Finally, god is going to be held accountable!

I found the overwhelmingly beligerant and biggoted response from the majority Christian posters somewhat disturbing. Reminds me very much that the USA is indeed in the grip of dangerous religious conditioning. That is more than a little frightening.
LOL! There's going to be an arrest warrant out for God soon.
I found the overwhelmingly beligerant and biggoted response from the majority Christian posters somewhat disturbing. Reminds me very much that the USA is indeed in the grip of dangerous religious conditioning. That is more than a little frightening.
Well, Cris, you could always go somewhere relatively free of Christianity. Cuba and mainland China come to mind. Perhaps Angola. Actually, New York City or Los Angeles are pretty much free from the influence of Christianity, now that I think about it.

The point is, quit whining about it and do something.