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midnatt klarhet
Registered Senior Member
Why do so many Christians not know that Lilith was the first woman? And why does no one know of the lore that says that she was created from the earth as was Adam as opposed to being created from his rib?
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Why do so many Christians not know that Lilith was the first woman? And why does no one know of the lore that says that she was created from the earth as was Adam as opposed to being created from his rib?

There were many people before Adam , Adam is a spiritual being . A new beginning for humankind . Therefore who cares about Lilt.:)
There were many people before Adam , Adam is a spiritual being . A new beginning for humankind . Therefore who cares about Lilt.:)

I don't. I'm not a Christian. This is my polite way of trying to inquire as to why Christians (especially those in the south) take the bible as fact without question, especially in light of things not included.
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I'm glad you brought this up as I was just talking
with someone about this the other day. She was of
the same opininion as you, although I'm not so sure.

I did do some research on it, but came up with nothing of
what I would regard as substantial. Can you enlighten me
on this subject, like any scripture, or other sources?

Why do so many Christians not know that Lilith was the first woman? And why does no one know of the lore that says that she was created from the earth as was Adam as opposed to being created from his rib?

I'm inclined to think this is an excuse for the feminist movement.
How far off the mark am I? :)

Why do so many Christians not know that Lilith was the first woman? And why does no one know of the lore that says that she was created from the earth as was Adam as opposed to being created from his rib?

I know of it. She is said to have ginger hair.
I don't. I'm not a Christian. This is my polite way of trying to inquire as to why Christians (especially those in the south) take the bible as fact without question, especially in light of things not included.

I am sure they have (had) questions, just not the same ones as you think they should.
Why do so many Christians not know that Lilith was the first woman? And why does no one know of the lore that says that she was created from the earth as was Adam as opposed to being created from his rib?
probably because what you quote doesn't come from the king james version.
I don't. I'm not a Christian. This is my polite way of trying to inquire as to why Christians (especially those in the south) take the bible as fact without question, especially in light of things not included.

Then why didn't you just ask that question?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Why do so many Christians not know that Lilith was the first woman? And why does no one know of the lore that says that she was created from the earth as was Adam as opposed to being created from his rib?

You realize this is just a big myth for many Christians? And that its support is sketchy within Judaism also?

Lilith (Hebrew: לילית‎; lilit, or lilith) is a character in Jewish mythology, found earliest in the Babylonian Talmud ( completed between 500 and 700 AD/CE ), who is generally thought to be related to a class of female demons Līlīṯu in Mesopotamian texts. However, Lowell K. Handy (1997) notes, "Very little information has been found relating to the Akkadian and Babylonian view of these demons. Two sources of information previously used to define Lilith are both suspect." [1] The two problematic sources are the Gilgamesh appendix and the Arslan Tash amulets, which are discussed below.[2]

In Jewish folklore, from the 8th–10th Century Alphabet of Ben Sira onwards Lilith becomes Adam's first wife, who was created at the same time and from the same earth as Adam. This contrasts with Eve, who was created from one of Adam's ribs. The legend was greatly developed during the Middle Ages, in the tradition of Aggadic midrashim, the Zohar and Jewish mysticism.[3] In the 13th Century writings of Rabbi Isaac ben Jacob Alfasi ha-Cohen, for example, Lilith left Adam after she refused to become subservient to him and then would not return to the Garden of Eden after she mated with archangel Samael.[4] The resulting Lilith legend is still commonly used as source material in modern Western culture, literature, occultism, fantasy, and horror.

It's not exactly biblicalogical. (NW)
probably because what you quote doesn't come from the king james version.

Yes, I realize that. That's exactly what I don't understand.... how come some of the faith take the bible to be EVERYTHING, yet so much was chosen to be excluded from it. Wasn't the bible written by God through men? Doesn't that mean that people are seeing a partial "truth?"
You realize this is just a big myth for many Christians? And that its support is sketchy within Judaism also?

It's not exactly biblicalogical. (NW)

Do you realize that the entirety of Christianity is a big myth for many of us?

Bibliological is a bit of a misnomer now isn't it? haha.
And then?

Do you realize that the entirety of Christianity is a big myth for many of us?

Not for me though. :D Bring your Biblication. You're arguing that Lilith is proof of the dumbness of Christianity, but Lilith isn't based on anything Christians really believe in. So: so what? Adam might have had a pet leprechaun too, but it's not exactly in our version of the manual.

Bibliological is a bit of a misnomer now isn't it? haha.

Haha - oh, wait: that makes no sense. I do like my new word though.
Yes, I realize that. That's exactly what I don't understand.... how come some of the faith take the bible to be EVERYTHING, yet so much was chosen to be excluded from it. Wasn't the bible written by God through men? Doesn't that mean that people are seeing a partial "truth?"
christianity has many versions, roman catholic is one of them, so is baptists.
these two versions use two different types of bible and preach different doctrines. for example on the matter of "where you will go when you die"
baptists divide this into two places heaven and hell, catholics on the other hand introduce a third place called limbo.

this is probably the source of your confusion.
Yes, I realize that. That's exactly what I don't understand.... how come some of the faith take the bible to be EVERYTHING, yet so much was chosen to be excluded from it. Wasn't the bible written by God through men? Doesn't that mean that people are seeing a partial "truth?"
A believer would tell you that God prevented it from being in the final version because it's not truth.