figure me out!

divine sapience

Registered Senior Member
i have faith in a higher being
grew up a christian
naturally as every imperfect human being
i slipped as in, i stepped away from my faith and
got into all the dark stuff such as black magic and satanism
i went into many spiritual stages it was the cause of confusion and irrationality
many different stages of perception on basicly the metaphysics of reality,i studied philosophy eastern and western,went into stages of being agnostic,gnostic,and then athiest

well time past and i studied and gained knowledge and wisdom
i regained my faith
and started believing in a higher being
i also started believing in extraterrestrials
and i do believe that there is a place such as heaven in hell
which are just states of your mind
i also interpret heaven and hell as
living here on earth ,as hell
and space as in "the heavens"or heaven
i do believe in reincarnation and that the soul spirit is infinate
i do believe that we are all a manefestation on one mind
we all share the same life giving force which is energy that comes from light
i believe that GOD or you could say this higher being is the ever infinate light that gives us life
there for that is how all living beings are connected
that goes for earthlings and all other beings from the heavens ,beings from all over this universe and multiverses
i believe that this universe is infinate there was no beginning or ending to this creation,reincarnation of the ever evolving concious to go from one life to the next

though i do not believe in any spacific religions
i am neutral to all faiths and beliefs
but i do not believe in organized religions
for organized religion is just another aspect of ignorance
division of the higher truth
used to control and confuse the one's who are searching for the real truth and divinity
i believe that the temple of heaven is within and you dont have to go to a any special organized groups of worship or church to worship the supream being



i wish i could explain myself better but to be truthfull i have somekinda mental dissorder and it holds me back from my full potential to explain certain subjects
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Originally posted by divine sapience
i wish i could explain myself better but to be truthfull i have somekinda mental dissorder and it holds me back from my full potential to explain certain subjects

if you have somekinda mental disorder you won't hold back..
DS, I don't know why you want to be labeled, but you sound like a gnostic to me (gnostic in a Valentinian sense).

And you're explaining yourself just fine ;)