For vincent28uk: What is a Witch?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
vincent28uk has provided sciforums with the following teaching moment:

What is a Witch?

"Witch" comes from the Anglo-Saxon wicce (meaning witch), which in turn derives from an Indo-European root word meaning to bend or change or do magic/religion (making it related to "wicker," "wiggle," and even "vicar"). It is possibly also related to the Old Norse vitki (meaning wizard), derived from root words meaning "wise one" or "seer." "Warlock" (rarely used, for male Witches) is from the Old Norse var?lokkur, "spirit song" (not "oath-breaker"). Related words are "Pagan," meaning a country dweller, and "Heathen," a dweller on the heath, both of which peoples were the European equivalent of the Native Americans and other indigenous, nature-worshipping people.

Today, a Witch is a woman or man who practices a life-affirming, Earth- and nature-oriented religion, honoring Divinity in female as well as (or instead of) male aspects, and practicing Magic (which some Witches spell "magick," to distinguish it from stage illusions). There are many different traditions of Witches, encompassing many beliefs in addition to these. Some traditions are practiced by women only, and recognize only the Divine Feminine, the Goddess. Others include men and recognize a male god in addition to the Goddess. Some traditions may date back to before the Spanish Inquisition, others have been in existence for only a few years. The strength of the Witches' religion (also called "the Craft" or "Wicca") lies in its diversity; it is a living, growing religious tradition.

Witchcraft today may be seen as the sum total of all a Witch's practices, including but not limited to: spellcasting, divination ("fortune telling"), meditation, herbalism, ritual and ritual drama, singing and dancing to raise energy, healing, clairvoyance and other psychism, creative mythology, and more.

As a religion, the Craft is a revival and/or reconstruction of the pre-Christian religions of Europe, especially Northern Europe (giving us Celtic or Norse traditions), sometimes elsewhere (giving us Graeco-Roman, Egyptian, or Levantine traditions). Many of us have turned for inspiration to the still-living indigenous traditions of other lands, such as Australia, Asia, India, and the Americas. Some of us , recognizing that we are American Witches, work with deities and land-spirits of local Amerindian tribes, though we do not claim to be members of any Amerindian tradition. As Margot Adler, a Witchcraft authority, has written, "The real tradition of the Craft is creativity."
Medicine Woman
Destroyer of Evil Xianity (995 posts)

Today, 01:01 AM
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vincent28uk has provided sciforums with the following teaching moment:

What is a Witch?

what is a witch mw
thats a tough one because i cannot see you

however if you look in the mirror you can answer your own question
only watch the mirror does not break thats 7 years bad luck
and with all the mirrors you probably broke over the years you dont need anymore bad luck

and if you cast no reflection in the mirror that means your a vampire witch
hope that clarifies things

vincent28uk: what is a witch mw
thats a tough one because i cannot see you

however if you look in the mirror you can answer your own question
only watch the mirror does not break thats 7 years bad luck
and with all the mirrors you probably broke over the years you dont need anymore bad luck

and if you cast no reflection in the mirror that means your a vampire witch
hope that clarifies things

M*W: You must watch a lot of TV in your cave. I like what I see in the mirror, and I never have bad luck. But a few of my 12 closest friends came over tonight to read all your Islamanoid posts. Then we just sat around in a circle as we lit 13 black candles with your name written in bat's blood on parchment paper while we enjoyed smoking natural herbal cigarettes and singing 'Kumbaya' to you.

To make the evening more interesting, we placed a replica of the British flag in the middle of the circle while burning Evil Eye Oil in your name. Last, but not least, as we passed the peyote pipe to the four winds, North, West and South, we each crashed a mirror in the direction of the East. After all, you come from the East and you're in the direction of East from our magick. Our broken mirrors will make you have a bad reflection in your home country and in your new country. You will never be able to save face again in your entire life. There is nothing more worthless than a shamed Asian. Consider yourself shamed for all time. It's coming in clear now. I can see your destiny. You will be brutally murdered by a dark-skinned man wearing a black ski mask. What is that he has in his hand? It looks... it looks... like a very sharp sword. You're bound and in an inferior position... wait... you're being videotaped... but it's only aired on Islamic TV! So no one hears your cries of fear. No one cares. You have shamed your family.

The first witches belief is, "First, do no harm." You have harmed many. You are the terrorist. The second witches belief is "Be careful what you wish for -- you just might get it!" Your evil thoughts will destroy you. Medicine*Woman sees a good drug in your future called Seroquel.
I'm the warlock, I will cast a spell on Vincent.

Vincent the next time you post racist bs, you will be incompetent in bed. Your woman will leave you shribling prick, that won't be able to rise to the occasion, unless you make love to a muslim woman, however your hatred will keep you from performing this act. So your f*cked!!. (evil laugh of warloc)ho,ho,ha,ha.

is this the muslim looney straightjacket thread

sorry im in the wrong thread

im neather witch nor wizard, but i hear mothers calling, i can hear it on the wind and in the trees, she is calling for you vincent, can you hear it to
Uncle Bob is riding shotgun (1,208 posts)

Today, 11:24 AM
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im neather witch nor wizard, but i hear mothers calling, i can hear it on the wind and in the trees, she is calling for you vincent, can you hear it to

no uncle bob i dont hear voices, but i am very sad too hear your hearing voices
what do these voices tell you bob
to murder women of the night

get well soon uncle bob
medicine woman threating a citizen of the queen and country
is a very dangerous pastime, your ip adress has been noted, and a mi5 agent is being despatched
james bond: medicine woman threating a citizen of the queen and country is a very dangerous pastime, your ip adress has been noted, and a mi5 agent is being despatched
M*W: I gave vincent28uk the medicine he needed for his delusions. It will protect the Queen and Country from his terrorism. Allah Save the Queen!
Originally Posted by Medicine Woman
There is nothing more worthless than a shamed Asian.

Really? I would have thought there were some more useless things. Strange what you learn when you listen to witches. It must be true because you have all that magick and peyote and all.
"First, do no harm."

You guys borrowed that from the Hippocratic oath, didn't you?
Well, with that little ritual you did, medicine woman, based upon knowledge only on the online person you have seen, and through no personal contact/vibes, you have just harmed yourself. The quote is NOT "First, Do no harm." BUT "An it harm none, do as you will". With that, it also says that upon doing ANYTHING to someone, it will come back 3 fold (3 times as strong).

If i am reading what you posted right, then you have just given yourself some pretty bad stuff.

BTW, there is no real "warlock"... a male is also known as a witch. Females are also known as witches. (If they practice wicca or some other spell-related religion.)

All witches are pagan, but not all pagans are witches.
Medicine Woman said:
But a few of my 12 closest friends came over tonight to read all your Islamanoid posts.

The first witches belief is, "First, do no harm." You have harmed many. You are the terrorist.
Your Christianoid posts have harmed many people as well. And so 50% of your curse spells will backfire and fall on your head. ;)
What? Has nobody figured out that Vincent28UK is an Islamic propagandist attempting to stir sentiment against the west by behaving as a caricature of a stereotypical "dumb-assed Westerner"?

I mean, really ... I've known many an American as stupid as Vincent28UK presents himself, but generally speaking, those folks don't know how to navigate the internet. What's the idiot-density index under the Crown? Vincent28UK is a farcical ruse. We only pay tribute by giving him any attention at all.