Flying saucer base in BC, Canada?


Registered Member
Does anyone have any information about the A.V. Roe facility mentioned in this
page? Supposedly, Nazi "flying saucer" technology and personnel were taken to a remote site after WWII to conduct research and development of "flying saucer" technology. 150 miles east of Vancouver would put it around Keremeos. Is the site still there? I haven't found anything else about it in various web searches.
I can only tell you that "Look" is the mid-20th century equivalent of "National Enquirer", "Weekly World News", and other such tabloids. The photos of Jackie Gleason and Art Carney on the cover do nothing to lend any degree of credibility to the story. I'd consider the source, then take it for what it's worth.

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.
There were a number of German scientists brought over the Atlantic after the war under "Operation Paperclip" to work on rocket development as well as VSTOL type aircraft. The A.V. Roe & Company of Canada did a lot of work on trying to develop VSTOL craft; the "flying car" they developed wasn't their best although perhaps it was publicly their most famous because of its "flying saucer" appearance. The USAF was particularly interested in trying to develop a VSTOL craft at that time (early '50's)under Project Y aka Project Silver Bug. Nowadays, such craft are common i.e. the former Soviet Yak-36 aircraft, the British as well as the American version of the Harrier jet, all manner of advanced helicopters although speed will always be diminished with a horizontal rotor craft which is why tilt rotors are preferred or tilt thrust jets e.g. Yak-36, Harrier, etc., for VSTOL craft. Some of the more famous German scientists involved with VSTOL craft were Victor Schauberger, and the brothers Walter and Reimar Horten. As things go, I'm sure further developments along the lines of "improved versions" are continuing in regard to such craft, although most of the former German scientists are now dead and many of the original facilities have moved to newer locations and of course never were too keen on public tours in the first place.

[This message has been edited by Peter Dolan (edited April 10, 2000).]
Thanks for the replies, Oxygen and Peter. I'm still curious if there is any basis to the "facility" story... if I come up with anything, I'll post it here. I appreciate your point about the source of the story, Oxygen, but even the Enquirer gets it right sometimes!
For an intersting article about the Avrocar including a fairly long video, see here:
Interesting that CBC Radio has had a couple of items about the Avrocar recently, apparently there are a couple of intact (more or less) examples in museums in the US and there is some interest in having at least one come back to Canada. The military spokesman that Michael Enright (sp?) talked to today indicated that they might be willing to loan one, but considered them US property (fair enough, since the US Army paid for most of the development).
The craft in the videos seems to be quite maneuverable but apparently never got out of the ground-effects cushion, but compare this to the early efforts at breaking the sound barrier - is it inconceivable that further development might have been done? The projections of performance capabilities (I've seen figures ranging from 500 to 5000 km/h), though never even remotely achieved, were startling. The Avro Arrow was an amazing machine, and there appears to have been a lot of engineering go into the Avrocar, by the same people.

[This message has been edited by LJStreet (edited April 11, 2000).]
I believe that base in Canada was underground and that they had a facility
that was a decoy for the work on the projects mentioned. I know that in Northwest Montana near the border, which is where I lived most of my life, there is a facility a ways into the wilderness
that no one knew about until some hunters stumbled on to it. What they did there who knows. There was a very large perimeter fence and cameras placed all around. Signs on the fence said restricted area keep out use of deadly force authorized. People reported seeing various strange occurances in that area and a few who heard about the installation went to investigate were ran off. This place was not represented on a government map. Many stories like this are probably sent to the tabloids and if this one was it would be true. I think there a quite a few undiscovered bases in the northwest and Canada it is a great place to hide one after all if someone came up missing they could say he was found dead in the woods must have got lost or it was a hunting "accident".