

Secret double agent deer
Registered Senior Member
This is a recomendation for a book.Flatland by Edwin A. Abbot, its a short book, easy read, and easily understandable if you passed geometry in highschool, and probably if you didnt. At its core its a tale about somone with knoledge of higher planes of existance and his frustration in attempting to make the closed minded scientific establishment of his time understand it too.

Many years later another author wrote a sequil to it called sphere land, and it takes the origonal premice to new depthts, its also quite short but very poingnant and probably something a few on this bord will relate strongly with.

both books have recently been published in one volume and even together make for a thin book that i think is highly worth taking the small amount of time it takes to read it.

in a very round about conservative way these books afferm that there are phenominon all around us that science is just not equiped to deal with, and shows what happens to those who dont just ignroe the strange or supernatural phenominon they encounter.

um... also Flatland, being written in the victorian era is full of some commicly sexist remarks that the later author of Sphereland goes through some trouble at the begining of his book to try to explain as a flaw in the mindset of that time. Just smile and nod when you read over some of it, its not the point of why im recomending the books.
in a very round about conservative way these books afferm that there are phenominon all around us that science is just not equiped to deal with, and shows what happens to those who dont just ignroe the strange or supernatural phenominon they encounter.

What are these phenomena that science is ill-equipped to deal with?

If they are supernatural how <i>can</i> science explain them?

It gets tiring reading people slag off science when they obviously know nothing about how it works.

Apart from that Flatland is a good read.