For your protection, citizen

I'm not alone ....

Roman said:

You guys ever wonder if the guns you own to protect your rights aren't actually doing anything?

Wow, you mean I'm not the only one who noticed? I mean, usually I use a silly example about showing pornography on a Saturday morning on CBS, so ... yeah, good eye.
Do we have a right to cell phones? I missed that part of the constitution. Still, it seems counter productive. First Responders could get good intel from cell phone callers.
the key phrase is "in a pinpointed fashion".
surely you can see the logic behind this action.
why do you consider that a bad thing roman?

Do we have a right to cell phones? I missed that part of the constitution. Still, it seems counter productive. First Responders could get good intel from cell phone callers.

Roman see's the "boogie man" everywhere.:rolleyes:

Government's a slippery slope. They're spying on us in the name of terrorism. The government kidnaps US residents and sends them over seas to be tortured if they suspect them of terrorist activity. The state has used a heightened state of alert to clamp down on civil liberties since 9/11. This is just one more weapon in their arsenal.

But I guess as long as you get to drink your lattes and burn blood oil, it's cool.
Bill was taking a leak in the men's room when suddenly he heard gunshots and screams coming from the lobby. He quickly zipped up and ran to the bathroom's supply closet, where he hid behind some mops and buckets. A few moments later a masked man with an assault rifle burst into the bathroom. The terrorist looked around briefly, seemed to conclude that there weren't any potential victims/hostages in the bathroom, and shouted something to his compatriots out in the lobby in some strange, nine-eleveny-sounding language. Bill was terrified, and didn't know what to do. He thought about calling the police, but didn't know if there were still any terrorists in the bathroom who might notice him if he made any noise.

Hours passed, and Bill finally worked up the courage to poke his head out of the closet and take a quick look around. He carefully glanced out the door, being sure to note how many terrorists there were, what sorts of weapons they were armed with, and what corner of the lobby the terrorists were keeping the hostages in. Feeling proud of himself and very relieved that he hadn't been spotted during his glance out the bathroom door, Bill retreated back to his closet and took out his trusty cell phone so that he could call the police and tell them what he had learned. bars...oh well.

But I guess as long as you get to drink your lattes and burn blood oil, it's cool.

I don't do them, never have, never will. I just don't listen to people who only want to stir the pot and watch other react to their pathetic words.:rolleyes:
Doesn't it worry you that the police forces of American cities are the size of small militaries? The NYPD has more than 37,000 officers and an annual budget of 3.9 billion.
1. New York City has a population of about 18 million, so 37k officers means they have one policeman for every 486 people.

2. In the U.S. there are 657k total police for a population of 300 million, so the nation in general has one policeman for every 456 people.

3. This means that there are actually fewer cops/person in NYC than the national average.

4.Virtually all the other western countries have around 1 cop per 400-500 people. (Except Italy, which has about 1 cop per 200 people. I guess they like law and order.)

5. The fact that you didn't think to check any of this before you posted your little rant indicates that you are a dumbass.
1. New York City has a population of about 18 million, so 37k officers means they have one policeman for every 486 people.

2. In the U.S. there are 657k total police for a population of 300 million, so the nation in general has one policeman for every 456 people.

3. This means that there are actually fewer cops/person in NYC than the national average.

4.Virtually all the other western countries have around 1 cop per 400-500 people. (Except Italy, which has about 1 cop per 200 people. I guess they like law and order.)

5. The fact that you didn't think to check any of this before you posted your little rant indicates that you are a dumbass.

Actually, I did check this.
One noticeable difference I found in Europe was the number of cops in London- they had almost 50% more than NYC and with a smaller population. The areas are different, however. Tokyo also had a similar ratio; about 300:1.

For reference, there are around 3 million people in the US armed forces, for a population of about 300,000,000. The ratio of soldiers to citizens is 100:1. (Half of these are reserve personnel.)

As for spending, the price per officer in NYC is about 100k/year.
Per US military personnel, per year, is 237k/year. If you leave out nukes, research & development, the VA, and discretionary/emergency spending, the cost per soldier is closer to 140k/year.

It seems to me that, comparatively, NYC has got its own little army.
Still, it seems counter productive. First Responders could get good intel from cell phone callers.
good point. cops can also get good info too.
hmmm . . . this isn't so cut and dry is it?

They're spying on us in the name of terrorism.
the system spies on you as a matter of course.
i'm sure you are aware of military spy satellites and goodies such as echelon and carnivore. google earth is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to spying. military satellites can read your license number in real time. if you've been convicted of a crime then you need to know all about PROMIS.
our good friend microsoft has been busted more than once for engineering back doors into their operating systems.
the system spies on you as a matter of course.
i'm sure you are aware of military spy satellites and goodies such as echelon and carnivore. google earth is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to spying. military satellites can read your license number in real time. if you've been convicted of a crime then you need to know all about PROMIS.
our good friend microsoft has been busted more than once for engineering back doors into their operating systems.

And this makes the government any less dangerous, how?
The government isn't the problem, it is those who run it seeing boogie men everywhere that are.:(
And this makes the government any less dangerous, how?
not at all.
i just find it ironic that you would get unglued over something like you posted.
the stuff i posted is a hell of a lot more invasive than shutting off your phone.