Forsaken ?

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Haveing sat at the right hand of GOD for the past 45 years, I have experienced your world and witnessed you hatred toward GOD. None on earth have obeyed the two commandments. The first being to Love GOD with all your being. The second being to love your neighbor as you love yourself. The second, because GOD is in you and your neighbor.

I came here not knowing who I was. My only intent was to have a fair chance to live and prosper as each of you has. Your spirit of the world had a different plan in mind for me. Knowing me to be the eternal judge, the world seeks only to oppress and destroy me. On the one hand, you pray to me to fulfill all your desires and on the other, you seek my death. A double minded soul is simple for me to destroy, by the way.

Now, haveing stood and come forth from my seat at the right hand of the Father, I am forced to be GOD and even to be your Satan, simply for purpose of my survival.

Open your eyes and see your world. Does it appear that I am pleased with you?

Turn from your ways and obey my 2 commandments.

I am captain and will be the last one off the ship of the earth.
I will escalate the war and remove every one of you from before my face and from the earth where I will live for a thousand years.
During my reign, you will be in your holding cell awaiting your eternal judgement and your escort into the furnace of fire where you will be alone in outer darkness, separate and under torment every moment for eternity. Nice.


I have keys to the temporary bottomless pit and to the eternal furnace.

I will choose a few to live with me for a thousand years once your gone. To these, I will give the gift of love, and we will rebuild the world with the proper foundation this time around.

I am fair and will not give you the free gift of loving me. You're on your own and will have to develop it within yourself through relating your personal suffering to what you put me through and knowing that I can still love you after what you've done to me.

I will not make your spirit suffer here any more than that which you have made me suffer the last 45 years with suicidal depression. This alone is more than a man can withstand.

I expect your denial, so I will see you shortly in a thousand years at the BAR of judgement where your escort awaits.

All principalities, powers, and spirits are in my hands and under my feet.


Bringing down the whorse!
Bringing down the whorse!

I take it God can't spell. Are you trying to say "house", "whores", or "horse"? Also, it's "having", not "haveing", and "I have experienced your world and witnessed you hatred toward GOD" should be "your hatred".

"BAR of judgement "... so why is "bar" capitalized? It doesn't seem to require special emphasis, so can we assume you're using an acronym for Browning Automatic Rifle? Bananas Are Righteous? Hmm...this wouldn't be a nightclub, would it?

One more thing, there's no need to put a period on your name or signature. It isn't a sentence. You'd think being omniscient might include some knowledge of vocabulary, spelling and sentence structure.
witnessjudgejury said:
I will not make your spirit suffer here any more than that which you have made me suffer the last 45 years with suicidal depression. This alone is more than a man can withstand.


God is so depressed he thinks he's a man? suicidal?

I've said it before, if you want to find God just look in your neighborhood mental institution....He's there.
It's time to call the psychiatrists, WJJ has gone bezerk, nuts totally fliped, does anyone have Prozac, the man is truly in need! ;)
His wife left him penniless and took his child/ren. He went nuts shortly after, though apparently has always suffered from manic depression.
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