For all atheists and agnostics,only(if there are any,come here)...


Registered Senior Member
My arguments for God's non-existence,and why I will never believe in God:
It is oftenly said that God is an infinite mind,and that mind controls and rules over matter.How?
God can't be an infinite mind,otherwise he wouldn't have place where he could live in it.Mind can't exist without body,it requires an complex system to create it and to support its existence-and mind is nothing,but ability to take experience and adaptation to your really,WILD,cruel environment and making tools and exploatations/explorations of nature to adapt your wild,natural environment to-that's human intelligence,but also law of survival,how to trick the nature and survive all of its catastrophies and all of other deadly challenges.Fictional God's mind is supposed to be infinite,but if that's so,you can't have infinite mind since the entire nework-that is 100% infinite,because the experiences that hold fictional God's "brain",couldn't create infinite mind that observing the entire existence:1)First because,mind can't be infinite-because the creation of the infinite God's mind requires infinite God's "brain",which means God needs to observe all events around him,which would mean he must "see" his environment,and all that what he created-the entire existence,according to the theists' words.But if God created the entire existence,he can't exist.Simply God who doesn't exist creates the entire existence,how foolish,don't you think-so,as you see,even some fictional God can't create all existences,by living infinitely inside and outside all of the existences;2)God's "brain",which creates God's mind,also needs start to exist-that requires time,therefore God can't be eternal-even by watching events and acting(which is totally impossible,since God is infinite) time would still go and God would went old-time is a measure of change,actions and etc-and if some fictional God is eternal,than he can't act,move,or exist,since he would stand still infinitely,and wouldn't be able to act,move and therefore by omnipotent-so,as you can see,eternity and omnipotency can't go together.Hoever,it would need something create this unmovable entity,and that would take some time,too,and again God would get aged/old.Otherwise,there wouldn't be some fictional intelligence to supposedly create laws of physics,that are fundamental part of this visible part of universe we see with Earth's most powerful radio-telescopes.
So,you see,natural processes simply won't allow any entity to rule over it(over natural processes).3)An off-topic question and thing:Why is everyone saying that minds rules over matter-this simply can't be,because mind is created in the brain,and the brain is made of matter-how can you rule over something what has created your brain and your essence?Man will never be able to control matter in the way he wants,no matter what.You simply can't manipulate something you're made from in.I really don't believe in parapsychology,do you-if you do/don't believe in parapyschology,tell me what are your reasons?What do you think about it-your opinions needed,about does telekinesis/psychokinesis/telepathy exist or not?I have some issue of an magazine where it says that there was a guy named 30-year old Karel Borek that had partially destroyed brain,and that supposedly he or his brain has made total chaos around himself in that room,because,since he was nearly dead,doctors supposedly seen as glasses,went on the air(by using telekinesis),and everythinbg else that is beyond laws of physics-what do you think,did this happen or this is just another markeing hocus-pocus to deceive people and make money,or there are things like these that have truly occured across the world-or eerything was made to just make a money-is there any case that irrefutably supports that an telepathy/telekinesis/teleportation has been made?What about Sai-Babba-did he truly teleported those small things,like rings(and a stuff like that) or just another hocus-pocus.An scientist I asked that the tape where Sai-Babba is doing these above mentioned stuff(teleportation),is true,that it hasn't been changed at all,and there isn't any magician that could do that in this short amount of time,where Sai Babba-teleported rings and other valuable stuff.what do you think true or false-what proof do you need to be sure that this truly supposedly happened?I honsetly think if Sai-Babba can do this,why doesn't do in the presence of the scientists,and where the people are not primitive so much.
Thanks for you answers!
Just my 2 cents
Animalistic intelligence is known as how to survive in their cruel,environment.Every entity needs to live in some space-inside the existence,so God has to,too.I've heard basic arguments as God is all-mind(infinite mind),all dimensions,all universes,all existences...,if so,than this God lives in a non-existence area,which means he doesn't exist at all-how foolish statement from theists,they have prove that their God doesn't exist.Also,non-existent God can't be omnipotent,since more omnipotent you're,more logical and,especially,natural paradoxes will occur to nullify your omnipotence.God can't be eternal,because the very existence,and the action/work God fictionally has,and has done reqires;some time to do it-which means that fictional God can't be eternal,since time passes,even if there is extremely slow movement-even this extremely slow movement requires time.If I'm right God would have to have completely infinite speed,to achieve zero time,but truly,100% infinite speed is totally,100% impossible.Actually,if I'm right,infinite speed would make you like you have never existed at all,like you have never existed at all,since it will make you travel back in time infinitely fast-you will nullify your own existence like nothing happened,that's why God can't act with infinite speed-just my 2 cents.Just how many people on Earth believe in the life after death?I've heard,almost all of the people on Earth.I personally am 100% sure why life after death couldn't and wouldn't work.Cris gave good examples on this,but there is an another supportable fact.Everything what has a beginning has an end.Human species have the beginning,therefore they will have the end.When we/our minds and our bodies die,what happens?The 80% of our bodies(and the brain) is water it condensates and creates clouds,to make it rain again.20% of our bodies,including brain is made of earth.It is used to for another life cycle-when it's raining,plants are growing and coming to life-that's a balance between life and death.Now the most tricky part-how to prove does mind exist or doesn't exist after death?It's so simple.All beings,living beings are nothing more,but forms of energy.And we all know that universal law is,that energy is always transforming from one form to another,everything and everyone into some other form of energy.When the human brain is dying and disappearing and transforming and becoming the part of earth,the complex neural networks' cohesia falls apart-it's called adhesia,if I'm right.Brain that has once supported the cohesia and the balance,now it's utterly broken apart(the brain that has once had an person's properties,experiences,thoughts is gone forever) can't and doesn't exist anymore,when the brain is broken apart.Neural netowrks in the brain are compltetely shut down,which ends up giving electrical impulses that gave us life,consciousness,sub-consciousness,mind,thoughts and every other function in our bodies.Once the energy transforms all of the properties of life/death are completely changed-electrical impulses that have once existed don't exist anymore.That's why there can't be life after death.These electrical impulses are gone,they have transformed into something else,probably heat,water and just another piece of earthand the important thing is that properties that make inteligent being like human,are completely changed.Properties are coming from our vision and experiences of the external,observable environment that sorrounds us all.When some man/woman dies today,the balance is,the other child,today,is born.Just the only problem this man/woman that died today couldn't and didn't transfer consciousness to this child that has been born today-this newborn child is completely different from the person who died the same day,that newborn child hasn't anything with that person-who died at the same day that was born.This child has the genes of his/her parents,as well as behaviour,and may change its characteristics,by how does his/her brain respond on the external,observable environment where he/she lives in.Anyone's behaviour depends on the genetic interaction with external,natural environment and the behaviours of other people-that have influences on that child.that's the cycle between life and death.
Dude, in order for someone to at least attempt to read your 2 cents, you need to properly format your words.
Gravage, could you PLEASE paragraph your material? Or even better, put it in bullet points.

It is VERY difficult and tedious to read as one hunk of continuous text.
mountainhare said:
Gravage, could you PLEASE paragraph your material? Or even better, put it in bullet points.

It is VERY difficult and tedious to read as one hunk of continuous text.

How should I do that,I'm not an expert on computer things.
My arguments for God's non-existence,and why I will never believe in God:
It is oftenly said that God is an infinite mind,and that mind controls and rules over matter.How?
God can't be an infinite mind,otherwise he wouldn't have place where he could live in it.
Mind can't exist without body,it requires an complex system to create it and to support its existence-and mind is nothing,but ability to take experience and adaptation to your really,WILD,cruel environment and making tools and exploatations/explorations of nature to adapt your wild,natural environment to-that's human intelligence,but also law of survival,how to trick the nature and survive all of its catastrophies and all of other deadly challenges.

Fictional God's mind is supposed to be infinite,but if that's so,you can't have infinite mind since the entire nework-that is 100% infinite,because the experiences that hold fictional God's "brain",couldn't create infinite mind that observing the entire existence:1)First because,mind can't be infinite-because the creation of the infinite God's mind requires infinite God's "brain",which means God needs to observe all events around him,which would mean he must "see" his environment,and all that what he created-the entire existence,according to the theists' words.But if God created the entire existence,he can't exist.
Simply God who doesn't exist creates the entire existence,how foolish,don't you think-so,as you see,even some fictional God can't create all existences,by living infinitely inside and outside all of the existences;

2)God's "brain",which creates God's mind,also needs start to exist-that requires time,therefore God can't be eternal-even by watching events and acting(which is totally impossible,since God is infinite) time would still go and God would went old-time is a measure of change,actions and etc-and if some fictional God is eternal,than he can't act,move,or exist,since he would stand still infinitely,and wouldn't be able to act,move and therefore by omnipotent-so,as you can see,eternity and omnipotency can't go together.Hoever,it would need something create this unmovable entity,and that would take some time,too,and again God would get aged/old.Otherwise,there wouldn't be some fictional intelligence to supposedly create laws of physics,that are fundamental part of this visible part of universe we see with Earth's most powerful radio-telescopes.
So,you see,natural processes simply won't allow any entity to rule over it(over natural processes).

3)An off-topic question and thing:Why is everyone saying that minds rules over matter-this simply can't be,because mind is created in the brain,and the brain is made of matter-how can you rule over something what has created your brain and your essence?Man will never be able to control matter in the way he wants,no matter what.You simply can't manipulate something you're made from.

I really don't believe in parapsychology,do you-if you do/don't believe in parapyschology,tell me what are your reasons?What do you think about it-your opinions needed,about does telekinesis/psychokinesis/telepathy exist or not?I have some issue of an magazine where it says that there was a guy named 30-year old Karel Borek that had partially destroyed brain,and that supposedly he or his brain has made total chaos around himself in that room,because,since he was nearly dead,doctors supposedly seen as glasses,went on the air(by using telekinesis),and everythinbg else that is beyond laws of physics-what do you think,did this happen or this is just another markeing hocus-pocus to deceive people and make money,or there are things like these that have truly occured across the world-or eerything was made to just make a money-is there any case that irrefutably supports that an telepathy/telekinesis/teleportation has been made?What about Sai-Babba-did he truly teleported those small things,like rings(and a stuff like that) or just another hocus-pocus.

An scientist I asked that the tape where Sai-Babba is doing these above mentioned stuff(teleportation),is true,that it hasn't been changed at all,and there isn't any magician that could do that in this short amount of time,where Sai Babba-teleported rings and other valuable stuff.what do you think true or false-what proof do you need to be sure that this truly supposedly happened?I honsetly think if Sai-Babba can do this,why doesn't do in the presence of the scientists,and where the people are not primitive so much.
Thanks for you answers!
Just my 2 cents

Animalistic intelligence is known as how to survive in their cruel,environment.Every entity needs to live in some space-inside the existence,so God has to,too.I've heard basic arguments as God is all-mind(infinite mind),all dimensions,all universes,all existences...,if so,than this God lives in a non-existence area,which means he doesn't exist at all-how foolish statement from theists,they have prove that their God doesn't exist.Also,non-existent God can't be omnipotent,since more omnipotent you're,more logical and,especially,natural paradoxes will occur to nullify your omnipotence.God can't be eternal,because the very existence,and the action/work God fictionally has,and has done reqires;some time to do it-which means that fictional God can't be eternal,since time passes,even if there is extremely slow movement-even this extremely slow movement requires time.If I'm right God would have to have completely infinite speed,to achieve zero time,but truly,100% infinite speed is totally,100% impossible.Actually,if I'm right,infinite speed would make you like you have never existed at all,like you have never existed at all,since it will make you travel back in time infinitely fast-you will nullify your own existence like nothing happened,that's why God can't act with infinite speed-just my 2 cents.

Just how many people on Earth believe in the life after death?I've heard,almost all of the people on Earth.I personally am 100% sure why life after death couldn't and wouldn't work.Cris gave good examples on this,but there is an another supportable fact.Everything what has a beginning has an end.Human species have the beginning,therefore they will have the end.When we/our minds and our bodies die,what happens?

The 80% of our bodies(and the brain) is water it condensates and creates clouds,to make it rain again.20% of our bodies,including brain is made of earth.It is used to for another life cycle-when it's raining,plants are growing and coming to life-that's a balance between life and death.Now the most tricky part-how to prove does mind exist or doesn't exist after death?It's so simple.All beings,living beings are nothing more,but forms of energy.And we all know that universal law is,that energy is always transforming from one form to another,everything and everyone into some other form of energy.When the human brain is dying and disappearing and transforming and becoming the part of earth,the complex neural networks' cohesia falls apart-it's called adhesia.

Brain that has once supported the cohesia and the balance,now it's utterly broken apart(the brain that has once had an person's properties,experiences,thoughts is gone forever) can't and doesn't exist anymore,when the brain is broken apart.Neural netowrks in the brain are compltetely shut down,which ends up giving electrical impulses that gave us life,consciousness,sub-consciousness,mind,thoughts and every other function in our bodies.Once the energy transforms all of the properties of life/death are completely changed-electrical impulses that have once existed don't exist anymore.

That's why there can't be life after death.These electrical impulses are gone,they have transformed into something else,probably heat,water and just another piece of earthand the important thing is that properties that make inteligent being like human,are completely changed.Properties are coming from our vision and experiences of the external,observable environment that sorrounds us all.When some man/woman dies today,the balance is,the other child,today,is born.

Just the only problem this man/woman that died today couldn't and didn't transfer consciousness to this child that has been born today-this newborn child is completely different from the person who died the same day,that newborn child hasn't anything with that person-who died at the same day that was born.This child has the genes of his/her parents,as well as behaviour,and may change its characteristics,by how does his/her brain respond on the external,observable environment where he/she lives in.Anyone's behaviour depends on the genetic interaction with external,natural environment and the behaviours of other people-that have influences on that child.that's the cycle between life and death.
Gravage said:
My arguments for God's non-existence,and why I will never believe in God:
It is oftenly said that God is an infinite mind,and that mind controls and rules over matter.How?
God can't be an infinite mind,otherwise he wouldn't have place where he could live in it.
Mind can't exist without body,it requires an complex system to create it and to support its existence-and mind is nothing,but ability to take experience and adaptation to your really,WILD,cruel environment and making tools and exploatations/explorations of nature to adapt your wild,natural environment to-that's human intelligence,but also law of survival,how to trick the nature and survive all of its catastrophies and all of other deadly challenges.

Fictional God's mind is supposed to be infinite,but if that's so,you can't have infinite mind since the entire nework-that is 100% infinite,because the experiences that hold fictional God's "brain",couldn't create infinite mind that observing the entire existence:1)First because,mind can't be infinite-because the creation of the infinite God's mind requires infinite God's "brain",which means God needs to observe all events around him,which would mean he must "see" his environment,and all that what he created-the entire existence,according to the theists' words.But if God created the entire existence,he can't exist.
Simply God who doesn't exist creates the entire existence,how foolish,don't you think-so,as you see,even some fictional God can't create all existences,by living infinitely inside and outside all of the existences;

2)God's "brain",which creates God's mind,also needs start to exist-that requires time,therefore God can't be eternal-even by watching events and acting(which is totally impossible,since God is infinite) time would still go and God would went old-time is a measure of change,actions and etc-and if some fictional God is eternal,than he can't act,move,or exist,since he would stand still infinitely,and wouldn't be able to act,move and therefore by omnipotent-so,as you can see,eternity and omnipotency can't go together.Hoever,it would need something create this unmovable entity,and that would take some time,too,and again God would get aged/old.Otherwise,there wouldn't be some fictional intelligence to supposedly create laws of physics,that are fundamental part of this visible part of universe we see with Earth's most powerful radio-telescopes.
So,you see,natural processes simply won't allow any entity to rule over it(over natural processes).

3)An off-topic question and thing:Why is everyone saying that minds rules over matter-this simply can't be,because mind is created in the brain,and the brain is made of matter-how can you rule over something what has created your brain and your essence?Man will never be able to control matter in the way he wants,no matter what.You simply can't manipulate something you're made from.

I really don't believe in parapsychology,do you-if you do/don't believe in parapyschology,tell me what are your reasons?What do you think about it-your opinions needed,about does telekinesis/psychokinesis/telepathy exist or not?I have some issue of an magazine where it says that there was a guy named 30-year old Karel Borek that had partially destroyed brain,and that supposedly he or his brain has made total chaos around himself in that room,because,since he was nearly dead,doctors supposedly seen as glasses,went on the air(by using telekinesis),and everythinbg else that is beyond laws of physics-what do you think,did this happen or this is just another markeing hocus-pocus to deceive people and make money,or there are things like these that have truly occured across the world-or eerything was made to just make a money-is there any case that irrefutably supports that an telepathy/telekinesis/teleportation has been made?What about Sai-Babba-did he truly teleported those small things,like rings(and a stuff like that) or just another hocus-pocus.

An scientist I asked that the tape where Sai-Babba is doing these above mentioned stuff(teleportation),is true,that it hasn't been changed at all,and there isn't any magician that could do that in this short amount of time,where Sai Babba-teleported rings and other valuable stuff.what do you think true or false-what proof do you need to be sure that this truly supposedly happened?I honsetly think if Sai-Babba can do this,why doesn't do in the presence of the scientists,and where the people are not primitive so much.
Thanks for you answers!
Just my 2 cents

Animalistic intelligence is known as how to survive in their cruel,environment.Every entity needs to live in some space-inside the existence,so God has to,too.I've heard basic arguments as God is all-mind(infinite mind),all dimensions,all universes,all existences...,if so,than this God lives in a non-existence area,which means he doesn't exist at all-how foolish statement from theists,they have prove that their God doesn't exist.Also,non-existent God can't be omnipotent,since more omnipotent you're,more logical and,especially,natural paradoxes will occur to nullify your omnipotence.God can't be eternal,because the very existence,and the action/work God fictionally has,and has done reqires;some time to do it-which means that fictional God can't be eternal,since time passes,even if there is extremely slow movement-even this extremely slow movement requires time.If I'm right God would have to have completely infinite speed,to achieve zero time,but truly,100% infinite speed is totally,100% impossible.Actually,if I'm right,infinite speed would make you like you have never existed at all,like you have never existed at all,since it will make you travel back in time infinitely fast-you will nullify your own existence like nothing happened,that's why God can't act with infinite speed-just my 2 cents.

Just how many people on Earth believe in the life after death?I've heard,almost all of the people on Earth.I personally am 100% sure why life after death couldn't and wouldn't work.Cris gave good examples on this,but there is an another supportable fact.Everything what has a beginning has an end.Human species have the beginning,therefore they will have the end.When we/our minds and our bodies die,what happens?

The 80% of our bodies(and the brain) is water it condensates and creates clouds,to make it rain again.20% of our bodies,including brain is made of earth.It is used to for another life cycle-when it's raining,plants are growing and coming to life-that's a balance between life and death.Now the most tricky part-how to prove does mind exist or doesn't exist after death?It's so simple.All beings,living beings are nothing more,but forms of energy.And we all know that universal law is,that energy is always transforming from one form to another,everything and everyone into some other form of energy.When the human brain is dying and disappearing and transforming and becoming the part of earth,the complex neural networks' cohesia falls apart-it's called adhesia.

Brain that has once supported the cohesia and the balance,now it's utterly broken apart(the brain that has once had an person's properties,experiences,thoughts is gone forever) can't and doesn't exist anymore,when the brain is broken apart.Neural netowrks in the brain are compltetely shut down,which ends up giving electrical impulses that gave us life,consciousness,sub-consciousness,mind,thoughts and every other function in our bodies.Once the energy transforms all of the properties of life/death are completely changed-electrical impulses that have once existed don't exist anymore.

That's why there can't be life after death.These electrical impulses are gone,they have transformed into something else,probably heat,water and just another piece of earthand the important thing is that properties that make inteligent being like human,are completely changed.Properties are coming from our vision and experiences of the external,observable environment that sorrounds us all.When some man/woman dies today,the balance is,the other child,today,is born.

Just the only problem this man/woman that died today couldn't and didn't transfer consciousness to this child that has been born today-this newborn child is completely different from the person who died the same day,that newborn child hasn't anything with that person-who died at the same day that was born.This child has the genes of his/her parents,as well as behaviour,and may change its characteristics,by how does his/her brain respond on the external,observable environment where he/she lives in.Anyone's behaviour depends on the genetic interaction with external,natural environment and the behaviours of other people-that have influences on that child.that's the cycle between life and death.

I hope this halps to all of you...