For your consideration.. 3 Rocks

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Registered Senior Member
Onward and Forward...

3 different (rocks)

These were the rocks/artifacts that sent me on my trip to the funny farm. Yet no one seem's to think they are of any consequence. And I just can't understand why it isn't obvious to all that they are painted/covered/edited/altered.

Rock 1 ***************************************

Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Pic 4

Rock 2 ***************************************

Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Pic 4

Rock 3 ***************************************

Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Pic 4
Pic 5
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By God! These terrible rocks, they'll destroy us all! Won't someone please think of the children?!

Want to at least bother to make some wildly unsupportable claims about these rocks, or are you going to leave it to us to figure out what lame brained idea you've got about 'em this time?
And I just can't understand why it isn't obvious to all that they are painted/covered/edited/altered.

Have you considered the possibility that maybe it's because they <b>aren't</b> painted/covered/edited/altered?
Mysty, he's gone from speculation to mere implication; it's strongly consistent with the progression of the way he expresses things. Now he leaves it to the people on his favourite sites to say the things he wants to say.
Again with these rocks. Alright, let's play at this as you wish. The only thing that is obvious are compression errors on the image caused by the resizing and color editing of the image as saved in jpeg format...which was done by you, either with Adobe, Jasc, or another image editing software.

With images one and three; I have looked at the full scale NASA images, and I am at a loss to find ANY obvious signs of deliberate editing of the images other then the fact that each image is actually a combination of many images. There is no pixilation or un-natural uniformity from on pixel to the next...So, if it is so obvious, then please point it out. As far as image two; I will agree that is does appear to be an oddity, but that has been fully address here: My post, and those of others, do their part to explain this.

You keep bouncing around from one image to the next, but inevitably end up recycling them in new posts. First there was a rock, then another rock, then some "alien with a long neck and ears", then the snakes...and now you are back to your original rocks again. Do you think that we have forgotten, or that it is suddenly going to pop out at us after looking at it for the 100th time? Have your forgotten that you have yet to even counter our original explanations (the first, second, and third time around)?

So, again, let us start here. Let us go point-counter point with this. Don't get belligerent, don't get frustrated...just answer the questions with real explanations or evidence, and we will do the same.
its such a shame that people's minds are so narrow-minded these days, it truly will be the end of mankind.

these rocks are obviously a bit strange, look at their size. why would one rock be huge in a HUMUNGOUS FIELD of tinier rocks?

rock 3 seems to have something that looks somewhat like a dirt road or runway going around it...

and thirdly, their eliptical (and identical) shape: when all the other rocks are jagged

guys, open your eyes! forget your negative posts, just look at the pic, and think about what you think of them. that's all there is to it :)
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zonabi said:
its such a shame that people's minds are so narrow-minded these days, it truly will be the end of mankind.

these rocks are obviously a bit strange, look at their size. why would one rock be huge in a HUMUNGOUS FIELD of tinier rocks?

Why the fuck not?

rock 3 seems to have something that looks somewhat like a dirt road or runway going around it...

and thirdly, their eliptical (and identical) shape: when all the other rocks are jagged

guys, open your eyes! forget your negative posts, just look at the pic, and think about what you think of them. that's all there is to it :)

If you guys wanted to play "pictures in the clouds," why didn't you say so? The others are purporting far vaster implications of these human-mind-created patterns found in ROCKS.

these rocks are obviously a bit strange, look at their size. why would one rock be huge in a HUMUNGOUS FIELD of tinier rocks?

In the centre of Australia, in the middle of the desert, is an enormous rock, surrounded by very tiny rocks (sand), and a few somewhat smaller ones many kilometres away. It is called Uluru (search the web if you haven't heard of it, and you'll find many pictures).

Are we to assume it was put there by aliens, or that all photos of it have been faked?

I seem to remember climbing it, but perhaps it was all a dream.
I found a lot of strange rocks in Egypt trust me I looked real close at them for 6 months turns out they were all just rocks. Strange.

Why cant Mars have rocks that look strange earth does. The only rocks we know are rocks from earth and a few from the moon. I wonder what the rocks on Venus look like. I bet with an atmosphere like that some strange geology would happen. I belief theres a better chance of life on venus then on mars.
The fact is , is that there are a lot of strange rocks/objects on mars , in the past 2 weeks the mars rovers have taken photos of some stunning objects.

Even a possible road and statue
Correction...what might LOOK like a road or statue to someone who is looking for a road or statue. I've seen the pictures and I'm more than unconvinced. They are obviously natural formations.
With all due respect for someone in despair, I think this says it all:

"my trip to the funny farm"

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