for Xev (and anyone who likes cute things)

Thanks Xenu!

I've got the normal one, but the Santa one I have not seen! That is sooooo cute!

*Xev grins and realizes what she'll give herself for Xmas*

I'm impressed. I think every greater threat to the lief and liberty of the human race should be made into soft toys. :)
Adam: Fuck you.


Cthulhu is the alien God-monster from H.P Lovecraft's horror stories. It's a joke religion that I claim to be a priestess of.
Is Cthulhu popular in the US NOW? It was over here too, about ten years are so late.
"The best approximation one can make is to grunt, bark, or cough the imperfectly formed syllables Cluh-Luh with the tip of the tongue firmly affixed to the roof of the mouth.

.. oh i hope the neighbors arn't watching... hahaha..
definately odd.... i always thought it was "chew-lew"...

kindof a freaky looking feller though. :eek:
Thought it was kuh-thoolhoo.

And it really doesn't seem to be too popular where I live, then again, in the word's of my friend psycho potatoe, I live in 'some little redneck town,' so generally any fashion or trend from the rest of the world tends to be ignored.

I once saw a guy walking ahead of me with a shirt that had a picture of a dog winking, and on top of the dog it said something like 'you da dog,' or 'whats up, dog?' It was the most unbelievably stupid shirt I've ever, ever seen and when I had safetly cleared myself from the area I proceeded to burst out laughing but no one could figure out why until tear-eyed I told them a few minutes later.

Popular trends for 'some little redneck town in the vicinity of acadia national park:'

-Annoying accent that makes you sound like a combination of Elmer Fud and a texan who has never left the county he lives in. How this accent developed is beyond any human mind.

-Gaining significant amounts of weight, then claiming that you 'like being big.' (someone actually said this as an excuse to not getting regular excersize from our health teacher)

oh yeah, what are you going to do it about it?:bugeye:
create a linux version called Cthulhu ZX?:p

just wondering
Originally posted by Bebelina
Is Cthulhu popular in the US NOW? It was over here too, about ten years are so late.

Bebelina, I hail from a .uk address and have known of The Great One for 20 years or more. But that's just me.

I want a cuddly Cthulhu for my car.
Yes, it was popular here too 20 years ago, among twelve year old boys, but being a girl I only heard of it ten years ago. When those who where boys then, told me about their idyllic childhood playing roleplaying games, the pen and paper variant, while gubbling chips and cheesedoodles and worrying about zits.
I was busy with other things at that age, as ballet dancing, collecting paper cutouts of cute celebrities and singing along to the hits in front of the mirror and getting terribly embarrased if someone walked in on me. :eek:
