For ripleofdeath, and anyone else who'd like to join in


Adult Supervision Required
Registered Senior Member
To ripleofdeath who posted this in another thread, as a response to my suggestion of exploiting a hypothetical fortune telling ability:

so that I may exploit this mystic power of mine.


very sad!

I'm not sure that I understand your meaning.

Yes exploitation can be a bad thing, especialy when used as a cultural buzz word which envokes images of aisian children laboring away in sweat shops, with armed guards who force them to continue working in conditions which are intolerable, It certainly isn't a pleasen't thing.

We could argue weather the American companies which do this are the real problem or if it's the country's own economic condition, and the fault of their own government, which alows and often encourages such things to happen, who are at fault, but that's really neither here nor there in the context of this thread.

Despite all that I'm not sure why taking full advantage of an inherent abillity of your own, is "Very sad" by which I can only assume you mean moraly objectable.

I'm afraid that you'll have to be more clear about what you mean if you want a better responce than this from me. If you wish to discuss it further, derailing other threads isn't the best way to start a new topic of conversation, which is why I decided to start a new thread for this particular topic.
self fullfilling prophaceys
start in the mind of the self proclaimed profit.
look to your heart!
i have no objection if you wish to try and use me as your displacement of self flagilation!

i hope you are not a born-again christian!

you have miss-interpreted my intent as a "normal" person might.

if english is your first language then you should be more carefull in the manner in which you use the word exploit.

EXPLOITATION ... starts in the mind... not the sweat shops!
who bought the guns?
who employed the ...?(peasants?)
who takes the time to choose a way to make ... profit?

your life is art!
if you have the privilage to live in a country that is not at war! then your life is more represented by your personal choices...
which in turn ingenders ART.

the manner in which you choose to post on the internet is infact a choice of ART by way of translation of ideas!

we dont always make the right choices!
but we all have the ability to CHANGE the way we do something FOR THE SECOND TIME.

i hope this post brings clarity! ... ?

peace light truth love
the path to that we hold above.
your life is art!
if you have the privilage to live in a country that is not at war! then your life is more represented by your personal choices...
which in turn ingenders ART.
You're the only person I've come across so far that understands this, Rip. It does cast life in a whole new context, does it not?

As to the rest of it, I would assume I have some reading to do before I know what's going on here, so I'll stay out of it.

But that was significant enough to note.

Tiassa :cool:
thankyou Tiassa...
for your thoughts on that concept...

i have great respect for the depth of openmindedness and true
scientific analysis that you expressly present in your posts and feel somewhat annoyed that i often find myself racing the clock to read your comprehensive posts.

as to your second to last sentence yes you are rite and who needs the agravation...
dificult descision to know when to try to help and when to
try not to help.

i had always assumed that all people who take the time to join and respond are interested in nurturing open debate...
sometimes it takes great concentration and enough mental relaxation to not RE-act with such deeply involved issues of
sociolgy/psychology/social engineering/knoledge sharing/
and constructive progressive psychological-comunal productive cohesion...
to know when to turn on the computer is quite often just as important to know when to not turn it on(turn off).

peace light truth love
the path to that we hold above
protect nurture teach and guide
the children will show us the other side.

:) :m: :cool: ;) :D kinda like an equation ....... aye?