find cures...hmmm.


Registered Senior Member
ok. how hard can it be to "invent" an ingredient that will COMPLETELY- NOT JUST HALF_ASSED stop/halt the production of the enzyme needed for retro viruses...i mean...c'mon. let me in the the lab, i'll have a go at it.

get real...illnesses are a big ..i mean BIG business.... why would "they" even want to come up with a cure for aids or cancer...think of all the money the drug-companies (read: monopolies) would be losing...hmm. but, you'd better believe that it is within our means right now to produce a cure for both of these diabolical diseases. yep. the big drug companies (ie. Merck, Meade, Smith-Kline) don't want us to "find" the cures ....think of all the money they'd be losing out on.
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Originally posted by pumpkinsaren'torange
ok. how hard can it be to "invent" an ingredient that will stop/halt the production of the enzyme needed for retro viruses...i mean...c'mon. let me in the the lab, i'll have a go at it.

I dont suppose u have heard of AZT ? Or perhaps nevirapine? Both are drugs that are used to interfer or inhibit the actions of reverse transcriptase, vital in the action of retro viruses. They are specifically used to combat AIDS/HIV.
AZT=crap. lotta good that's doing.

not good enough.

and, yeah, i have heard of those. no...uh, oh..... nope, nope *tries really hard to restrain herself.......i will not ...not ....NOT...say "duh" . oh, darn it. it slipped.

we need somthing to DIRECTLY STOP the transcription and translation of the reverse transcriptase enzyme. AZT ain't cuttin' it.
Curing disease is not good business. Treatment of symptoms is good business. If a company can ease suffering while allowing a problem to continue, they will make more money. It sucks, but that's what they want.
One of these days drug companys will release an engineered pathogen into society. Then they will admit it and say "Yes, you could prosecute us but then you would die. We have a drug only we have the formula for that will keep you alive. We go to jail and within a month you will all be dead."

Scary idea.
That's exactly what the human race is like and I don't think there's anything that can change that...maybe som miracle...nah. They have always been greedy for power and money and will always be so until money and power doesn't exist anymore. As for this Cure/Virus discussion...well, let nature have it's course and let the grim reaper do his work.