first contact and previous civilization


Registered Senior Member
What scientist have been finding in The deserts of chile and peru and in the jungles of the Yucatan is the most concrete evidence of human/alien interaction ever. Move over Roswell. Carvings and paintings and architecture all over southern and central america experianced an incredible an dramatic change over a very short period now i dont know exactly when this took place but I know it is in the B.C years. For instance tribes in chile and peru went from being hunters and gatherers to skilled architects and engineers at the same basic time that the maya portrayed space men like entities in their temples. This really excited me when i saw this in a book i own because the drawing truly did look like a man with a strange suit on and it appeared that he was at the controlls of a space craft. It just seems odd that all of this would all of a sudden happen I'm convinced that this was our first contact
Well good morning bezzle glad you could join uslol. Roswell is small change compared to the past. Look at the caves of France, the pyramids, Mars, Plains of Nazca, the Annasazi of New Mexico, crop circles ......its all joined and points to their presence. They are not demons as some want to claim and just because you have a sighting does not necessarily mean you will be abducted. Theres much more to the pattern than just a sighting, man im disappointed in some peoples kids lol.

Eric Cooper
I won't debate "concrete" here, except to say that yes, Nazca is very impressive in and of itself.

I would actually like to add a couple of points:

* 700-600 BCE saw an influx of people to the Americas from Europe. Dr. Barry Fell released a book entitled "America B.C." in which he presents evidence concerning the presence of Celtic, Phonecian, and Nubian peoples in the continent. I do not recall, though, that Dr. Fell addressed South America in such a context. His studies seem to be from Mexico to Canada in this hemisphere, and the aforementioned ancient cultures as well as the Tartessian ships of the Biblical psalms and some coinciding remains in India.

* Aldous Huxley, of "Brave New World" fame, recalled in his travel memoirs "Jesting Pilate" a conversation he'd had with a professer in India in 1925 or thereabout. Certain Indian myths include millennia-old tales of a prince who traveled in zeppelin-like craft to a far-distant land in the east, which Huxley noted his associate equated to the American continents.

* If anyone has more information on the following, I'd love to see it .... There are, apparently, rock paintings in Africa detailing star formations which Western society could not see without telescopes until the early twentieth century. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?


"Let us not launch the boat until the ground is wet." (Khaavren of Castlerock)
tiassa- I know, this is a delayed response, but I've been kind of bored today and started looking at older posts.

The African tribe you refer to is the Dogon tribe, I believe. Their paintings and legends do indeed have information on distant stars, but I think it was shown that they did not use the same sense of time as the people who claimed to have first encountered them. As I recall, they described their information as having come to them "long ago", which to the Western mind meant entire generations, but to the Dogon mind meant "we got it from the people who met us and sent you out here to talk more with us." Apparently the detailed, recorded contact with the Dogon was contaminated by an earlier visit. All of the information the Dogon had was current information that had been shown to them only a few months prior. I've got the names in a book of who met whom and when (I think it's called "Ancient Mysteries" or something, and when I dig it out of my closet I'll give you the publishing information if you want it).

[This message has been edited by Oxygen (edited November 07, 1999).]

Apparently Bueller has taken the day off. :)

I believe Oxygen is correct - the African tribe you mentioned is the Dogon tribe, who live near the city of Timbuctoo in Mali. Their belief is that there is a very small and heavy star which revolves around Sirius, and is the center of all creation. They call it "po tolo", translated to mean the "Digitaria star", named after the plant with smallest seeds known to them (Latin name of plant = Digitaria exilis; Dogon name = fonio; Dogon name for the grain from this plant = po).

This is the same star known as Sirius B to modern astronomers. The Dogon had detailed information regarding the orbit of this star that is invisible without the aid of a powerful telescope. They believe it is the smallest thing there is, and yet the heaviest star; they believe it is made of a metal they call "sagala", which is a little brighter than iron and so heavy "that all earthly beings combined cannot lift it".

They also knew of a third star, which they call "emma ya", or the "sun of women", whose existence was not confirmed by astronomers until 1995. This is the star known today as Sirius C. The mystery is, how did they know?