Fire from heaven


Registered Senior Member
There is a yearly human sacrifice ritual or mach human sacrifice to a forty foot stone owl idol, a symbol of baal Moloch, that is performed at the bohemian grove in California where powerful rich elites such as current president Bush are publicly known to have attended. A Texas radio conspiracy talk show host Alex Jones crashed the party and clandestinely took video of the ritual. You can see segments of it at
What struck me as ironic, the best my reaction can be described, is that in the ritual when a conversation between the satanic high priest and Moloch takes place Moloch says, “I spit on your fire” and suddenly a fire ball enters the frame shooting down from the sky. The irony is in were I recalled some biblical mention of a false prophet that was to come and call down fire. So I looked up what was written and here are the parallels:

Rev 13:11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.

The satanic high priest costume on the program had two definite horns. The one conducting that particular ceremony seemed to be dressed like the pope. The pope’s hat is made in likeness of the fish head of Dagon. The lips of the fish constitute two horns. He was also spoke over a loud speaker and I suppose that could be described as speaking like a dragon.

Rev 13:13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.

That’s what happened.

Rev 13:15 .... that the image of the beast should both speak ....

The image, in this case a stone owl was also given a voice over a microphone.

This leaves me wondering whether Paul knew of such ritual at his time and whether they could have involved pyrotechnics of some sort or whether these Satanists read the bible.
Well, as satan is an invention of the bible, it would be reasonable to assume that satanists study something at least like a parody of the bible.