

Registered Senior Member
Does anyone fish/ surly some of you martial artists go fishing to relax and meditate, if so then pray tell your fishing tails,the ones that got away,the accidents, you know the things i mean hooks in the butt, falling in, come on share, lets have some fun with this.:D
I went fishing 1 time with my dad. But the fish were too small so we had keep throwing them back. I felt so bad, I never went again :(
There was a nice bass I went in after once. It struck at the bait and missed, I set the hook. It took off running like crazy every where. It got caught when the line wrapped around a log. I waded out, dove under the water and got that baby out. It was then I discovered that the hook set in it's belly from the outside...
I went to a local canal fishing for pike, i was there about two hours when all at once the pike bung went off down the canal like a speed boat, i sunk the hook, and the fight was on it had taken my line almost to the spool, it took me three quarters of an hour to get it back the pike put up a hell of a fight, my arms ached my back killed and i was knackered, then the line went slack thought i had lost it, got the bung close to the bank reached down to fish the line out with my hand,big mistake, the fish took one last run sliced through three of my fingers, but i got the sod in the end, twelve pounds of muscle. great fight.;)
I hooked a fish once. I had 30# line on my reel. It seemed to be a big one. It headed for sea. About three wraps from running out of line I got it turned. I fought that thing for an hour. Everytime I would get it close it would head back out to sea. Finally I got to see what I had caught. It was tired as I was and was on its side on the surface of the ocean. It was a red fish. I was on a pier about 20' off the water. So I walked back to the beach to land it. After I got it in I weight it and it was 35#. It gave a wonderful fight. Boy was I tuckered.
Well there was a time when my dad went fishing at sea with some friends, one of em caught a shark :) and couldn't get it in and another (very strong dude) grabbed the line near the sharks mouth and in 1 go got it on deck. My own tales are along the line of got away/never hooked it :(
<i>"Does anyone fish/ surly some of you martial artists go fishing to relax and meditate, if so then pray tell your fishing tails,the ones that got away,the accidents, you know the things i mean hooks in the butt, falling in, come on share, lets have some fun with this.</i>

Fly fishing...but since my second child, I haven't had time to throw a line. It's been four long years since I last went fishing.
Ah, fishing! :)

The last time I went, I was sitting on the edge of a dock, close to the shore. Yes, dumb, I know. :D Anyway, long story short, everytime I felt a tug, my hook would come back empty. Later, I found out that a giant turtle had been eating my bait. So now I just fish to feed the turtles.

Oh yeah, and I got leeches stuck to my leg that day too. Big fat nasty leeches, engorged on my blood. I had to stop yelling to actually rip them off. :eek: And the worst part is, you can't feel them sucking out your blood, until you accidentally brush their sleek bodies with your hand. Nasty critters.... :eek: