first round with evolution.


In withdrawal.
Valued Senior Member
why does evolution make people and living things become better, why not worse?

if this world happened all over again, if a big bang occurred somewhere else in another space or dimention, would people come into existence from evolution too? and other live things?
which ones usually happen more?

how come there are enough of the good ones to make us as complex as we are now?

if the universe was given another chance, would it be as it is now? would we exist?

why does evolution make people and living things become better, why not worse?

It doesn't make them better or worse, it's an adaptation, changes that are needed for survival. Natural selection, which basically means that traits that will help in survival are maintained and traits that are obsolete are are discarded.

Better or worse is not a good way to look at it IMO.

A trait that might be good for someone living in the desert may not be a good as a trait for someone living in the arctic.
It can make them worse in some ways. For instance, certain features that are selected for are genes associated with other genes that in some circumstances are not helpful. For instance, people of African descent often have sickle cell anemia, which is associated with an adaptation to malaria resistance.
if this world happened all over again, if a big bang occurred somewhere else in another space or dimention, would people come into existence from evolution too? and other live things?

I believe that evolution is happening all throught the universe on millions of millions of planets.

People or people like creatures could have come and gone on planets which may have reached our stage of evolution a million years ago. Can you imagine where we will be in another million years.

To what level these other planets have or can allow for advanced species is unknown. But I think we will find microbial life throught the universe as they have shown they can survive in conditions here on earth that we would consider uninhabitable.

So it depends on the life sustaining conditions on other planets, since things are unlikely to unfold the same ways ours did, it's doubtful they would be similar, but life nonetheless.
There is no better or worse in evolution, it is more accurate to talk about fitness to the environment. Individuals with fitter genes reproduce more, and so those genes become more common in a species, while those with genes less well adapted to the environment will tend to reproduce less, and their traits will become less frequent or disappear from the gene pool. Of course this is less true today where man controls his environment to the extent that it no longer represents a serious impediment to reproductive success.