fish changing genders and "sexual peaks" in humans

Dr Lou Natic

Unnecessary Surgeon
Registered Senior Member
There are alot of species of fish that are all born males, as they get older they eventually turn into females.
This got me thinking, do you think whatever ocean species humans evolved from could have had a similar lifestyle?
We all know the sexual peak of males is around 18 and around 35 for females, do you see what I'm getting at?
Eventually our ancestors would have started being born one gender or the other but the males continued to yearn for sex earlier in life than the females.
Just a crazy theory...
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
There are alot of species of fish that are all born males, as they get older they eventually turn into females.
This got me thinking, do you think whatever ocean species humans evolved from could have had a similar lifestyle?
We all know the sexual peak of males is around 18 and around 35 for females, do you see what I'm getting at?
Eventually our ancestors would have started being born one gender or the other but the males continued to yearn for sex earlier in life than the females.
Just a crazy theory...

interesting topic.

So you are saying that this 'aquatic oceanic ape' starts of as a male…with all the lust involved…once they grew more mature they switched their sex to female. And another peak of sexual lust occurs.
And now human males lost this ability to switch, but the genetic information for sexual lust at the young adult male stage and older female stage are kept intact.

I was wondering though. Isn't it so that with these fish that they switch sex when they get bigger??? And size has in this case the advantage that more eggs can be produced. For males this is not so important because it is much easier to produce large quantities of sperms than eggs.

If this was true would something similar be the case in the oceanic ape? I venture to guess that it probably isn't the size, but could it be something else then?
Aquatic ape?
I don't know anything about those...
I mean the fish we descended from that crawled out of the water billions of years ago, perhaps they had this gender switching lifestyle.
But I just thought, this would probably mean every land animal would have similar sexual peaks, is there any way to figure out what the sexual peaks of animals are?
I don't know, probably has nothing to do with it, just seems it could. I can't see why we , as a species, would have evolved the "sexual peaks" we possess.
I was thinking they might be a left over trait.
maybe the late sexual peak in women is to entice them to still have children at a late stage. So that they don't say enough is enough. I had 10 and I had enough. And therefore they will bare children until their death.

mind you...i'm talking about a period when 40 years was quite old for a human...

what do you think Dr Lou?
Is that 18 and 35yrs old thing verified anywhere? Where did that idea first pop up anyway?
I'm not sure but it seems to be generally true, teenage boys do seem to think about sex alot while older middle aged women seem to crave the wang with unrivalled ferocity.

Thats a good theory spurious, I never thought of that, perhaps you are right.
this whole sex change thing is quite interesting. The whole reproductive organ system has to be changed and all of this is probably under the influence of hormones. A new organ has to be build.

Therefore it is an example of 'embryology' occurring after 'embryology has stopped.

quite fascinating...
After 300Million plus years of separated evolution we no longer share genetically similar mating behavior with fish... Heck we don't even share that with chimps.
it seems like it would be a more recent development than fish ancestors. perhaps women that remained receptive longer, as their childbearing ability was diminishing, would leave a greater number of offspring thus passing on more genes for extended receptivity to the next generation. i've become quite interested in the evolution of sex, particularly in human females, since i almost taught a class on it (but dropped out :eek: ).

now that i think about it, it is strange that from biblical times on young girls are married off to older men. nobody is in their peak!
Originally posted by SwedishFish
now that i think about it, it is strange that from biblical times on young girls are married off to older men. nobody is in their peak!
Hey you just gave me an idea, its is probably just a case of wanting what you can't have, females tend to be attractred to older men and males tend to be attracted to younger females, this leaves young males and old females feeling unwanted and it in turn makes them want sex more. You know what I mean? A young female isn't all that hell bent on getting sex because every guy she sees is willing to "do" her so she can take it easy and get it where she wants and when it is most convenient for her.
Thats probably all it is :cool: