For ze Christians: Murder and heaven


Fully Realized
Valued Senior Member
Correct me if I am wrong, but does Christianity suggest that if the most sinful amongst us (murderer + rapist + sodomist :rolleyes: + thief, etc) dies by the hands of another, his sins are forgiven? If so what if that sinner asked to be killed? Does it still stand?
God can forgive these sins only if the sinner repents of them. The man would probably not directly go to heaven though. They would probably 2000 years or so in purgatory. Also the baptism of blood taught by the Catholic church would mean that the sinner has to die doing the service of God.

Correct me if I am wrong, but does Christianity suggest that if the most sinful amongst us (murderer + rapist + sodomist + thief, etc) dies by the hands of another, his sins are forgiven?
No. Maybe you are thinking the thief on the cross. He was forgiven but he also repented on the cross.
They would probably 2000 years or so in purgatory.

So there is time in Heaven ? And its 2000 years on the 24 hrs/day system with the sun/earth & everyhting ? And does thsi eprson age in this time ? Also if his life is eternal in heaven (I assume , or does he die there as well ?) then what relevance does 2000 years have ? Wouldnt it mean exactly the same as 3000 years within forever ?

Correct me if I am wrong, but does Christianity suggest that if the most sinful amongst us (murderer + rapist + sodomist + thief, etc) dies by the hands of another, his sins are forgiven?

I do think there could be a relevance in this : Does anyone have the original text of where such is implied ?

Obviously the political motives are a possibility with such political effects this might bring (death-penalty) .

But I like it , I think its great that the sins of violators is to be forgiven at the hand of the avenger :D

Does it matter within Christianity who is kiling him and why ? Oh I forgot Christianity doesnt imply such according to Okinrus : Well you cant both be right and since I have no clue , who can clear this up ?

I wonder how Qu'ran & Hadith stand on this issue as well :confused: ?
I see no mention of this in the Bible. I'm going with Okinrus on this one that you can only be forgiven if you repent and know Christ's has already payed for your sins. but I don't believe in purgatory. I see no mention of this in the Bible either. Not to refute your veiws okinrus, we agree on many things, but could you explain why you believe in purgatory and where this is mentioned in the Bible.

In Christ's love,

Originally posted by okinrus
They would probably 2000 years or so in purgatory.

How exactly did you compute that number?

By the by, 2000 years is basically nothing beside eternity. Considering that, how could any finite amount of time in Purgatory ever suffice? The penance is inconsequential when compared to the pursuant reward.
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and god said "The heavens and earth will pass away..."

Once that happens you christians will all be homeless :D

Having said that, you can disregard the silly notion that you'll be in heaven for "eternity".