First Contact


"Pfft, Rebel scum!"
Valued Senior Member
When do you think humans will make first contact Officially with extra terrestrials?
What makes you think there is no contact already with extraterrestrials?

How you mean "officially"? As in, landing with a Spacecraft in the backyard of Mr. president?

You think that would be a smart thing to do?
Wednsday, July 10, 2002 at 3:27 pm.

I'm having a beer with one now. He - er - it, says

Officially, I mean it being declared world wide. I don't mean some red neck going 'Hyuk, I did see some of dem lil critters'.
After we invent the warp drive, the Vulcans will detect the warp signature and make first contact with us. (They might have to defeat the Borg first)
this conversation reminds me that cool alien parody movie
"Mars Attacks"
anyone seen it?:)
Originally posted by Joeman
After we invent the warp drive, the Vulcans will detect the warp signature and make first contact with us. (They might have to defeat the Borg first)


A closet Trekky... Or is that Trekker or just a Trekoligist?
Sorry Thor...

Seriously though, if it hadn't happened in N.M. which will become the official F.C. then I have no idea... But I hope soon, it would soon enough change things on this planet. For the good, bad or the ugly... Again no idea, but they say 'A change is as good as a holiday', and I need to get me one of those.

Keep it together, don't be a fatality when your fantasies don't match your realities.