Fictional Judaism

Leo Volont

Registered Senior Member
Fictional Judaism

Let us for a moment imagine what is so very politically incorrect these days, that there may be such a thing as a scheming Jew. Ofcourse, that Tribe that now controls the greater part of International Banking, Publishing and the Media would insist that the Chosen People are saints, one and all, but for a moment can we pretend to take a look behind the Veil.

What are the odds that the Pretensions of the Chosen People is all just a story?

I once read a Scholarly Paper which examined the Story of Jacob and Esau in the light of the War of the Two Kingdoms. There was the Kingdom of Solomon which was called Judah…. Remember that! When Solomon died, his son, whose name was ‘W’ or something like that, oppressed the people to such a great extent that they said ‘To Hell with God’s Country!” and broke away in a violent Civil War. The Scholars supposed that in order to justify their rebellion, or the Judans to castigate the rebels, went back into their Ancient Scriptures and doctored their original Mythologies to include the Story of Jacob, A Second Son, who usurped by fraud the Blessing of the Patriarch. God sent an Angel to get the stolen Blessing back from Jacob, who was called “Israel” by the Angel for fighting with God. The Rebel State was to take the name Israel. We need to wonder that if the Original Hebrews were the Self Acknowledged heirs to Jacob, then why was the Original Kingdom called Judah, and then only the later rebel state called Israel? It may be that Jacob was in invention of somebody’s propaganda.

Now, if Jacob was only an invention from the Two Kingdoms period, then is any of it true. Moses was probably true. The Invading Tribes must have come from somewhere.

But the broader context of this discussion goes to the validity of the Zionist assumption, that Jews are the chosen people. That may simply be the leftovers of some lying propaganda from the War of the Two Kingdoms. Nothing to slaughter the Palestinian People for, or is it?
Leo the Jewish religion does not control the banks, publishing and media. And if they did have all of that they would certainly have found a way to get others to help them through financial means and media with their war with Palestine and the general constant threat of the Muslim world in the middle east.

That arguement of a Jewish conspricacy theory is the same arugement Hitler used, as a Catholic to murder 6 million of them, it is the same theory used to kill them through most of this century

the same propoganda that started the Christian faith of Jesus being killed by the Jews , when it is historically known that Pontius Pilate was a Roman govener, and the same old justification used to persecute them morally today.

Can you and the other Christians, please explain, so non-christians can understand...why there has to be a genocide of the Jewish people?
robtex said:
Leo the Jewish religion does not control the banks, publishing and media. And if they did have all of that they would certainly have found a way to get others to help them through financial means and media with their war with Palestine and the general constant threat of the Muslim world in the middle east.

That arguement of a Jewish conspricacy theory is the same arugement Hitler used, as a Catholic to murder 6 million of them, it is the same theory used to kill them through most of this century

the same propoganda that started the Christian faith of Jesus being killed by the Jews , when it is historically known that Pontius Pilate was a Roman govener, and the same old justification used to persecute them morally today.

Can you and the other Christians, please explain, so non-christians can understand...why there has to be a genocide of the Jewish people?

Jewish Religion?

They still have a Religion? Doesn't that get in the way of doing business? haven't they traded Profits for Prophets? I thought that they have simply reverted to being an Ethnic Group.

As for a Conspiracy, it is hardly very well hidden. The Religious Right openly announces to anybody who will give them a listen that they wish to foster a Jewish State and fight against all opposition to it in order to derive the Blessings of God in the Day of Judgment. It is hardly a conspiracy when it is the declared Foreign Policy of the Bush Administation.

As for Banking, Publishing, and the Media. Golly, just take a look at the ownership. Yes, it is much the same complaint that the German's had. One day they woke up and every newspaper and theater in Berlin, Munich, and Vienna was controlled by Jewish Ownership and the German People no longer had anything to say about their Culture's Art or Literature, while having their news filtered by those of an alien and often hostile culture.
"Can you and the other Christians, please explain, so non-christians can understand...why there has to be a genocide of the Jewish people?"

because otherwise they shall devour us and our babies

both sides of the argument, get over yourselves
That arguement of a Jewish conspricacy theory is the same arugement Hitler used, as a Catholic to murder 6 million of them, it is the same theory used to kill them through most of this century
Hitler wasn't a catholic when he was older.
I for one would like to know where you are getting your information. Hard evidence, that is.

IF Jews were controlling theatre and the media, would The Passion have been produced? If the media was controlled by Jews, would they be portrayed so badly in the press although you can barely understand what the media is saying when they talk about the number of Jews killed by Palestinians? The media, most especially NPR, portray Jews most poorly if you pay any attention at all. When an attack is made on an Israeli restaurant or bus and the Israeli's retaliate in kind against the Palestinians that are attacking their MILITARY outposts, one hears much more about the Palestians "slaughtered" than the number of civilian Israeli's murdered. As an example...this was a year or more ago, but a Palestinian mob attacked an Israeli military outpost with rocks, handguns and the like. All of whach are deadly weapons. When the Israeli's couldn't dissuade the Palestinians by firing blanks above their heads, they fired at their feet to halt their approach. Only when there became no other options did the Israeli's open fire into the mob for a few seconds only. Instead of showing the Israeli military officers that were wounded, the headlines all blared the fact that a Palestinian child had died in his father's arms. While truly tragic, NO ONE in the press ever asked the question, "What in G-d's name was a CHILD doing WITH his FATHER in a Palestinian mob attacking an Israeli military outpost." And please do not try to tell me he lived there because there was some research done into it and the father lived several miles away, with the majority of the rest of the Palestinians attacking the outpost.
Leo Volont
Leo Volont said:
What are the odds that the Pretensions of the Chosen People is all just a story?
One would think that the 'story' is helped by the fact that Christ was himself a Jew. Christians world wide, Catholics included, view the Jews as the chosen people.

robtex said:
Leo the Jewish religion does not control the banks, publishing and media. And if they did have all of that they would certainly have found a way to get others to help them through financial means and media with their war with Palestine and the general constant threat of the Muslim world in the middle east.
LOL! I take it you haven't been keeping up with current events?

That arguement of a Jewish conspricacy theory is the same arugement Hitler used, as a Catholic to murder 6 million of them, it is the same theory used to kill them through most of this century
True. Hitler was paranoid and did use that as one of the excuses to slaughter 11 million people, 6 million of them Jews. But did he kill them because he was a Catholic? The same as I would ask of a Jewish soldier who shoots a child for throwing a stone if he is killing that child because he is a Jew. Murdering people does not stem from religion. It stems from one's self.

the same propoganda that started the Christian faith of Jesus being killed by the Jews , when it is historically known that Pontius Pilate was a Roman govener, and the same old justification used to persecute them morally today.
I believe a vote was cast to the people and they all said 'kill him'. So what's your point? The people of the time probably saw him as a heretic and I believe that the leaders of the Jewish religion of the time wanted him taken care of, and I don't mean that in the sense of a pension fund. Christ was seen at the time to be against the known establishment. Personally, I don't persecute Jews for killing Christ. I would, however, like to prosecute the ones holding the guns and shooting childnren while going on a massive land grab as I type this very message.

Can you and the other Christians, please explain, so non-christians can understand...why there has to be a genocide of the Jewish people?
Interesting. I could ask you as a non-Jew, why should there be a genocide of the Palestinian people today. The answer is that there should never be a genocide of any group of people. Religion doesn't come into it. Genocide should never be allowed to happen. Full stop. But for some reason it continues. I wonder why...

Shoshi said:
IF Jews were controlling theatre and the media, would The Passion have been produced?
Do you have any idea of the amount of wrangling that went on to allow that movie to be made and shown?

If the media was controlled by Jews, would they be portrayed so badly in the press although you can barely understand what the media is saying when they talk about the number of Jews killed by Palestinians?
They're portrayed badly in the press? My! What press do you watch? When I watch the news, all I see are our politicians emphatically stating that the fight must go on to preserve the State of Isreal. And we can barely understand what the press is saying when they talk about the number of Jews killed by Palestinians? As I asked your boyfriend above, do you not keep up with current events?

When an attack is made on an Israeli restaurant or bus and the Israeli's retaliate in kind against the Palestinians that are attacking their MILITARY outposts, one hears much more about the Palestians "slaughtered" than the number of civilian Israeli's murdered.
That doesn't make any sense. So you think it's fine to target dispossessed civilians who do not have anything to do with any of the attacks on the military outposts? The Isreali's retaliate against civilians when any attack is made on them. When a soldier retaliates by shooting at children, then that soldier has lost any high ground he may have had by retaliating against a suicide attack. And that's another point. A suicide attack is perpetrated by an individual. Not his whole village or town or people. So by bombing his village or town in retaliation, you are slaughtering innocent men, women and children.

When a twit straps a bomb to his body and blows up innocent people in Isreal, do you know what happens to that twit's family? They are either imprisoned and/or they have their house destroyed as a means of teaching them a lesson, regardless of the fact of whether they knew what their child was going to do and regardless of the fact that they may have been against their child's actions and would have tried to stop him had they known.

As an example...this was a year or more ago, but a Palestinian mob attacked an Israeli military outpost with rocks, handguns and the like. All of whach are deadly weapons. When the Israeli's couldn't dissuade the Palestinians by firing blanks above their heads, they fired at their feet to halt their approach. Only when there became no other options did the Israeli's open fire into the mob for a few seconds only.
You're stating that the army was justified by responding with heavy automatic fire at a crowd for throwing rocks and using handguns at armoured vehicles? And little girl, 'a few seconds only' with automatic rifles held by only a couple of soldiers could do a hell of a lot of damage. And I'm guessing that there were more than a couple of soldiers with automatic rifles doing the shooting for a couple of seconds. So you tell me the odds in who would have come off the better in that battle. Hell, you don't have to tell me. A dying child shows that the odds were in the soldiers favour.

Instead of showing the Israeli military officers that were wounded, the headlines all blared the fact that a Palestinian child had died in his father's arms.
Ok. Let me get this straight. You're pissed off that the media showed a dying Palestinian child instead of a wounded soldier? Instead of being outraged that a child was shot by a soldier with an automatic rifle, you're upset that the soldier with that rifle wasn't shown when he was wounded and instead the child he and his comrades shot was shown as he died in his father's arms?

While truly tragic, NO ONE in the press ever asked the question, "What in G-d's name was a CHILD doing WITH his FATHER in a Palestinian mob attacking an Israeli military outpost." And please do not try to tell me he lived there because there was some research done into it and the father lived several miles away, with the majority of the rest of the Palestinians attacking the outpost.
Yeah, you sound like you thought it was a truly tragic that a child was mowed down by soldiers holding automatic rifles. :rolleyes: Could it be that the child and his father were there for other reasons such as visiting family members who lived in the area or maybe going shopping and were merely caught in the wrong place at the wrong time?
I'm reminded of this joke (found on a Jewish website, if anyone thinks it's Anti-Semitic).

Moishe is sitting on a park bench reading Rev. Farrakhan's anti-white and anti-Jewish newspaper. His best friend Sammy walks by, sees the paper, and stops in shock.
"What are you doing reading that paper? You should be reading the Jewish Chronicle!"
Moishe replies, "the Jewish Chronicle has stories about intermarriage, anti-Semitism, problems in Israel... all kinds of troubles for the Jewish people. I'm tired of reading all the bad news. Farrakhan's paper says 'the Jews have all the money', 'the Jews control the press', 'the Jews control the banks', 'the Jews control Hollywood'...."
Silas said:
I'm reminded of this joke (found on a Jewish website, if anyone thinks it's Anti-Semitic).

Moishe is sitting on a park bench reading Rev. Farrakhan's anti-white and anti-Jewish newspaper. His best friend Sammy walks by, sees the paper, and stops in shock.
"What are you doing reading that paper? You should be reading the Jewish Chronicle!"
Moishe replies, "the Jewish Chronicle has stories about intermarriage, anti-Semitism, problems in Israel... all kinds of troubles for the Jewish people. I'm tired of reading all the bad news. Farrakhan's paper says 'the Jews have all the money', 'the Jews control the press', 'the Jews control the banks', 'the Jews control Hollywood'...."

Very nice. Reminds me of another one about an old Jew wanting to emigrate before WWII, and checking the worldglobe at the agency, and discussing all the countries one could go to, and he finds out to his dismay there's not one that does not pose some problems or other, after which he sadly inquires if they maybe have another worldglobe.
Leo I waited a few days cause I wanted to look further in the Jew/media theory. You are correct they have a heavy hand in the media and in the senate/supreme court and the house. But, they are not advocating the death or destruction of anyone or anything. so why do you? why do the muslims? What is up with all this killing and want of killing? You and other Christians and Mulims find there very existance as a threat and apparently see killing as a viable option. I look at it and don't. Please tell me while persecution of the Jews is neccessary even though they do have a huge hand in the media and in American politics? If you are not proposing killing them than what is you are proposing? Expulsion from the States? Green cards instead of citizen ship?...ban from politcs....?