

Golden Sparkler
Registered Senior Member
Here's an idea for you that you could do if you want: Make a prayer-request for each of your family and friends you know that have passed over through death -- and ask that a beautiful bouquet of flowers be given to each of them. Something like, "God, will you please manifest a beautiful bouquet of flowers with John Smith right now? Thank you... From my heart to yours, John." (or whatever you call our Creator, if you believe in one)

It means a lot to those in spirit to receive a loving gift like this from someone they know who is still in the physical world.

If you do this, i encourage you to make each request as heartfelt as you can, rather than just mindlessly repeating it over and over for different people. Pause after each request, and really feel the power of what you've just done. And if you find yourself entering into mindless repetition with it, take a break and continue later on.

If you want to, you can also do this for those you know who haven't passed over yet. :D "God, when Jane Smith eventually passes over through death, will you please manifest a beautiful bouquet of flowers with her at just the right moment? Thank you... From my heart to yours, Jane." You could make a list of all your family and friends -- on paper or on your computer -- so that you can make sure to make the request for each of them. Imagine how much gentler and smoother it might help to make the transition into the spirit realm for your loved ones, and what a nice gift it would be to receive...

Try not to overdo it though with the number of flowers and all of that -- sometimes less is more, and too much can be overwhelming. (like, the difference between the simple beauty of receiving one flower or a bouquet of them from someone, and being given a thousand of them all at once)

It's just an idea that i thought i'd share with you... ;)
Death to death I guess.

Giving cut flowers to someone seems like a dark and sinister gesture. Such a gift is of something dying.

If one must give vegetation as a gift then give pot plants or similar which are vibrant, alive and living.
By all means, go with what feels right to you. But who says that flowers given as a gift in the spirit world necessarily have to be "cut flowers that will die," as is the case in the physical world? What if flowers not growing in soil there live just as vibrantly and healthily as if they were? For that matter, what if the bouquet of flowers given was growing in a pot of soil? A bouquet need not necessarily be given in a vase of water...
Any chance god could send my Grandad a packet of fags and a bottle of Chivas Reagal? He never did like flowers he prefered young boys. Maybe god can send him a little arab rent boy?
This is great! I could do this all day.
Thanks for the tip Lykan!
Dee Cee
Here's an idea for you that you could do if you want: Make a prayer-request for each of your family and friends you know that have passed over through death -- and ask that a beautiful bouquet of flowers be given to each of them. Something like, "God, will you please manifest a beautiful bouquet of flowers with John Smith right now? Thank you... From my heart to yours, John." (or whatever you call our Creator, if you believe in one)

With all due respect, but i prefer to go see my son and place flowers/toys etc all by myself. Why would i ask someone else to do it for me?

But maybe you're right... no need to drive up the road when i can just sit here and talk to the clouds instead. :rolleyes: