Financial Astrology


Registered Senior Member
Using Astrology to predict Money Markets and the Economy has a long and repected history.


A recent article in the British Astrological Journal discovered that approx 40% of Wall St. Stockbroking firms used astrology. This was a very conservative estimate. It been well known for several decades that Stockbrokers aren't keen to admit that they use Astrology or Astrological Software. We can assume that the actual figures suggest that MOST stockbrokers use astrology.

When it comes to making money...all scepticism goes out of the window even amongst hard nosed businessmen. In fact it the very reason why fainacial astrology is in the rise. If it makes money, stockbrokers. If it don't work the astrologer is kicked out on his ass along with anything else that fails.

The fact that its becoming more and more frequently used is definitive proof of its effectiveness. You don't pay wages to timewasters in Wall St!!!
In mine opinion it has nothing to do with astrology, stockmarketing has to do with with precognitions and changes. Astrology affecting it is true, but it's just a part of it. This part is shaping the future or used to overcome it. In my opinion it is a balance between good and evil. Without good, there is no wrong, etc. Intensions are the problem, like 911. Trade must be lemons for bread. It can be cathogorized better to overcome.
Using Astrology to predict Money Markets and the Economy has a long and repected history.

A recent article in the British Astrological Journal discovered that approx 40% of Wall St. Stockbroking firms used astrology. This was a very conservative.

I don't believe that and in the link you provided there wasn't any proof, other than the reporters heresay, that firms use astrology at all. I believe that many of Wall Streets firms are using insider trading, stock manipulation and other questionable ways of "rigging" the system. Not all of the firms do this but I'd bet allot do. Who is going to know if Jim and Mary "talk" over lunch of how to take advantage of stocks by manipulating their clients shares then go back in and do so?

Another way the Wall Street firms manipulate the street is to sell off large quantities of stocks whenever they want then buy them back at a later time for less money because they make people think that those stocks aren't going to do anything in the future. Then those stocks gain value over time again and the circle goes unbroken. I don't trust the stock market and trust less the stock brokers because why would anyone who knows as much as they do not be in business for themselves since they are privy to all that goes on up on Wall Street.
Oh I dont trust Stockbrokers or their firms would?

Even the most astute economic forecasters weren't prepared for the 1987 crash. That got me interested because at the time the AJ's financial astrologer had predicted the exact day..Black Friday for a stockmarket crash.

Having said that he wasn't always so accurate and not having much in shares apart from those given in the privatisations under Thatcher...i'm not that interested in the forecasts.

As for the 40% figure..that was from a reputable source..Daniel Pallant who was a columnist for the Financial Times. Obviously he didn't promote his interest in sytological forecasting! that would lead me to assume that 40% was on the conservative side.

but yeah neither I or anyone else can say for sure...its a secretive business!
Here's a tip if your interested in a good investment.
By Adam Bennett
October 10, 2006 04:04pm

It's being hailed by its developers as the next revolution in visual technology - a laser television that will make plasma screens obsolete.

Soon-to-be-listed Australian company Arasor International and its US partner Novalux unveiled what they claimed to be the world's first laser television in Sydney today, with a pitch that it would be half the price, twice as good, and use a quarter of the electricity of conventional plasma and LCD TVs.

Manufacturing company Arasor produces the unique optoelectronic chip central to the laser projection device being developed by Silicon Valley-based Novalux, which is being used by a number of television manufacturers.

And displayed beside a conventional 50 inch plasma TV this afternoon, the Mitsubishi-built prototype does appear brighter and clearer than its “older” rival.

With a worldwide launch date scheduled for Christmas 2007, under recognisable brands like Mitsubishi and Samsung, Novalux chief executive Jean-Michel Pelaprat is so bold as to predict the death of plasma.

“If you look at any screen today, the colour content is roughly about 30-35 per cent of what the eye can see,” he said.

“But for the very first time with a laser TV we'll be able to see 90 per cent of what the eye can see.

“All of a sudden what you see is a lifelike image on display.”

Combine that with energy efficiency, price advantage and the fact that the laser TVs will be half the weight and depth of plasma TVS, and Mr Pelaprat says “plasma is now something of the past”.

Mr Pelaprat predicted LCD TVs would come to dominate the market below 40 inches, and laser television the market above that screen size, displacing plasma.

The optoelectronic chip-laser technology won't be confined to TVs.

The technology is also being trialled in mobile phones, where it will be used to project images onto any surface, and in home theatres and cinemas.

The unveiling of the laser TV prototype was held on the eve of Arasor's public float on the ...............

Australian Stock Exchange next week. <----------
Will it be sold at half the price?

Its all very well saying it 'costs half the price' but will they play fair and sell it accordingly.

Still it seems like a safe investment. My god..we're getting share tip-offs here!
Back to financial astrology....

In any business from movie making to new business ventures, there is uncertainty. Astrology is a way to deal with that Uncertainty whether it really works or not. There is really no math or algorithm that would be any better because Uncertainty comes from lack of a full deck or information and related associations.

One guy got Nobel prize on Neuro-Economics. The observer changes the outcome. So, unless one is running a parallel simulation of is difficult to know....hence faith in God or Astrology....
Yes, most people would say that it doesn't work and in a way they are correct that it doesn't work in a scientific way which is constantly repeatable. It would be ludicrous if we could predict every eventuality but that is what science requires.

Therefore it is dismissed entirely by science which is something I'm perfectly happy about. My argument is that it stacks the cards in your favour and that this understanding can only come about by actually studying the subject and then putting what you've learnt into practice on a day to day level. In short, its merely a guide rather than a clear set of rules.

I'm not keen of financial astrology because it turns what is essentially a spiritual concept into a materialistic one but sadly that is the only way to interest scientists. They're reductionists and there is nothing that reduces people more than the money in their pockets.

If someone fills their pocket they couldn't give a damn who, what or where it came from. If you can't win spiritually then you have to win by material means.
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