to Porfiry, and/or somewhat intelligent. Moderators may move, edit, or remove any post for any reason - accept it, move on, and continue to enjoy SciForums.
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