Flax seed oil... DANGER

Mosheh Thezion

Registered Senior Member
Men should never eat flax seed oil... web MD will tell you why...

it has a chemical known to be the worlds most powerful growth stimulant for prostate cancer....

so women can eat it... but men should not.

men should take fish oil.. if they want omega 3's....

did you guys know that?

cause no flax product has any warnings on it.... its a crime.

what pisses me off.... is that they are selling flax all over LA.. in every store...
and not one person i have talked to even in health food stores knows this..

and of course i am compelled to educate them.

I feel the manufactures must get sued before they will print the warnings on the labels...

Mosheh Thezion said:
...and of course i am compelled to educate them.

Oh, really? And how did you receive the “education” on this matter that you are so pragmatically imparting to other people? Was it WebMD? A mass circulated email?

There are no end of substances that potentially increase disease risk. Sunlight increases your risk of disease. Glucose increases your risk of disease. Saturated fat increases your risk of disease.

From my brief reading of WebMD (a poor source of scientific info) and my brief scanning of published papers (an excellent source of scientific info), it seems to me that the suggestion that flax seed oil promotes prostate cancer growth is just that: a suggestion. There are only a few reports and, with a single exception, they are all epidemiological. I could find only one functional study and it used cell culture only.

The upshot of what I just said is that this is not a strong case. I’m not saying that it’s untrue – flax seed oil may well promote the growth of prostate cancer cells. (This would almost certainly be via hormonal stimulation of androgen-responsive cancer cells.) But at the moment there is no compelling evidence that it does. The FDA makes no mention of it. So, I’m afraid that at the moment your little crusade constitutes scaremongering, and nothing more.<P>
the point is a doctor would, if he was a good one.. would advise men to take fish oil instead... that is my point...

Mosheh Thezion said:
Yes indeed, the last paragraph does make it clear:

The only catch to this is some disturbing research published by Dr. Charles "Snuffy" Myers at the University of Virginia Medical School in Charlottesville. He has evidence indicating that flax seed oil may promote the growth of prostate tumors.
(Emphasis added)

A single doctor reporting on WebMD on the provisional research of another single doctor. Like I said, this is not conclusive. Your example does indeed make it clear that this is not a widely agreed upon fact. It is merely a suggestion at this point.<P>
alright then... you go ahead and eat it.

people have not eaten flax... generally.. its a shitty grain... probubly used as animal feed... but with the market system.. they want us to eat it all.

oatmeal wasnt eaten by anyone, until quaker oats adveritsed it as delicious and good for you... and today lots of people eat oats...

there is no need to add flax to our diet.. and to do so, is to be part of a big experiment with the public to see if we can stomach it... literally.

go ahead and eat all you want.
Several studies in humans suggest an increased risk of prostate cancer with increased intake of alpha-linolenic acid (which is present in flaxseed). Based on the available research, men with prostate cancer or at risk for prostate cancer should avoid flaxseed and alpha-linolenic acid supplements. Demark-Wahnefried et al (2001) said about their study, "[t]hese pilot data suggest that a flaxseed-supplemented, fat-restricted diet may affect prostate cancer biology and associated biomarkers. Further study is needed to determine the benefit of this dietary regimen as either a complementary or preventive therapy."

Also, Carlin noted (2001) that saliva causes cancer, "[ b]ut apparently only when swallowed in small amounts over a long period of time."


Carlin, George (2001). Napalm & Silly Putty, Hyperion

Demark-Wahnefried, Wendy; et al (2001). Pilot study of dietary fat restriction and flaxseed supplementation in men with prostate cancer before surgery: exploring the effects on hormonal levels, prostate-specific antigen, and histopathologic features. Urology, 58(1), 47-52
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and who is able to know if they have prostate cancer?

and who is at risk for it?

and who may have minor stages of it?

Most men on earth.

Do what you want.. eat what you want... but i wont.

I only wished to share this info... as most people just have no idea.

my job is done.. since now.. you have the knowledge and can deside accordingly.

It is interesting that a drug get's tested and tested before the FDA allows it to be marketed. Flaxseed oil hasn't been tested much and there is some controversy over whether it could pose a health risk and some would say wait until it's proven before you sound the alarm. I'm sorry if there isn't enough research to tell me it's safe and there is even some data that suggests it could cause me to lose my precious prostate, I wanna know and I'm not taking it until proven otherwise....lol I'm just uneducated that way I guess...lol
Flaxseed may slow or shrink prostate tumor growth

There are as yet no clear data to say that flax oil increases prostate tumor cancer incidence or tumor size.

In fact, using WebMD as a reference, (which by the way is a very good reference as far as physician continuing medical education goes) one finds this:

(I can't post the link, but if you search flaxseed prostate tumor 2007 you find a study that suggests that preoperatively, men who took flaxseed had smaller tumors in one month.

Just sayin'.
Yes indeed, the last paragraph does make it clear:

(Emphasis added)

A single doctor reporting on WebMD on the provisional research of another single doctor. Like I said, this is not conclusive. Your example does indeed make it clear that this is not a widely agreed upon fact. It is merely a suggestion at this point.<P>

Snuffy eh ? LOL
oatmeal wasnt eaten by anyone, until quaker oats adveritsed it as delicious and good for you
Uh, some of us of Scot extraction can hand you recipes with oatmeal - the real stuff, not that bland box pablum you have to sugar up - that go back to before there were Quakers at all.
Dr Johnson's definition of oats (1755) :
'a grain, which in England is generally given to horses, but in Scotland supports the people.'