For Jesus followers.


Valued Senior Member
Hello To all my fellow followers of The Messiah Jesus. :)

I have felt lead to post this message to you. To offer encouragement and lift you up in hope. This was written by My brother in Jesus WISDOM, a poster at my home forum. I offer it to you as we head into what i believe will be times of great tribulation.

By Wisdon
I love watching the World Olympics! All of the athletic events in the various sports are so exciting for me (an ex-athlete). When you've been involved in any type of sport which demands the training of both your body and mind, you appreciate that much more what has been accomplished by these "Olympians", regardless of what country they represent.

However, probably the one which has garnered my attention more than any of the others has been the running of the 26 miles "Marathon". It is not only grueling, but a vast amount of strategy is put into the preparation for running the race. And it truly is "THE RACE". Uphill, downhill, straight roads, and curves....they're all there.

My hat has always been off to any marathoners. One reason is because I hate to run long distance! I was always a sprinter. And even though I had to train my body well for it, I was only looking at covering a maximum distance of 200 meters (called the 220 in my days). I'd also sprint the 100 meter (100 yard dash in my day....hee hee), and the 4x100 relay (called the....that's right, you got it...440 relay IN MY DAY!)

But getting back to the long distance runner.....I was always fascinated by these males/females who could run like they had a oxygen tank inside their chest! As I watched the women run this past weekend I couldn't help but think about YOU and I as Christians going through this world in our current lives running "Heaven's Marathron". We may not be "running" in the true sense of the word, but yet...we are. As I watched an American runner (Deena Kastor) place third for a Bronze medal (first time a US woman has medaled in a loooooooong time), I couldn't help but feel overjoyed for her as she cried tears of joy once she reached the finish line. She had made it! All her months & years of hard work and faithfulness in her coach had paid off. She finished as one of the best in the world. And this is not to take anything away from either of the two runners who finished ahead of her ((Mizuki Noguchi (Gold-Japan) & Wincatherine Nyambura (Silver-Kenya)).

My point is that they FINISHED THE RACE! Even the VERY LAST woman finished the race to the cheers of the crowd on hand (except for a woman from Great Britain). And as I watched them do so, I was reminded of what the Apostle Paul had told young Timothy as Paul was preparing to go home to be with our LORD. He made it clear that he had "finished the race...". He had fought the good fight of faith. This is where YOU and I should want to the thick of the "race" with Heaven Heroes of Faith watching and cheering us on (Hebrews 12:1), as we run the race of faith through this world! When you read the 11th Chapter of Hebrews you can see the tribute our FATHER has paid to the Old Testament Saints who were our fore-runners/waymakers......our examples. By running the race, what I mean is this......they made the hard choices to follow after (or looking towards) the LORD/MESSIAH to seek his glory and grow in spiritual maturity.

If YOU read the chapter closely and "listen" to what the HOLY SPIRIT speaks through it to us you'll hopefully see how those Saints who ran the race already are testifying to us that the "race" is well worth running, and for us NOT to quit, but to ENDURE (the key factor) until we reach the "finish line". We have the greatest "COACH" in the world teaching us. The HOLY SPIRIT will teach us and help us remember our FATHER's Word (John 14:26). HE will testify about JESUS, our LORD and SAVIOUR (John 15:26). JESUS HIMSELF sent HIM to be with us (John 16:7). And all during "the race" it is HIS job to encourage and exhort YOU and I...especially when we're ready to give up. HE will NEVER draw attention to HIMSELF, because that would be contrary to HIS mission. Only to JESUS, the AUTHOR and FINISHER of our faith (Hebrews 12:2).

HE is our connection to Heaven during our run in this "marathon". Without HIM there would be no revelation, no conviction of sin, no sanctification, and no fruitful works. HE is the most significant and important factor in our discipleship because HE is the LINK between YOU and the FATHER. HE is the "COACH" JESUS CHRIST sent back, with the responsibility to bring us to the "finish line". Most important, HE helps us to understand SPIRITUAL TRUTHS.

GOD doesn't want YOU and I to be downtrodden with worry and anxiety while we run HIS marathon (John 14:1-4). We're to throw off any "weights" that burden us. Don't try to be YOUR OWN "Saviour". Like a friend of mine use to say, "it ain't gonna work". You and I cannot purify ourselves. It's already been done by CHRIST. YOU cannot make yourself right before GOD...our righteousness is seen through CHRIST. YOUR sinful choices have been paid for, but YOU are not suppose to go out here and act like you have "carte blanc" to commit sinful acts! So if you think you can run this race by being your own "saviour", you eventually WILL drop out! Sinful choices tempt us and pitfalls await us, IF we are not paying attention. It isn't the burden of your past sin, but the opportunity for today's sin that will entangle you and trip YOU up if you aren't careful. YOU need to know your weaknesses well enough to avoid these "sins that so easily beset us".

HEAVEN'S Marathon IS NOT a 100 meter sprint. It is a long distance ENDURANCE run....and I do mean LONG DISTANCE! It begins when we receive JESUS CHRIST as our SAVIOUR, and ends when YOU and I walk through the Gates of Heaven (the finish line). It might be a 20, 40, 60, 80, or in some cases 100 (or more) year event. However, the beauty of this race is we can all get the "GOLD". There is no first, second, third, etc, place finishing. We DO NOT compete against each other, although some DON'T quite understand that! This IS NOT a "SOAPBOX" marathon (He/She that has an ear, hear what the SPIRIT is speaking). It isn't a "race of works"; it's a "race of faith". JESUS endured it as our example. HE did not quit. HE did not call down a legion of angels, as was HIS right to save HIM. No....HE endured to the end. And so should YOU and I. That is what we are called to do, and it is what brings HONOR to our FATHER.

Everyday as YOU start off your morning back in the race, it's important to be honest with yourself. Make it clear in your mind that the race will be difficult. Unless YOU have an "SC" (Super-Christian) on your chest, this is a reality we need to face daily. We are enthusiastic to run, but honesty requires that we be told that the race WILL BE pressure-filled and demanding. This is what the HOLY SPIRIT does, but if YOU listen carefully you will always hear HIM say, "FEAR NOT" (JESUS CHRIST'S favorite command to us in HIS WORD). Like our SAVIOUR, we will suffer at times precisely because we are doing the right thing, and we're living a GODly life that is honorable to our FATHER. Satan will launch vicious attacks to cause YOU to stumble in the thick of the race. But should you fall....GET UP, dust yourself off, then start YOUR pace again. CHRIST will help YOU up to YOUR feet, and get YOU started again. If YOU decide to give up and "lay down-stay down", the Enemy will put his foot on your neck/throat in order to try and KEEP YOU DOWN! A world system that hates CHRIST will hate YOU and I at times also. We're in the world system, BUT NOT OF IT! When YOU feel like "dropping out", remember......there is a "great cloud of witnesses" cheering YOU on. They were ordinary people just like us who because of their race and determination to finish it did extraordinary things.

During the "race" whatever situation(s) we find ourselves in, we are to trust our FATHER to bring us through (Romans 8:28). GOD knows exactly what HE is doing by allowing certain things to befall YOU and I. HE ought to be our trust, although at times it will feel like we are being treated with hostility for no good reason, except that we belong to CHRIST. Regardless,..... CONTINUE to RUN THE "RACE"! Keep YOUR eyes fixed on JESUS CHRIST. HE endured. HE did not faint. HE did not drop out of the race. We should make the same choice....that's what we are "called" into HIS Body to do! Sometimes it is our responsibility (although many of YOU don't want to hear this) to accept ill-treatment. Because we are HIS, we have to take our lumps at times. REMAIN DISCIPLINED! The difficulties we face all have a purpose. GOD reserves certain things for HIMSELF and HE doesn't share them with YOU and I at this time. I believe that in Eternity, we will know EVERYTHING all about ourselves more fully. Right now while we're running the race, our understanding of the events in our lives (and those of others) is limited, because our FATHER hasn't given YOU and I full understanding of the underlying causes and effects involved. I do believe though, that when the "race" is over and HE does, we will agree that HE did it all correctly!

During this race we should NEVER regard lightly the DISCIPLINE of our FATHER. NONE OF IT should ever be treated as "VALUELESS" (Hebrews 12:5-11....Proverbs 3:11-12). Learn to cooperate with it, EVEN IF it makes YOU angry. Learn to hear the voice of our FATHER who cares enough about us to make us what we really desire to be deep down inside. By now if YOU are like I am, YOU know at times it will be difficult...even frightening. But GOD knows within YOU and I there needs to be some things changed and others challenged. DON'T make the mistake of confusing HIS discipline with HIS punishment. Discipline ALWAYS attempts to build something, having as its purpose BEAUTY, MATURITY, and SUCCESS. HE wants us to be ALL that we can be. This is the evidence of HIS LOVE for YOU and I, while we run Heaven's marathon! HE restricts us, buffets us and demands of us what we DO NOT want to hear. HE makes us face things about ourselves we DO NOT want to face. If HE did not care, we wouldn't be HIS children, and we definitely would not be in this "race of faith".

We are "running a race" in a world system that is ANTAGONISTIC towards the things of the living GOD (Matthew 10:16-22). Everyday that YOU run this race try to remember regardless that there is GLORY on the "other side" where the finish line is, and be determined henceforth that YOU aren't going to quit. HE will not allow YOU to grow into an inadequate, arrogant, self-centered, and foolish-minded child of HIS. HE wants YOU to run the race continuously so HE can make something of the image of HIS SON. DON'T let your enfeeblements cause you to give up and throw in the towel. GET BACK IN! Drink some "water" (HIS Word)....tape up your ankles (YOUR Armour - Ephesians 6) the ones beside YOU to make it to the finish (Encourage/Exhort).

DON'T give Satan any advantage while YOU run! He is our Adversary/Enemy, and will try to prevent YOU and I from finishing the race and doing GOD's Will (John 8:44.....1 Peter 5:8-9). This is why problems come our way when we start really living for our FATHER (NOT just "talking-the-talk"). Every pitfall Satan can possibly put on our race track he will. He seeks to bring false charges and misrepresentations that will damage our reputation and ministry. He wants to slander everything about Heaven's marathon (Christianity). FEAR is his most effective weapon. During the race he wants us to fear what our family and friends might think of our Christian faith. He wants YOU and I to fear SHARING our faith and following our FATHER's will for our lives. BUT....remember what I said earlier. GOD HAS NOT given YOU and I a "spirit of fear", but of POWER, LOVE and A SOUND MIND (1 Timothy 1:7). DON'T let the "lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life" ruin YOUR race! Satan will try to pervert YOUR GOD-given desires. He will try to influence YOU to avoid the race, and read/watch/believe things that violate our FATHER's teachings in HIS Holy Word. The Enemy will even try to make YOU impress people by how well YOU "run the race". Listen, we face the VERY SAME entanglements those who have made it to Heaven before us did while they were running the race. The hinderances haven't changed. Like our FATHER, Satan is the SAME yesterday, today and tomorrow, BUT his doom has been sealed (Isaiah 14:15-17....Revelation 20:10)!! So when the race becomes difficult and YOU begin to lose HOPE, remember Romans 15:4!!!

So YOU say...well why does our FATHER leave us on this planet where Satan has so much influence and power? Why do we have to go through "HEAVEN'S Marathon"? The reason is to grow in HIS (GOD's) grace and knowledge, and to SPREAD the GOSPEL!!

There is no reason to fear Satan while we run the race of faith. He can ONLY do what he is allowed to by our DADDY! The power to defeat him is ALWAYS ONLY a prayer away. He is STILL no match for our AWESOME GOD! To win the race of faith we must keep our eyes on CHRIST at the finish line. HE is ALWAYS facing YOU. YOU are not ever looking at HIS back!! This is a marathon YOU CANNOT LOSE, IF YOU continue to trust the AUTHOR and NOT your feelings. SORRY looks Back.....WORRY looks Around......FAITH looks UP! STAY in "THE RACE"!

**He is NO FOOL Who Gives What He CANNOT Keep, For THAT Which He CANNOT LOSE!**

The End.

I hope you have got something out of this my Brothers and Sisters :) I did.

All praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar , good post...but....

It is like you made a good cake , very tasty....but before serving you added poison to it.

Faith is good but you will be stuck up in your spiritual progress there. it is like a school going kid having the faith that having the faith on the teacher being the savior it can get knowledge. Having faith on the teacher is needed but thinking that will give knowledge is foolish.

Jesus is a model to mankind to show how to live spiritual life and be eternal. But people have misunderstood what death and resurrection means. I would suggest you to watch Joseph campbell's power of myth on vedio or dvd (dont read the book).
Have faith and live your life but dont get into the false faith that someone is going to save you. that is never going to happen. For a growing plant water and sunlight and fertilizer is needed. sunlight is like the inner light in us, intellect is the fertilzer and faith is like the water. All three are needed. But you should know how to use them.

Fertilzer gives all the nutrition to the plant, but that doesnt mean you can put fertilizer (intellect) on top of the plant, I mean on lthe eaves or flower. it has to be applied on the roots. Similarly you should add strong intellectual foundation in your spiritual practice. Otherwise you will contradict not only with other people beleifs but you will also contradict within yourself.

Now comes watering the plant......water is needed, the faith. But if you water too much the plant is going to rot and die. faith is needed, but too much of faith will rot your life and your spiritual life will die prematurely.

What is important is turning the plant towards sunlight. The plant goes towards sunlight and that is what it is meant to. The sunlight is the inner light we all have. The inner light is not some where sitting in the clouds. It is in our self. We cant see it because we are so blinded. Heaven and hell are within us. God and satan are in us. These are not external factors. The more you see your inner light you understand there is no going to heaven and no savior. Your savior is the inner light and the inner peace is heaven. You have to get it right now in this life time. You get it or lose it. Nothing is after the death.

Like your own example, the race is in the stadium where olympics is conducted. You particiapte in the race and the winning prize is findign your inner strength, the inner light. There is nothing after the olympics. The stadium will be there but the event is over. Life and death is like that. The event is life and you you have to participate during the event (life) and death is for sure , which means the end of the event is definite.

You are the athelete and running is your spiritual practice and the destination is you, discovering your inner light.

This appears to be a sermon and Christian propaganda, and you didn't raise any issue for debate. You are contravening the posting rules for this forum.

This appears to be a sermon and Christian propaganda, and you didn't raise any issue for debate. You are contravening the posting rules for this forum.

Well i made very sure to direct it to followers of Jesus it was a letter from one Christian to others. and in the first paragraph i state clearly it is for Followers of Jesus. If you read the post you will see that it is Not a pitch to non- believers its totally focused on people who already believe So it is in no way directed at non- believers. As a non believer cris i do not doubt you obtained no benefit from it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Cris said:

This appears to be a sermon and Christian propaganda, and you didn't raise any issue for debate. You are contravening the posting rules for this forum.
Cris I think I found a debate in there for adstar and other Christians.

Adstar, this was a Christian metaphore that formed a parrallel between the marathon and the great race of life correct? The finish line metaphorically in your story was the ending of life and runners who ran it with God ascended into heaven in your parrallel of this real life event correct?

three questions if this is true (if I missed point forgive me).

1) Do you in your religion see life poetically in terms of symbolism (as in the story) and metaphores?

2) Does God have a vested interested in who wins the race and if so why?

3) If you story was a parable based on an actual event that was transformed from a sporting event to a battle for right wrong good it possible that the bible was constructed as parables (as a way for Christians to spread their faith) instead of actual events?

Cris said:

This appears to be a sermon and Christian propaganda, and you didn't raise any issue for debate. You are contravening the posting rules for this forum.

Why don't you go say the same thing about atheist propaganda threads?

Or threads that actually claim Jesus never existed.. :rolleyes:


1) Do you in your religion see life poetically in terms of symbolism (as in the story) and metaphores?

Not as far as I am conscious of. I don't make any effort to force it into such terms if that's what you mean.

2) Does God have a vested interested in who wins the race and if so why?

I wouldn't say a "vested interest". The Gospels speak of an 'elect' that God has preordained to "win the race". Therefore there can't be any such interest by God, since He knows who is going to finish. One more thing, the "race" is not a race to 'win', it is a race to finish. Otherwise, there is absolutely no way of determining who wins and who loses since the doctrine of the elect states that everyone finishes, or 'wins'.

3) If you story was a parable based on an actual event that was transformed from a sporting event to a battle for right wrong good it possible that the bible was constructed as parables (as a way for Christians to spread their faith) instead of actual events?

Parables don't offer carry a majestic and life-changing quality about them. See my thread in Human Science about the born again Christian. How else can one act of faith (accepting Christ), utterly and immediately change a human beings perspective on life?
Southstar based on your answers to questions one and three than do you believe that the Bible is factual in all (or most) events found therein instead of a book of morals constructed with parables?

Well i made very sure to direct it to followers of Jesus it was a letter from one Christian to others. and in the first paragraph i state clearly it is for Followers of Jesus.

Yes I noticed, which makes it inappropriate in a forum for everyone expecting debate and not a Christian witnessing and fellowship forum. There are many Christian websites designed for that – this isn’t one of them.

Why don't you go say the same thing about atheist propaganda threads?

Or threads that actually claim Jesus never existed..

Do any of those not request debate on the issue?
Cris said:

Yes I noticed, which makes it inappropriate in a forum for everyone expecting debate and not a Christian witnessing and fellowship forum. There are many Christian websites designed for that – this isn’t one of them.

:D Well any clear thinking person would read the exchange going on between Robtex and SouthStar and logically conclude that a debate is happening on this very thread.

And do you know what witnessing is???? Witnessing is when a Christian gives the message of the Gospel to a non-believer. So my post clearly directed to other Christians is not witnessing.

All praise The Ancient Of Days

Well any clear thinking person would read the exchange going on between Robtex and SouthStar and logically conclude that a debate is happening on this very thread.

LOL - so you've almost been rescued by others - but that wasn't your intent though.

And do you know what witnessing is???? Witnessing is when a Christian gives the message of the Gospel to a non-believer. So my post clearly directed to other Christians is not witnessing.

I agree - but this is an open public forum - you've probably noticed that there are non believers here. But then you do admit you were creating a vehicle for Christian fellowship by attempting to exclude all other valid members, right?