For those of you interested in a serious debate

I am posting in this so I can find the thread later, when I have a chance to read the debate.
here's my favourite part of post 1

I cannot, of course, prove that there is no supervising deity who invigilates my every moment and who will pursue me even after I am dead. (I can only be happy that there is no evidence for such a ghastly idea, which would resemble a celestial North Korea in which liberty was not just impossible but inconceivable.) But nor has any theologian ever demonstrated the contrary. This would perhaps make the believer and the doubter equal—except that the believer claims to know, not just that God exists, but that his most detailed wishes are not merely knowable but actually known. Since religion drew its first breath when the species lived in utter ignorance and considerable fear, I hope I may be forgiven for declining to believe that another human being can tell me what to do, in the most intimate details of my life and mind, and to further dictate these terms as if acting as proxy for a supernatural entity. This tyrannical idea is very much older than Christianity, of course, but I do sometimes think that Christians have less excuse for believing, let alone wishing, that such a horrible thing could be true. Perhaps your response will make me reconsider?
We follow Christ, not men, first of all, and to say that any man knows all God's detailed wishes is foolish. We revere what is written in the Bible, which has not changed for millenia, and has been the primary roadmap for archaology in the Middle East in modern times, so there is good reason to see the Bible as accurate history, and so, it is the manual for Christians, we repeat what is written for instruction, we don't make stuff up expediently, as Hitchens is doing.
We follow Christ, not men, first of all, and to say that any man knows all God's detailed wishes is foolish. We revere what is written in the Bible, which has not changed for millenia, and has been the primary roadmap for archaology in the Middle East in modern times, so there is good reason to see the Bible as accurate history, and so, it is the manual for Christians, we repeat what is written for instruction, we don't make stuff up expediently, as Hitchens is doing.

You're saying that today's King James bible has NOT changed ONE BIT since the original Hebrew/Aramaic/Greek bible?? Pfft. Please.
There's that part about Jesus' mother Mary being a virgin, when actually it is properly translated "young girl".
We follow Christ, not men, first of all, and to say that any man knows all God's detailed wishes is foolish. We revere what is written in the Bible, which has not changed for millenia, and has been the primary roadmap for archaology in the Middle East in modern times, so there is good reason to see the Bible as accurate history, and so, it is the manual for Christians, we repeat what is written for instruction, we don't make stuff up expediently, as Hitchens is doing.

M*W: First of all, men wrote the bible, so you follow men. King James was strange, even at his best. Some historians say he was homosexual, but all historians say he had his version of the bible written according to his own vision. In other words, it was not copied word for word.

The problem with any version of the bible is that much has been lost in translation (again, done by men). The KJV has more than 3,000 errors compared to the originals (if there were any to be found).

The unfortunate thing about the bible is that all the translations that exist today didn't come from any originals. They are exponential copies of copies.

All the horrible events in the bible could be explained in many ways other than the way they were written (by man). The only way to logically interpret the bible, especially the NT, is astro-theologically. Don't get me wrong. It's still myth, but that's the only way it makes sense.
M*W: First of all, men wrote the bible, so you follow men. King James was strange, even at his best. Some historians say he was homosexual, but all historians say he had his version of the bible written according to his own vision. In other words, it was not copied word for word.

The problem with any version of the bible is that much has been lost in translation (again, done by men). The KJV has more than 3,000 errors compared to the originals (if there were any to be found).

The unfortunate thing about the bible is that all the translations that exist today didn't come from any originals. They are exponential copies of copies.

All the horrible events in the bible could be explained in many ways other than the way they were written (by man). The only way to logically interpret the bible, especially the NT, is astro-theologically. Don't get me wrong. It's still myth, but that's the only way it makes sense.


IAC knows this. It has been discussed to ashes and dust; everyone and their mother knows it. Even a lot of Christians know that there has been some scripture lost in translation; there are even books that were omitted, by men, yet he still will not accept/acknowledge it. Can't we just treat him like a bratty, needy little kid vying for attention; by ignoring him?

IAC knows this. It has been discussed to ashes and dust; everyone and their mother knows it. Even a lot of Christians know that there has been some scripture lost in translation; there are even books that were omitted, by men, yet he still will not accept/acknowledge it. Can't we just treat him like a bratty, needy little kid vying for attention; by ignoring him?

M*W: Good advice. I guess in a way I sort of felt sorry for the guy. I see him as a lonely old man who is desperately trying to get a little bit of attention, but he doesn't know how. All he knows is how to scrape a few words together which most of the time make no sense whatever. Not only does he not know how to debate, he can't even carry a brief conversation of more than a handful of simple words. I even question his ability to read coherently, so his bible reading probably never occurs. By believing what has been spoon fed to him, he doesn't have to do any work at all... not even read, just blindly believe. IAC sure has a lot of posts for having said nothing.