Fight nite.......


Registered Senior Member
Hi there,

I was thinking of financing and running a cable T.V show where Christians and Muslims fight each other in a kind of gladiator arena, pads and head guards would of course be issued.

The idea was spawned from observing the endless verbal battles the above parties act out on sciforums. For religious folk you sure have managed to grasp and perfect conflict! I was thinking if I could translate this anger to the big could be a hit!

It would only be a matter of time before the computer game came out, with the public getting to play their favourite hero?

Your thoughts.............
yeah. I dont understand y muslims and christians fight all the time...since the two religions are extremely related. Besides if i had absolute proof of the existense of god then i wouldnt fight with people who did not. I would go to paradice, they would go to no need to fight with them. Besides if i fight with them there would be a possibility of me being punished by god. So this shows us that christians themselves know that god besides in the holy books is only in their heads, which means they have to proove that he exists...and because they cant, they fight. They have to make others believe or make themselves believe!? I guess all christians and muslims should think about this.
Why end there? Include Satanists, pagans and the athiests to increase the fun:D

Can you imagine those battling on faith against those who have no moral or ethical guidelines at all?

Arrr it would be a good fight!

I would put my money on the pagans. Can you just see them biting the ears off of their opponents?

There should be no 'rules' to the game except the personal or religious guidelines one brings to the arena.

I want to play too. Can I be the anarchist pirate?:D :D
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Very good,

So the format of the show would be tribal, with Christians, Muslims, Hindu's, Buddists, Satanists.....Atheists and Agnostics unite to form a team.

The tag teams matches would be the most amusing....and the sets would be priceless.....we could dress the Christians as Crusaders...The Muslims can pretty much wear their usual attire......They can battle it out in mock ups of the old holy land!

Its simple.....if recent events have thought us anything...its that diplomacy is never going to win. Therefore applying this theory to the religious conundrum....we can replace the petty bickering on sciforums with honest to gOd entertainment....

"Christian and Muslim face the scourge of faith.....Agnostica!"

Comical Ali could be a presenter........The show would make a mint......
The referee?

Originally posted by jusmeig
Very good,

So the format of the show would be tribal, with Christians, Muslims, Hindu's, Buddists, Satanists.....Atheists and Agnostics unite to form a team.

If God were the referee, the battle would be more bloody, because every team would demand to be the winner in God's eyes. If Satan were the referee, no one would want to fight, so we'd all live in peace!

Just a thought.
Last man standing?

Originally posted by Lucysnow
There is no need to have a referee. Last man standing will rule the ring.

Excuse me... all the women will be standing!
Okay okay last woman standing...but only if there is at least a few pagans left so we can all celebrate after the fact;)
Now be honest to yourselves for a moment ? Does any of you actually see enough value in this thread to "philosophize" about the topic ?

Do you ?

What if the Christian and the Moslem actually behaved according to the tenets of their respective faiths, and not like the nut-cases who have perverted them to justify their heinous crimes throughout history...

Wouldn't it be something like the Christian quoting scripture trying to convert the Moslem, and the Moslem just shaking his/her head saying "you poor doomed fool... "?
Last woman standing...

Originally posted by Lucysnow
Okay okay last woman standing...but only if there is at least a few pagans left so we can all celebrate after the fact;)

Count me in!
Originally posted by Lucysnow
Why end there? Include Satanists, pagans and the athiests to increase the fun
I would put my money on the pagans. Can you just see them biting the ears off of their opponents?
Sorry, the Taoists and the Buddhists would win... even if they lose they win.

What a great idea, each competitors gimmick being their spiritual beliefs.
I shotgun being the token earth worshipper, I'd wear a loin clothe and ride to the ring on a hippo. All my moves could be named after natural distasters. I'd rock.
And I just can't wait to punch a jew in the nose.
J/k jews;)
But seriously, I wanna wail on a rabbi:eek:
Quote: Sorry, the Taoists and the Buddhists would win... even if they lose they win.

Raithere I do believe you are right! But damn I will miss those fertility festivals.
Originally posted by Lucysnow
Raithere I do believe you are right! But damn I will miss those fertility festivals.
That's okay, we'll go to the pagans’ consolation party.

In your opinion what edge do you think the Taoists and the Buddhists would have? What would they bring to a conflict? How would the christians, muslims and jews, pagans and god only knows whom else, find themselves at a disadvantage in the face of them?

I know I am going to love your response:D
Originally posted by Lucysnow
In your opinion what edge do you think the Taoists and the Buddhists would have? What would they bring to a conflict? How would the christians, muslims and jews, pagans and god only knows whom else, find themselves at a disadvantage in the face of them?

I know I am going to love your response
I’ll try to live up to your expectations.

From a Buddhist or Taoist perspective there is no argument, no position to defend. ‘Buddha Nature’ or the Tao cannot be directly expressed in words or logic; these are only abstractions of the mind.

From the Tao Te Ching:
“The Way
The Way that can be experienced is not true;
The world that can be constructed is not real.
The Way manifests all that happens and may happen;
The world represents all that exists and may exist.

To experience without abstraction is to sense the world;
To experience with abstraction is to know the world.
These two experiences are indistinguishable;
Their construction differs but their effect is the same.

Beyond the gate of experience flows the Way,
Which is ever greater and more subtle than the world.”

Or the Genjo Koan:
“When all things are Buddhism, delusion and enlightenment exist, training exists, life and death exist, Buddhas exist, all-beings exist. When all things belong to the not-self, there are delusion, no enlightenment, no all beings, no birth and decay. Because the Buddha's way transcends the relative and absolute, birth and decay exist, no delusion and enlightenment exist, all-beings and Buddhas exist. And despite this, flowers fall while we treasure their bloom; weeds flourish while we wish them dead. To train and enlighten all things from the self: is delusion; to train and enlighten- the self from all things is enlightenment. Those who enlighten their delusion are Buddhas; those deluded in enlightenment are all-beings. Again there are those who are enlightened: on enlightenment-and those deluded within delusion. When Buddhas are really Buddhas, we need not know our identity with the Buddhas. But we are enlightened Buddhas-and express the Buddha in daily life. When we see objects and hear voices with all our body and mind-and grasp them intimately-it is not a phenomenon like a mirror reflecting form or like a moon reflected on water. When we understand one side, the other side remains in darkness. To study Buddhism is to study the self. To study the self is to forget the self. To forget the self is to be en lightened by all things. To be enlightened by all things is to be free from attachment to the body and mind of one's self and of others.”

There is nothing to argue about because whatever you would argue about is not Buddhism, is not the Tao.
