Former Plaintiff in Roe v Wade Asks Case To Be Overturned


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
The fact that the Christian right has co-opted Roe is old news, but the fact that she actually filed the motion -- or had anti-choice activists file it for her -- is brand spanking new.
The former plaintiff known as ''Jane Roe'' in the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court case that legalized abortion sought to have the case overturned in a motion filed Tuesday that asks the courts to consider new evidence that abortion hurts women.

Norma McCorvey, who joined the anti-abortion fight nearly 10 years ago and says she regrets her role in Roe v. Wade, said the Supreme Court's decision is no longer valid because scientific and anecdotal evidence that has come to light in the last 30 years has shown the negative effects of abortion. (Full text here)
The Christian Coalition has been cultivating this woman for years. She was destitute. They took her in, fed and clothed her, gave her little jobs she could handle and of course she feels she owes them. However, she may want to consult with Paula Jones on what the right wing does with women when they are no longer of political use.

According to several “biographies” she is not very well educated, comes from an abusive alcoholic background, and she has suffered most of her life from poverty and substance abuse. She has the need to be accepted and loved, as we all do, and this need has been met for her by the religious right to which she would have been vulnerable as a matter of course. To be fair, we can be reasonably certain that there is some merit to the claim that the “feminists” who used her to challenge the prevailing abortion laws exploited her as well.

I have often felt that there is a middle class elitism that tends to undercut the contemporary progressive movement. It is this elitism that has allowed progressives to spend the past 35 years guaranteeing a place for wealthy, well educated women and minority people in the corporate boardrooms of America while ignoring the educational and material needs of our working poor.

The sad truth of this woman's life is that either by choice or circumstance she has been at the mercy of other people with their own agendas.

:m: Peace.
Well, I'm glad that she's turned around on this issue. It's very important to me that abortion be illegal in America, because what this nation truely needs is more parrents who are less qualified to raise a child. We just don't have enough of those already.
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Dworkin's "Right Wing Women" captures the mentality perfectly.

I am rather curious as to whether she has any real legal precedent for doing this, though.


Should settle it.
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What? Isn't she ever happy?

So ...

If the courts were to overturn Roe v. Wade per the request, does that mean Ms. McCorvey goes to prison?

She can't take back the abortion, so she wants to take everything else back?

Oh ... that's right. Ex post facto.

But this may be the ultimate problem of American arrogance.

Hi! The law doesn't reflect what I want, so I'm going to sue to have the law changed ....

Thirty years later:

Hi! I changed my mind, so I'd like to sue to have the law changed back.

No, Ms. McCorvey, the courts are not your personal plaything subject to your whim and fancy.

Tiassa :cool: