First post at this forum!

As we do with every new person on this forum that posts a Hello! or First post message we WELCOME them!

Some people might tire of welcoming, others the entire being nice and friendly is warming to themselves as much as those they greet.

Without further Ado, heres a Welcome from myself to AmerEagle I hope you find this forum and the discussions held within it eye opening and entertaining.

(I hope my answer at: was of use to you also :D)

Hope to catch up with some of your posts.
Ahoy there, AmerEagle!!!


Welcome to our little sanctuary, here you will encounter many of good will and intention though through which means I cannot justifiably divulge...

The bathrooms are to the left and refreshments to the rear, we have a monthly raffle and quarterly ferret-shaving contest. The winner is inducted into a temporary Hall of Fame and has his/her picture taken with the winning ferret... :bugeye:

I understand that you are a classical musician. I too have some instruction in classical music performance: on the violin in fact. Perhaps we can eventually expand our familiarity with the repertoire through posts and association. sEe you around...

Welcome AmerEagle, hope you will have many fruitful discussions. :)

Yogamojo, what an eyecatching new avatar you have.
(chuckles) Nice pun, beb.

Velcome, AmerEagle. May I incquire as to HOW you got to this website and how long it took for you to get a membership?


¿You like? Eye was tired of my little digital mantra thing. Now eye can watch everyone...:bugeye: (though not stereoscopically) Eye'll have to attend to that. Eye like your graphics too!

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All me to echo the other members greetings, AmerEagle. Welcome to Sciforums! We shall look forward to your posts.

I think I agree with the rest, Yogamojo. Nice change of avatar.
Hi again, everyone. About how I got to this forum and how long it took,

Is that a trick question?

Hi, Tristan, Think I Know You.

It took me a bit longer than 15 seconds. You're fast.

I think I know you from a JonBenet forum. Nice to see you.
To Pollux

Hi, Pollux. Getting in took me longer than Tristan took. I don't remember exactly. May I inquire why you asked? Did you have problems? For me, the question now is how long does it take to progress from "Jr. Member" to something else and what would that be? Is it when you reach 50 posts or 100 posts or what? Thanks for your reply. AmerEagle
weyell I'm just curious about all of the guests that visit this site, usually I find about fifty or so every time I come here. Did you have a look around and join or come back every-so-often? I think that to be a 'member' and to be able to change your title (mine is Judge of the Science) you have to post fifty. Porfiry is the guy you should ask about that.
Re Getting Into This Forum

Well, I'd been here a long time ago, but I'm not a scientist at all and was thrown off by the title. Then just when closed, a friend told me about this site. I'm sure glad to find out all about it. At first, I couldn't "subscribe" to more than one subject, but the friend fooled around a bit and removed a "no" which had been automatically checked somehow. Fifty posts will be no problem. Thanks for your reply. AmerEagle (Never saw this Smiley before, so think I'll use.):eek:
Well Amereagle thats not me. never been to that site. (Sigh) I have to go to school and im sick. Anyway, Tristan is my first name. I love that name. Its uniQue:bugeye:
Ian's a name that's more sly, cunning, giving you an image of a tall, handsome person.

I have yet to be tall and as always am not sure if I'm handsome.

But I say so anyway:D