foodstamp recipients must get job


Valued Senior Member
actual article:

my responses:
100 applicants for one job, and they expect everyone to have a job? give me a break, sure there are some who live on welfare and have no desire to change this, but its the exception, not the rule, most of the ppl I have known want to get a job and not rely on the government, but some ppl do not have the mental faculties to hold a job, plus the judgementalism in the work place, judging ppl without learning the truth, tends to get them fired, regardless of any 'truths', IOW they see a guy who has a hard time paying attention and gets distracted a lot (ADHD) instead of working with them, they fire them because there is always someone waiting in line for the job, it is easier to fire someone than work with them. and we are talking foodstamps, not cash assistance, foodstamps has been a godsend to some, with limited income, the foodstamps help pay the rent, since the cash from groceries are being saved. this whole thing is an attitude against those without the mental faculties to keep a job and the poor, it is predjudice at its worse, biased at best. it is an attempt of politicians to kiss the butts of those with money at the expense of those without. also there is just not enough jobs to support this action. they say 'get a job' but those same ppl will not offer a job to them nor help them in any way. and we want to support this?? no do not make that a policy. they can still help ppl find jobs and train them without cutting their foodstamps. for the record, I am on disability for ADHD, I get 824 a month after they take out 100 for medicare, I only get $10 a month in foodstamps.. I told them to keep it, but they takes two three month to get enough to do anything with.. can you live on $824 a month?

btw, I wasn't diagnosed till I was 40.. means I did not know before. imagine how many others are out there struggling not knowing they have an actual disability.

as far as any comment to 'I am paying for this' , don't you realize each individual is pry only paying $1 out of their checks for gov assistance programs.. how noble of all of you who do not want to contribute a single dollar to help someone who struggles. and we wonder why the world is going to hell.

the rich get richer.. the poor get poorer.. if ppl would step up and help those in need, we would not need the gov to do it.

what do you think?
You can get Disability for ADHD...? Really? Christ... where has that been my entire life... was diagnosed ADHD when I was like, six...
You can get Disability for ADHD...? Really? Christ... where has that been my entire life... was diagnosed ADHD when I was like, six...

I tell others not to be so quick to apply for disability. you have to build up equity in you social security/disability account otherwise you would only get like 200 a month...I lasted 30 years working and built up 900 a month (it would pry be more if all of my jobs were above board, but had to take what I could get.)

I think it is a new thing just passed in the last few years.
to me it is a godsend, it represents financial stability for me, I now do not have to worry about losing my job or my home.(dunno how many times I lost my job and didn't find another in time to pay rent, lost count)

and since you were diagnose at 6, you have more options than I had, I was 35-40 when I was diagnosed, kind of too late to retrain my brain...
and the world is getting better at sympathy for this, still has a long way to go, but at least its there..
yeah... just kinda surprises me is all. I have my ADHD under control medication-free... lot of self-control and introspection to figure out how to do it, heh.
really? no one has an opinion on this?

It appears to be a Republican / T-bagger ploy aimed at wiring up public outrage over welfare. It's a Federal program. Any attempt to exercise such controls at the State level would not stand legal challenges. It reminds me of the boneheaded secessionist resolutions passed by a few states. It's all bluster. I suspect the Senate and/or Attorney General Eric Holder and/or a federal district judge would simply compel a state to comply. Failing that, in a George Wallace type standoff with federal authority, the US Marshals Service would be probably be appointed receivership of the state food stamp offices, and the service would be promptly restored.
China has a more human solution to problem caused by fact world is more complex now than when most anyone could hoe weeds. It is fact that many, for various reasons, some related to the poor schools in the poor neighborhood where they grew up as their parents were poor, is not productive enough to earn their basic needs. The Chinese solution is state operated enterprises, SOEs, which the western press likes to note lose money.

For example, an SOE may make air compressors that sell in the market for 900 yuan, but the SOE's workers earn 1000 yuan per compressor made. These workers have self respect, and teach their kids the value of education, to study and work hard so they qualify for a private job that pays more. (China has a sever skilled labor shortage.)

Contrast this with the US solution to the problem of providing the basic needs of people (one of every six Americans) who can not earn their needs in the complex modern society: The Chinese net cost is only 10%, not 100% and worse - many on welfare, teach their kids how to game the system more efficiently.
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China has a more human solution to problem caused by fact world is more complex now than when most anyone could hoe weeds. It is fact that many, for various reasons, some related to the poor schools in the poor neighborhood where they grew up as their parents were poor, is not productive enough to earn their basic needs. The Chinese solution is state operated enterprises, SOEs, which the western press likes to note lose money.

For example, an SOE may make air compressors that sell in the market for 900 yuan, but the SOE's workers earn 1000 yuan per compressor made. These workers have self respect, and teach their kids the value of education, to study and work hard so they qualify for a private job that pays more. (China has a sever skilled labor shortage.)

Contrast this with the US solution to the problem of providing the basic needs of people (one of every six Americans) who can not earn their needs in the complex modern society: The Chinese net cost is only 10%, not 100% and worse - many on welfare, teach their kids how to game the system more efficiently.
What you are proposing is a variant of FDR's WPA.It was part of his 3 R's back in 1933.
What you are proposing is a variant of FDR's WPA.It was part of his 3 R's back in 1933.
Some resemblance, yes, in that they were government created jobs, but the economy was bad for almost all then, and WPA's government jobs did not make products* for the market place as China's SOEs do, The WPA workers mainly improved public parks, etc.

* Not much point in that back then, as unlike China where purchasing power of salaries is growing by double digits and there is shortage of skilled workers, the people had little of no money to buy goods in the market place.
Sit Up ... Roll Over ... Beg ... Play Dead

It Still Doesn't Add Up ....

New Mexico is among the biggest food stamp recipients in the country (21% of population), on par with Mississippi (22.1%) and Oregon (20.9%). By comparison, my own Evergreen State clocks in at just over sixteen percent, and Wyoming leads the nation with a mere six percent. (

This is a raw number: P = (avg. monthly snap participation) ÷ (total population)

But then there is this:

Or, as Dottie Rosenbaum of Center for Budget and Policy Priorities explained last year:

The overwhelming majority of SNAP recipients who can work do so. Among SNAP households with at least one working-age, non-disabled adult, more than half work while receiving SNAP — and more than 80 percent work in the year prior to or the year after receiving SNAP. The rates are even higher for families with children — more than 60 percent work while receiving SNAP, and almost 90 percent work in the prior or subsequent year. (See Figure 1.)

The number of SNAP households that have earnings while participating in SNAP has been rising for more than a decade, and has more than tripled — from about 2 million in 2000 to about 6.4 million in 2011. (See Figure 2.) The increase was especially pronounced during the recent deep recession, suggesting that many people have turned to SNAP because of under-employment — for example, when one wage-earner in a two-parent family lost a job, when a worker's hours were cut, or when a worker turned to a lower-paying job after being laid off.

It is the first question to mind whenever I see new work requirements for SNAP. And this is the problem with these proposals; they sound good, politically, in places where Republican, Christian, Middle American values treat people in need like performing circus animals, except the menagerie are already sitting up, rolling over, and begging appropriately for their treats.

And that's entirely what this is about. There are some people who just don't feel whole unless they are taking moral pleasure in harming their fellow human beings.


"Who Is On Food Stamps, by State". 2013. August 31, 2014.

Rosenbaum, Dottie. "The Relationship Between SNAP and Work Among Low-Income Households". Center for Budget and Policy Priorities. January 29, 2013. August 31, 2014.
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that's what I like about this place.. on facebook there is only opinion and attitude, you guys back up your opinions with actual data. kudos
We have the same thing in the UK.
Poor people are paying the greatest penalty for losses caused by rich financiers.
Oddly, it is popular.
Very few people oppose it.
NMSquirrel, I can relate to your troubles. In fact, I couldn't apply for SNAP because the office for doing so is too far away and I can't manage what to me is a long excursion for a small return on what would be considerable effort for me. Life is bad; thank goodness for the people out there conscientiously trying to do good.
Another factor: a fair number of food stamp recipients, and welfare recipients generally, work off the books. The requirement that they get official jobs often costs them the work they have, which was usually better adapted to child care needs and other vicissitudes. So the moral as well as practical benefit of working, if that was the idea, is often diminished by this requirement - families are damaged, the net benefit of the food stamps to society is diminished, the economic benefit of the stimulus is diminished, and everyone is worse off.
Another factor: a fair number of food stamp recipients, and welfare recipients generally, work off the books. The requirement that they get official jobs often costs them the work they have, which was usually better adapted to child care needs and other vicissitudes. So the moral as well as practical benefit of working, if that was the idea, is often diminished by this requirement - families are damaged, the net benefit of the food stamps to society is diminished, the economic benefit of the stimulus is diminished, and everyone is worse off.

That is why th Earned Income Tax Credit was enacted.
That is why th Earned Income Tax Credit was enacted.
It helps, but does not replace tax free and flexible hours of higher pay handed over as the work is done, with child care covered and so forth. And it costs some serious money to claim, for most people eligible for it.