Flying Spaghetti Monster

It was revealed to a student/physics graduate who wrote to several school boards saying that the FSM should be taught in science class. He was merely a prophet - The FSM (meatballs be upon him) showed him the way to truth with his noodley appendage.
The FSM (hallowed be thy sauce) was not created. He is the FSM. It was from His Noodley Appendage that all was created. If you would open your heart to Him, you, too, can be touched by his Noodley Appendage.

All Praise the Ancient of Marinara
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Yes indeed the FSM is the one real truth in the universe, greater than any other that can be imagined.
The Flying Spaghetti Monster revealed Himself to Bobby Henderson, the official website is at for more information. May you be touched by His noodley appandage in the name of the Noodle, the Sauce, and the Holy Meatballs, RAmen.:cool:

Crom alone reigns on his mist-shrouded mountain, laughing at the weaklings who strive and slay not!

Crom laughs at your Flying Spaghetti Monster, even as he laughs at the Four Winds!

kneal now, or suffer his wrath.
The FSM has a sister godess her name is IPU! Invisible Pink Unicorn. Together they created the heavens, the earth and all that exists in the universe. Together they reign our beloved universe, no other entity exist in the supernatural but them, they don't care about worship, sundays, churches, tradition, they are true masters creators, and seek non of these things, only that you know of their existence!
The FSM has a sister godess her name is IPU! Invisible Pink Unicorn. Together they created the heavens, the earth and all that exists in the universe. Together they reign our beloved universe, no other entity exist in the supernatural but them, they don't care about worship, sundays, churches, tradition, they are true masters creators, and seek non of these things, only that you know of their existence!

Interesting how atheists have to create an artificial religion to combat theists. Apparently, only religion works, whether real or false.
Interesting how atheists have to create an artificial religion to combat theists. Apparently, only religion works, whether real or false.

It is something you have to experience to understand. It's not artificial at all.
Interesting how atheists have to create an artificial religion to combat theists. Apparently, only religion works, whether real or false.
it's also interesting that there are 22 major religions( with numerous sects breaking off of each), that 21(+ all sects) of these religions are equally artificial created, to the theist own favourite.
the theist have been creating religions from the on set.
using it's own illogic to show it's illogic.
Interesting how atheists have to create an artificial religion to combat theists. Apparently, only religion works, whether real or false.

Where do you envision such a combat and on what grounds do you assert it is artificial?
Interesting how atheists have to create an artificial religion to combat theists. Apparently, only religion works, whether real or false.
Are you aware of the difference between mockery and reference?