Fornication in the Bible.


Objectivist Mind
Registered Senior Member
While doing some research I stumbled to this little gem. I've known that the word "reality" is not mentioned in the bible, but I was unaware & suprized of how many times fornication is mentioned;

Seems that the do gooders of ancient times where very concerned with fornicating and with whom, and to criminalize a natural act for the purpose of bringing shame and quilt to their flock.
While doing some research I stumbled to this little gem. I've known that the word "reality" is not mentioned in the bible, but I was unaware & suprized of how many times fornication is mentioned;

Seems that the do gooders of ancient times where very concerned with fornicating and with whom, and to criminalize a natural act for the purpose of bringing shame and quilt to their flock.

given that there is a great deal of time and money spent by governments related to the health issues that surround issues of sex, and practically all of these issues cannot surface in relationships that are chaste, it could perhaps be a case of good old fashioned sense, or perhaps in the case of our 'modern civilized' world, the inability to accept simple answers to questions
given that there is a great deal of time and money spent by governments related to the health issues that surround issues of sex, and practically all of these issues cannot surface in relationships that are chaste, it could perhaps be a case of good old fashioned sense, or perhaps in the case of our 'modern civilized' world, the inability to accept simple answers to questions

Huh? :shrug:

Non-serquitus bullshit does not make sense, please clarify the above, what simple questions?
Huh? :shrug:

Non-serquitus bullshit does not make sense, please clarify the above, what simple questions?
Q - How is it possible to solve the problems that surround and include sexual relations in a fashion that cannot be attained by nations spending millions of dollars under alternative plans?
A - reduce the frequency of sexual relations outside of marriage

sounds old fashioned, I know, but some places are quickly becoming retrospective in the face of HIV flourishing
Did you even read the damn link?

Matthew 5:32 "But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery."

Now how is not marrying a divorced woman going to solve anything?

1 Corinthians 7:2 "Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband."

Now that is a damn shame, how the hell is one to avoid fornication when married?

1 Thessalonians 4:3 "For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication:"

If the human race had followed this bullshitbible, we would have not populated the earth!
The basic messages in the bible are those of social harmony.
It mystifies and deifies the necessary conditions for group cohesion making the Bible the text for any conformist need.

That sex causes conflict, due to nature’s laws, is the reason why so many conditions are added, afterwards, by any cultural norm.
Morality, as we all with a brain can see, is a way the natural laws that go against social and cultural cohesion are sublimated and repressed.
Here a neurosis in the individual is preferred than a neurosis in the culture.

This repression and sublimation of instinctive needs points to the underlying meaning of civility and civilization, which is a form of sanctioned institutionalized hypocrisy for the sake of group peace and harmony.

In extreme cases, such as in minds taken by religious fanaticism or social/cultural norms, the repression and group rules are so ingrained in the psyche that the individual feels wrong just for thinking of things that contradict acceptable norms – this is where the sense of shame comes from as it is a form of indoctrination which makes fear turn to an anxiety of not adhering to group norms and not being accepted within the fold.
Shame is the self chastising the self for being “improper” towards the social rules or the Other.

We often see this repression turn to sexual dysfunction in individuals struggling to remain loyal to the group rules.
Sex being the canary in the mineshaft that exposes deeper psychological stresses caused by this suppression of instinct for the sake of belonging.
The successful repression of undesirable instinct is referred to as civility or properness or piety.
Have we not all seen how religious indoctrination often causes extreme sexual dysfunctions in individuals struggling to become the personification of the ideals their doctrine espouses?
That the clergy attracts these types is not accidental and that religious fervor often becomes violent and vicious is, also, not accidental.

The entire history of mankind can be summed up as the struggle of man to gain control over nature; especially his own nature.
The methods are multiple but religion, in the Judeo-Christian west, practices shame as a way to force each individual to self-repress.
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Morality, as we all with a brain can see, is a way the natural laws that go against social and cultural cohesion are sublimated and repressed. Here a neurosis in the individual is preferred than a neurosis in the culture.

This repression and sublimation of instinctive needs points to the underlying meaning of civility and civilization, which is a form of sanctioned institutionalized hypocrisy for the sake of group peace and harmony.

In extreme cases, such as in minds taken by religious fanaticism or social/cultural norms, the repression and group rules are so ingrained in the psyche that the individual feels wrong just for thinking of things that contradict acceptable norms – this is where the sense of shame comes from as it is a form of indoctrination which makes fear turn to an anxiety of not adhering to group norms and not being accepted within the fold. Shame is the self chastising the self for being “improper” towards the social rules or the Other.

We often see this repression turn to sexual dysfunction in individuals struggling to remain loyal to the group rules. Sex being the canary in the mineshaft that exposes deeper psychological stresses caused by this suppression of instinct for the sake of belonging. The successful repression of undesirable instinct is referred to as civility or properness or piety. Have we not all seen how religious indoctrination often causes extreme sexual dysfunctions in individuals struggling to become the personification of the ideals their doctrine espouses? That the clergy attracts these types is not accidental and that religious fervor often becomes violent and vicious is, also, not accidental.

The methods are multiple but religion, in the Judeo-Christian west, practices shame as a way to force each individual to self-repress.

M*W: Very well put. Sex is a basic instinct and human need right up there with air, water and food. When a basic human need is repressed FOR WHATEVER REASON (as in celibates--priests, nuns or lait people) or those with inadequate sexual desire, sexual dysfunction (impotence; frididity; low or lacking sex drive; ormedically related disorders, etc.), the repression of a normal human need will express itself in some kind of sexual perversion. If sex is not expressed in a normal human way, it will come out in a deviancy. Those who have deviancies probably have repressed normal sexual needs. Celibacy is not normal. Low sex drive is not normal. Frigidity is beyond not normal. Impotence for the most part is psychologically related and not medically related.

Shame about sexual desire causes repression. Just guessing here, but I would bet a higher percentage of sexual criminals are the result of individuals who have been shamed about normal sexual activity.
M*W: Very well put. Sex is a basic instinct and human need right up there with air, water and food. When a basic human need is repressed FOR WHATEVER REASON (as in celibates--priests, nuns or lait people) or those with inadequate sexual desire, sexual dysfunction (impotence; frididity; low or lacking sex drive; ormedically related disorders, etc.), the repression of a normal human need will express itself in some kind of sexual perversion. If sex is not expressed in a normal human way, it will come out in a deviancy. Those who have deviancies probably have repressed normal sexual needs. Celibacy is not normal. Low sex drive is not normal. Frigidity is beyond not normal. Impotence for the most part is psychologically related and not medically related.

Shame about sexual desire causes repression. Just guessing here, but I would bet a higher percentage of sexual criminals are the result of individuals who have been shamed about normal sexual activity.

What are you talking about?
What are you talking about?

M*W: Reply to Satyr's #10 post regarding morality; fornication; normal, healthy sexual desire and the repression thereof resulting in sexual deviancies. I am not promoting rampant sex nor multiple partners. I do advocate normal, healthy sexual relations for all human beings. For males who are unmarried or do not have a partner, I recommend ejaculation at least three times per week to keep the prostate healthy.
M*W: Reply to Satyr's #10 post regarding morality; fornication; normal, healthy sexual desire and the repression thereof resulting in sexual deviancies. I am not promoting rampant sex nor multiple partners. I do advocate normal, healthy sexual relations for all human beings. For males who are unmarried or do not have a partner, I recommend ejaculation at least three times per week to keep the prostate healthy.

I know that you are taught to think a certain way M*W, the fact is sexual deviance encompasses all segments of society. Your ejaculation recommendation is nice but sex crimes are also commited by people who get laid every day. You should see that things are not so simple, the human brain is quite complex.

I know your statement was meant to denigrate a specific group of people, so why dont you just come right out and say what you mean and i will respond to it.

I have nothing to learn from you regarding sexuality, i know about the human mind and that is all i need to know.
I have nothing to learn from you regarding sexuality, i know about the human mind and that is all i need to know.

LMAO!! good one! YEA! right!!

I've been investigating paraphilia for apx 3 years now, what interest me is when some one asked if Michael Jackson was really a pedophile, I replied that he was, but it does not determine the usual norms we understand with pedophilia, if you were to speak to a psychologist even having a fantasy with 15-16 year old girls is considered pedophilia, in some people's views, however this if far from the truth. What determined the age of consent is the individual and not the state, however when a child is involved the reason this is considered a crime, is cause the child has little understanding of what he/she may be doing, not so with a 15-16 year old girl however!

To move along, what is normal? Who is to determine normal sexual behavior? We let ourselves be lead by our society, yet when an individual secretly is involved in consensual biastophilia but the male partner goes too far, and when she cries foul, and proceeds to sue the individual male, how the hell is he to explain that she was in to biastophilia, and that she did like it rough? It then becomes a case she said he did! Thus probably landing the guy in jail for few years for rape, the suppose victim will seek another partner who is willing to play act the rape, again is this not normal sexual behavior? Who is to claim that it is not?

Well is autonephioplia normal? The bizarre behavior of getting off on wearing diapers for sex, or acting as a baby is quite normal in many relationships, who is to say that's not normal? LOL

We have accepted the notion that pedophiles are violent individuals that would rape and kill a child, that is not so, a rapist of children is not a pedophile, Michael Jackson is the perfect example of a pedophile, love to be around children, though the desire may be again categorized as abnormal behavior, it is when he/she cohorts their victim to commit an act, they have little understanding of, when it actually becomes a crime, however a person has to come to the age of consent, to be involved in these activities, the age of consent is presently determined by our state, all states in the US have rules of this type, for example. In Texas a 14 year old girl can be involved in a sexual relationship, with parental consent, she can be married at that age, most states the age of consent 16-17 with parental consent, 18 with out. But if one was to cross the ocean to China for example the age of consent becomes 12 so does in Mexico! So who is to determine when a child is the age of consent?

The individual of course!
I know that you are taught to think a certain way M*W, the fact is sexual deviance encompasses all segments of society. Your ejaculation recommendation is nice but sex crimes are also commited by people who get laid every day. You should see that things are not so simple, the human brain is quite complex.

M*W: My advice is for gentlemen who care to maintain good prostate health. I don't give a flying flip about sexual predators. I don't care if they maintian anything healthy.

I know your statement was meant to denigrate a specific group of people, so why dont you just come right out and say what you mean and i will respond to it.

M*W: I was not trying to denigrate anyone. I was offering good advice for prostate health.

I have nothing to learn from you regarding sexuality, i know about the human mind and that is all i need to know.

M*W: I have offered no advice about the human mind. The advice I have offered is about a healthy prostate. I'm sure predators who take my advice to perpertrate the helpless are evil bastards that should be shot. I can only advise the less than healthy who wish to improve their prostate health. I don't know where you're going with this, but I don't think we're on the same page. Anyone who would use sex to offend another is a perp and should be prosecuted by the extent of the law.

What are you talking about???
Did you even read the damn link?

Matthew 5:32 "But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery."
split marriages are hardly the ideal substance for a healthy society
Now how is not marrying a divorced woman going to solve anything?
certainly make a person think twice before getting divorced, and even married for that matter, what to speak of babies, STDs and the like
1 Corinthians 7:2 "Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband."

Now that is a damn shame, how the hell is one to avoid fornication when married?
in case you haven't noticed, husbands and wives do more for each other than bonking their brains out

1 Thessalonians 4:3 "For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication:"

If the human race had followed this bullshitbible, we would have not populated the earth!
if you read around the subject you can catch the drift

NASB: For this is the will of God, your sanctification; that is, that you abstain from sexual immorality; (NASB ©1995)GWT: It is God's will that you keep away from sexual sin as a mark of your devotion to him. (GOD'S WORD®)KJV: For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication:ASV: For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye abstain from fornication;BBE: For the purpose of God for you is this: that you may be holy, and may keep yourselves from the desires of the flesh;DBY: For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication;WEY: For this is God's will--your purity of life, that you abstain from fornication;WBS: For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from lewdness.WEB: For this is the will of God: your sanctification, that you abstain from sexual immorality,YLT: for this is the will of God -- your sanctification; that ye abstain from the whoredom,
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Did you even read the damn link?

1 Corinthians 7:2 "Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband."

Now that is a damn shame, how the hell is one to avoid fornication when married?

voluntary sexual intercourse between persons not married to each other
adultery: extramarital sex that willfully and maliciously interferes with marriage relations; "adultery is often cited as grounds for divorce"

If you are married to the woman, then it is not fornication, but is consumation of the marriage.
I thought this was interesting...

WORD HISTORY: The word fornication had a lowly beginning suitable to what has long been the low moral status of the act to which it refers. The Latin word fornix, from which fornicti, the ancestor of fornication, is derived, meant “a vault, an arch.” The term also referred to a vaulted cellar or similar place where prostitutes plied their trade. This sense of fornix in Late Latin yielded the verb fornicr, “to commit fornication,” from which is derived fornicti, “whoredom, fornication.” Our word is first recorded in Middle English about 1303.
