Folded Space or Warp Possible?


Registered Senior Member
Heres a question to chew on. If a propulsion system existed that could bend or Warp Space time would it not force the craft it was installed in an upward or opposite direction equal to the distance or depth of the Fold it created? There for keeping the distance to the crafts destination the same as before the warp or fold was created.
Think of it this way.

This is flat space with points A and B:

Your ship (~) is at the beginning (point A):

Now, fold that space:


See how that point where your ship is, (point A) is getting closer to the furthest point (point B)?
The distance to travel is a lot less now.
Keep folding space:
Now, your ship (at point A) hardly has to move at all to get to point B.
Now, unfold space again:
You travelled all that distance by just inching forward.

All that said, I don't believe in the possibility of warp drive anyway. :D
I see what your saying however your diagram shows that your folding space ahead of your craft However regardless of your position would not the force you apply to Space still exert the same opposite force on you. I believe in order for it to work your craft would have to be located in the center of the the fold.

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Actually the field would have to surround the craft for it to work.

Like the line around this smilly face. :)
Great answer dinokg your correct A++ The next question would be what kind of forces would be created at the center of the sphere. And better yet what kind of craft could withstand them?
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Theres a few types of ships that could withstand forces like this one is a geneticaly enginered living ship that could move the energy around the ship like the nervous system of the body.
This this kind of ship could also be alive and even intelegent on its own without a computer system to control it.

Another is a nanotech ship that uses nanotechnology to build the ship and control the flow and field of the ship.

Still another is a ship that uses mixs of the other technologies.

Then you would have a nanotech bioship.

Plus it could even talk to you and you could talk to it.

So it would be a talking ship that self heal, space travel, time travel, dimensional travel, and make a pizza at the same time.
Now, it would of course be...MOYA from farscape! Actually In SciFi, all the best ships are living beings. It makes sense. #1 it needs to heal and #2 manueverability. Why have intricate controls, when you can simply give commands like "Go there" and it can do the rest.

I like the ships from Babylon 5 that the Vorlon's used. They were more like dogs, or at least had the intellgience of. When the owner died, the ship would sulk around the galaxy for a while before cremating himself and the owner in star.

Also if they are made like plants they could live of of sunlight.

Another thing that could be done would be having a protective suit made thats alot smaller then a ship. It could also be alive. Plus you could go out of the main ship and on to planets and still have the same protection as if you were in a full size space ship.

Another thing that could be done is have ship seeds where after they are planted they grow into full size ships.
The problem is...How would you do any sort of propulsion? So far with current physics, the ONLY way to get anywhere is via Newton's third. You have to throw something. Like all things, you'd run out of mass eventually.

How would a living entity deal with this? Anyone think its possible that any higher lifeforms have developed in the deep of space somewhere? Something that LIVES in space?

One theory for propulsion consists of generating a gravity pulse behind ones craft. In this scenario the force of the much denser Gravity would exert a force to propel one forward or Warp. By expanding the space behind and contracting the space in front of the craft a natural taper would occur causing an increase in velocity for anything traveling through it. But I sure as Sh&t dont want to be the first one to do it.:p
I believe you can't actually "bend space" but I do believe that all space has a "dark matter" or what I like to call ether. And I believe you can pump the ether through a ship.. kind of like a propeller but not with a physical "propulsion device".. such as a propeller.
In the future if a naturally accuring space creature was found it would make it alot easier to genetically modify it to be a space ship then to start from scratch.
But thats asuming the new found space creature even had DNA like earth creatures.
It might have a sturdier version that could resist cosmic radiation alot better than Earth DNA can.
Ok looks like this thread that originaly started out on the topic of Warp drives and folded space theorys has now migrated to big Space creatures that make pizza.:D
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