For 10 Bucks You Can Live Like A King In The Future!


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
No kidding!!

TheTime Travel Fund will bank your membership, and thanks to compound interest rates, when the technology is available the fund will pay big bucks to bring you back to the future - and you should have PLENTY left over for living expenses. After all, one dollar at 5% interest over 500 years comes out to, oh, about 40 billion dollars?


BS! There's no such thing as traveling to the future. My goodness, where does this madness stop?

Back? to the future?! Yes, right!

I can go on, farther on this subject, I will rest my case immediately here. I'm not really in the mood to discuss this, given the fact that most of you people do not listen anyway.

If it's not a scientific theory, with an internet link, then it is not possible in some stuck minds.

For your information, dear people of Sciforums, there is a whole lot of BS websites floating on the internet, which also goes for your precious scientific links...

(and of course! the money shows up again! why doesn't that surprise me!)
Originally posted by Banshee
BS! There's no such thing as traveling to the future. My goodness, where does this madness stop?

agreed. but i thought the idea was retrieving u, then taking u to a future that has already existed(4the retriever).
C- "Freejack" starring mick jagger emilio estevez anthony hopkins.

poor alex:( (emilio)

anyway, sent off ten bucks:D lmaoHardly any hohoho
How the hell can you go Back! to the future? Look at the sentence!

Didn't see "Freejack". I think I didn't miss much by not watching it. In the movies everything seems possible. The movie makers don't know what to do to attract people to the cinema's. The crazier the subject, the better.

Well, I guess I have a bad day. Apologies...:)
Um, Banshee. I don't think anyone here fell for this scam.

Anyway, it is possible (if time travel both ways was invented) to go 'back to the future'. Here are two explinations that fit the statement:

You exist on point B on the line below:


You travel to point C, which to you is the future.
You then go to point B or A. Now, if you go to C after this you are going "back to the future". To go 'back' somewhere/when would mean to return to a place/time you have already been. Since you have already been to C you are going 'back to the future'.



You exist on point B on the line. You go to point A where you meet someone. As you return to B (you are going back) they could say you are going "back to the future".
Originally posted by Banshee
How the hell can you go Back! to the future? Look at the sentence!

In the future we'll know :D

There are numereous examples of where televison and movies have got it close. One might suggest that the occurances might be more prevailent in later hindsight, judging by today's trend in movies etc, to keep the space aged futuristic gadget recognizable and if not believevable. Especially with all the nit-pickers and critics. That's my say... G'night/morn Banshee
G'night/morn Skull. See you later.:)

Tyler, so what it is, is that you first travel to the past and simply come back to where you were. Like in the movie "Back To The Future". Yeah, yeah, I know that scenario's.

It is something completely different than actually travel to the future. And that is my point. People keep on going about this and it simply is not possible.

Has nothing to do with inventions which will come to be in the future. Nothing to do with being critical or unbelieving either. It's just not possible.

Anyways, I detest these kind of scams...;)
G'morning world :p

Back 2 the future, :cool: yeh like that.

alternate ending,
Except that the Doc existing in the 50's, would be brought to present day by Marty. As requested by the Doc in the 1950's (just after he fell and hit his head), and prior to Marty leaving in the first place.

i want a Delorian (spell?):cool:

And a Flux Capacitor:cool: :cool:
oh, I've just been :

revived from my death dna,...and look: my trust fund: ist still worth shit, 'cause they screw up the whole world and money doesn't exist anymore, where are my BILLIONS !!!! RAAAH !!! (now I'm dying from a heartattact!)
Originally posted by Tyler
Um, Banshee. I don't think anyone here fell for this scam.

Anyway, it is possible (if time travel both ways was invented) to go 'back to the future'. Here are two explinations that fit the statement:

You exist on point B on the line below:


You travel to point C, which to you is the future.
You then go to point B or A. Now, if you go to C after this you are going "back to the future". To go 'back' somewhere/when would mean to return to a place/time you have already been. Since you have already been to C you are going 'back to the future'.



You exist on point B on the line. You go to point A where you meet someone. As you return to B (you are going back) they could say you are going "back to the future".

That's a great explanation, but it could also just be a play on words.