First Psi expereince - how did you feel?

Quantum Quack

Life's a tease...
Valued Senior Member
As part of my research into this field I wanted to survey those who have had Psi experiences or experiences that they would consider to be psi expereinces how they felt during, immediately afterwards and later about those expereinces. In particular feelings that could be associated with pleasure and pain.

Descriptions of the fear, thrill and excitement and even a run down of what actually occured and how you reconciled these events with current scientific attutudes and skepticism.

But most importantly focusing on the very first remembered psi experience would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
As part of my research into this field I wanted to survey those who have had Psi experiences or experiences that they would consider to be psi expereinces how they felt during, immediately afterwards and later about those expereinces. In particular feelings that could be associated with pleasure and pain.

Descriptions of the fear, thrill and excitement and even a run down of what actually occured and how you reconciled these events with current scientific attutudes and skepticism.

But most importantly focusing on the very first remembered psi experience would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,

and psi experience is what?
and psi experience is what?
basically it is what ever the person recognises as a psi expereince. Normally people know the difference betweeen normal or ordinary mental or empathic experiences and extraordinary experiences. Certainly there are many border line exeriences but I am really more interested in those expereinces that would normally fall within the extraordinary such as ESP, precog. telepathy, isometrics, mediums for deceased, possessions, profound meaning lucid dreaming etc etc....