Food, Sex, and Tribe...

Domesticated animals, for which reward do you perform?

  • Fast food. I'm a sucker for cheese burgers and the golden arches.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • The promise of sexual gratification throws up my tail feathers.

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • I am concerned about what others think of me.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • All of the above.

    Votes: 3 25.0%

  • Total voters


Valued Senior Member
Food, Sex, and Tribe...

The above defines our purpose? Is it possible to redirect and channel those desires in others?
Originally posted by Bowser
The above defines our purpose? Is it possible to redirect and channel those desires in others?
No matter how often I think we've finally gotten past the ridiculous 'meaning of life' debate, up it pops again.
Life has no purpose. By its nature it will attempt to procreate, but by my nature I'll record Buffy if I'm out on Friday night. Doesn't mean I exist for vampire slayers.
We are here because the laws of the universe dictate that we're what will happen to hydrogen after twelve billion years. We don't have a purpose in this cosmos any more than your typical asteroid will be fulfilled by orbitting the sun between Mars and Jupiter.

But if you insist on listing options for what could conceivably be considered to be our raison d'etre: you should've included Quake 3 as an option.
If I was to add any other option, it would be the need for security, the need to build walls and accumulate wealth.

<i>"We are here because the laws of the universe dictate that we're what will happen to hydrogen after twelve billion years. We don't have a purpose in this cosmos any more than your typical asteroid will be fulfilled by orbitting the sun between Mars and Jupiter."</i>

Hmm, I was suggesting that our activities are the evolution of more basic motivations. It wasn't my desire to lead you into a metaphysical quagmire. Maybe the need to play "Quake" can be attributed to an internal animal lust.
Originally posted by Bowser
Hmm, I was suggesting that our activities are the evolution of more basic motivations. It wasn't my desire to lead you into a metaphysical quagmire. Maybe the need to play "Quake" can be attributed to an internal animal lust.
Sorry for going off like that. I'm better now.
I wouldn't say are activites are the evolution of more basic motivations; rather the remnants thereof. Sex remains an overriding preoccupation with most, despite the fact that there's no need (as far as the species is concerned). Food is pretty much the same option as your new one; security by any other name. I'm not working right now specifically so I can buy a pizza this evening, but I doubt I'd be here if I didn't want the money. As for the image thing: that's your weak link (IMO). Sure, there are people who care about the opinions of idiots[0], but I refuse to believe they're in the majority.
[0]When I say 'idiots' I mean, of course, muppets, gobshites, idiots, goths, creationists... basically anyone unknown to the principal.
<i>"Sure, there are people who care about the opinions of idiots[0], but I refuse to believe they're in the majority.
[0]When I say 'idiots' I mean, of course, muppets, gobshites, idiots, goths, creationists... basically anyone unknown to the principal"</i>

But you recognize how people gather in groups? Like-minded in their opinions and customs, people form common bonds, and the individual often seeks approval by participating and by conforming to the expectations of the <i>tribe.</i>
Originally posted by Bowser
But you recognize how people gather in groups? Like-minded in their opinions and customs, people form common bonds, and the individual often seeks approval by participating and by conforming to the expectations of the <i>tribe.</i>
Recognise it, yeah. Like it? No. Over the years, I've associated - physically and/or virtually - with a bunch of, er, tribes (accurate as the word is in this context, I don't like it). In each case the association was a loose shared interest - be it science fiction, linux, some subgroup thereof or something different. Into this came the idiots; the people who (eg) liked Star Trek, then when they go to their first convention they seek out what's cool, and decide they like that too; they've often gone on to run fan groups. If you use Linux, then it's cool to hate vi or emacs, but you've got to love one of them (as it happens, I'm getting increasingly fond of vi).
My point - lost in there somewhere - is that people will associate because of a shared interest, but when two or three are gathered in Linus' name, then the gobshites come out of the woodwork; swearing undying hatred of Micro$oft despite having loved Office for years, sneering at BSD users even though they don't know what BSD is... the list goes ever on.
People used to gather for survival. Later on a few cavemen may have formed a Mammoth appreciation society, and that's where the rot set in. Since then people have been letting their desire for acceptance override their own likes (am I the only one who knows someone who decided to be a goth, and therefore went to a record store to find out what music she now liked?).
To encapsulate:
-trekkies are assholes
-any gathering of like-minded indviduals will quickly be subsumed by insecure fools, determined to be liked for something
-these fools will take over the agenda - if one exists - and turn it to suit their own whims, removing all purpose

This started out with my disagreeing with you, but I seem to have done little by way of refutation (if that's a word). I guess you're right, but I wish you weren't. Dammit.

I apologise for the possibly esoteric references; write what you know, and all that.

If the poll asserts that (s)he is animal, which should perform for any above any or else mentioned treat(s), then my answer is option 5.

5) I don't perform for treats. I perform for my own amusement!

afterthoughts.......I also perform to get a chuckle from the witful @EXO-hillarious..... .!^$^%%%&*%&*

ade, is it still pissing in ireland?

Originally posted by Bowser
If I was to add any other option, it would be the need for security, the need to build walls and accumulate wealth.

<i>"We are here because the laws of the universe dictate that we're what will happen to hydrogen after twelve billion years. We don't have a purpose in this cosmos any more than your typical asteroid will be fulfilled by orbitting the sun between Mars and Jupiter."</i>

Hmm, I was suggesting that our activities are the evolution of more basic motivations. It wasn't my desire to lead you into a metaphysical quagmire. Maybe the need to play "Quake" can be attributed to an internal animal lust.

Ok...okokokokokokokokokoko_Ok! damnit! Bowz, are you alluding to entrophy?

I normally wouldn't bring up "entrophy" after the scalding attack by Boris, howevere it seems to hint at such things.
Entropy? Define that for me. Is the redundant expressions of human nature a clue to our limited energy? Are we bound to that beast, only to see it renew itself with each generation?

I've seen the primitives dancing on PBS, but then again, I've seen head-bangers doing the same thing in the local club. Tools...a stick or a micro chip? A popular song...just another tribal chant.

Anyway, it was a passing thought.
<b>Is it possible to redirect and channel those desires in others?</b>

I see a lot of primitive energy out there. How might I take advantage of it?
Excellent topic

<font size="1">quote:</font>
<i>Originally posted by rde:</i>
...swearing undying hatred of Micro$oft despite having loved Office for years...

First off, this is a great topic to discuss. It is so prevalent wherever you look. My brother and I were just talking about the inane fact that our campus is full of guys with goatees (not that I'm knocking goatees, I grow one on occasion) that seem to be cut from the same mold: square jawline, flared-nostril look, close-cropped hair or a Caesar-cut, wide strides when walking.

Sometimes the homogeneity is stifling. It seems, no matter what, that people tend towards the middle, towards the norm. Even when people try to <i>not</i> conform, they end up conforming with their buddies anyway. Their nonconformist attitude becomes, in essence, the prevalent norm amongst their respective friends.

To be truly adaptable is to be able to fit in amongst the many at different times, rather than to be the same to everyone.

Bowser, you had an excellent point as well ... "the individual often seeks approval by participating and by conforming to the expectations of the <i>tribe</i>." So, even though people strive for individuality, they seem to be striving for the collective acceptance at the same time. If they don't feel validated, then they don't feel part of the group, which, paradoxically, means that they aren't the right type of individual they feel they should be.

As far as channeling those desires in others ... Are you talking about manipulation? That's quite easy. I'd say try to genuinely understand something from their perspective and then they'll have a most difficult time booting you out later if you express opinions contrary to their credo. If you go in with guns blazing, they'll return fire and you'll be worse off than if you had ignored them. If their hicks, talk about trailer parks and inbreeding -- j/k.

Blast! I've seemed to have lost the thread of my thought on this, but I wanted to get this little bit out. I'll have to tackle the redirection of energy thing later. Good thinking, though.


<i>"As far as channeling those desires in others ... Are you talking about manipulation? That's quite easy. I'd say try to genuinely understand something from their perspective and then they'll have a most difficult time booting you out later if you express opinions contrary to their credo. If you go in with guns blazing, they'll return fire and you'll be worse off than if you had ignored them."</i>

Oh, I think manipulation is the human endeavor. I'm just exploring the possibilities. As for blazing guns, a loud noise will gather more attention than will a whisper. It often opens an honest window into those around you.

Anyway, I liked your input. Thank you.

<i>"If they're hicks, talk about trailer parks and inbreeding"</i>

Hmm...another tribe?

i must start by saying wow...
someone prodding an issue that i belive to be a "core issue"
- i cant remember who said what exactly so...
my credentials... :) i dont have any friends :)
i think and belive that i participate in some sports for my own enjoyment... and the better i get the more i can enjoy it.
my op ... is some people are born with less ability than others and then seek to be better in reaction of the un-informed childs teasing. please dont start talking chicken or egg or you will be bound to catatonic thought :) ......... cos we are here now!
most of us have an ilnes of sorts and most think illnes
is abhorrent and to be outcast to preserve the genes(the beast)- some are nothing more than the beast
or so they belive.
the baggage we carry colours our world and so we never agree on, the colour of the curtains :)
- browser... if you want to work on the engine of a train you have to be where it stops...for enough time to do the job.... :) hint!
teachers are the problem that cant be solved by people who cant see the true colour of the curtains....
if ya get my point

1: HOW TO.. OF how to make pies in a sausage factory
a. make room for new machine... or rent space so you have room for THE NEW MACHINE..... because most people think..."well i feel powerless and yet i can buy my chocolate, so why should i not have my chocolate so others can steal the bread i buy for others"

thats all for now ... i need sleep to help climatise myself to THE SOCIETY IM FORCED TO INTERACT achive the things i want and seek/hope to achive..."like"? ask,
we dont need to fight and most dont need to be sick
and there has always been and will continue to be enough food for all...ok ok.
one last thing.... a thing i made up when i was 20 years old.
the grass(people) the cows(industry) the shit(money)
a good farmer spreads the shit over the whole paddoc
so all the grass can grow well.
humans scrape the shit in to big piles and sit on it as it burns everything underneath and the rest of the paddoc suffers..oh and what a great view from the top
ps thats copy rite and ill tract down anyone who copys it to make money(the animal speaking)
groove on
Hey, that was fun! You forgot to mention the sh.t sandwich. Y'know, the more bread you have, the less sh.t you must eat.

And $20 mil will buy you a trip to the international space station.

Serious now. Yes, we live in our own filth. Even when we try to clean up our mess, we create another (communism).

Well now, with that thought, I'm going to bed.
About the tribe thing concerning stupid people; I refer to this quote-

"You can't start a movement of more than five people without at least one fucking idiot."
---Kim Stanley Robinson (Green Mars)
one thing that i have come to belive in my years of studying people is that ...

"there are a majority of idiots and perverted thinkers"

look at all the religouse factions that tell the others they are wrong because they dont agree.
when they say that most religouse people are supposed to forgive????????????????????????????????


groove on all
if we cannot possibly image the "idea" how can it be wrong?
<i>"You can't start a movement of more than five people without at least one fucking idiot."</i>

It requires a group of idiots and someone to lead them. There are no individuals.