Finish my Sentence

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a massive conga-line of back-scratching be oraganised for the following week, with the stipulation that...
willy out, telling all of the Greeks and transsexuals to come and take a look. Luckily the stipulation meant that they didn't adhere to Tom Cruise's requests so they just stayed in the conga line and thought about...
why they were in this ridiculous position in the first place but none of them could remember and so began the Age of Forgetfulness that would plague the Earth for several decades until some guy, or was it some gal, or maybe it was both came along and....
something happened, I think, or maybe it didn't but I'm sure whatever it was it was important because just then I took a swig of some Milk of Amnesia and you wouldn't believe what happened next, if only .....
me an Iraqi gospel singer, not that I understand why but I can't help myself, it just happens, one minute I'm .......
helping to kill my brother's new wife because she is not a virgin, I suspect mine isn't one also, so right now I am trying to ......
stretching newly made vaginas in transsexuals (true donchaknow) speaking of trannsexuals, when I was in Texas last week...
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