Felt like i was dying in bed - any1 else?


free thinker
Registered Senior Member
hi guys, i want to share a scary personal experience with you all in hopes of finding out more...

one night, about maybe 3 months ago, i was just in my room, on the comp, when i began feeling a strange feeling. i didnt really give it much thought, because i get strange feelings sometimes- but i did notice it was unusually strange feeling. anyways, i looked around my room in paranoia but of course nothing there-

i then decided to get into bed and try and go to sleep. for some reason my eyes focuses on a Lamp that was on in my room (yea i usually sleep with a light on haha) Now, i kept staring at the light bulb, bright as ever- and i didnt blink. you know when you look at a light bulb or bright light and squint your eyes, the light beams kind of bend and move and shoot out all crazy? (i know someone knows what im talking about) well- as i was staring at the light, its beams began bending, but i didnt think i was squinting my eyes. The beams Bend more and more intense and i was watching it with intrigue (i like hallucinations :m: ) and for about, i'd say 1 minute maybe 2- the Beams danced and shifted all around while my room and everything else began to blur...

THEN, all of a sudden- the beams STOPPED, like they FROZE in their position. my eyes felt very very strange, as if the pupils were super dialated or something. Right when this happened its like evrything froze- and right there, where i was staring (inside the still light beams) i saw the most amazing thing:
i saw (what i thought were) ATOMs or ELECTRONs, swirling around in the most magnificent ways imagineable. i saw electrons on their paths, the so-called energy circle or whatever, i saw some electrons would swirl around one, then zoom on to another one and swirl around it. This was very amusing and i stared in awe.

then something happened. a shift from amusing to scary.

after a few minutes i made myself snap out of the stare because it was kind of scaring me, my eyes locked and all that. but something was strange, as i lay there in bed, i felt my breathing becoming very deep, and more proloned. my breaths got very long and spaced in between, and i began feeling worried. the breathing got slower and slower and i remember wondering "why is this happening? why cant i breathe right?" but it continued to slow down. my body began feeling unusual around this time now. I felt my HEART BEATING SLOWER ALSO NOW, sort of following the breathing. The breathing got SO SLOW that after gasping a few times, it COMPLETELY STOPPED. i swear, my air stopped COMPLETELY, and i could not breathe, or even GASP for air. I was terrified at this point, and this is when i tried to move my arm up to my neck and i had no control of my body. I layed there, and all i could do was listen to my heart beat- and it was beating very irregular. The beats started getting slower, just like the breathing- more spaced between beats and more deeper, lower-pitched beating. at this point (after my breath stopped) my head had a sort of dizzy feeling accompanied by my bodies EXTRA_HEAVY feeling. felt like gravity got 100x stronger and was pulling me into my bed.

OK- this is the scary part. My heart's beating got so slow that it too also STOPPED. i rememebr this clearly- i was very worried because my heart was beating slower and slower- And i felt that last beat, and when i didnt hear another one, i got scared. i felt like gasping but could not even move, i felt my body was worried also, in a alarmed state. but i could not do anything. i lay there hopelessly and for some reason i heard the song that was playing on my computer- it was a song that said somethin about DYING/LIVING. and i remember thinking to myself finally:
"omygod, this is it, i am dying, and this is how it ends."
i closed my eyes and didnt try to fight it. as i closed my eyes i felt like a ringing noise getting closer and closer, much like when your in a dizzy state or wake up from a blackout/faint. this feeling crept on me, and at one point, i felt it took over. BOOM. i was out. comepletely black,no sound, nothing. i thought i was dying, so i thought i had died somehow.
<-----time lapse here------->
im unable to say how long i was out, but it seemed that not even 5 minutes after the blackout, I JUMPED UP AND GASPED FOR AIR! it was like i was drowning, and i just got out of the water, i was gasping for a few moments, but i felt wierd. i felt like someone was near me, something. I dont know why i think this, but i also vision it. i felt this vision a SPLIT second before i had woke up gasping for air.
I saw a lady , who seemed angelic, come down and ever-so gently kiss me.
i have a feeling that someone came down and lifted me from this crazy spell, if it wasnt death.

checking the times, i noticed that close to half an hour had past since the last time i check, when i myself felt like 5 or 10 minutes had passed. im not sure of all this but i wanted to spill it out to someone in hopes of finding out more. i tried telling the story to friends but they either got scared or dont really think much of it. one friend said that he theorizes that perhaps i "fainted" while laying down, what do you all think ?
I think you had an out of body experience (also known as astral projection). Search Google on it for more info. You accepted the invitation when you stared at the light bulb and tranced yourself. The ringing noise and black void are typical elements. You’ve been given a gift of remembrance that life doesn’t end when your heart stops beating. The angel was there to comfort you. It will be easier and less scary the next time if you choose it.
I believe you will grow up to become a great story writer.

Now if you are going to persist im going to say that either you were dreaming or your bsing.

Now if you think what happened actually happened, i would have to say stop mixing psychadelicts with depressants and im being serious.

I had a similar experience recently. I've had only one such experience in my life and it was entirely powerfull and just as strange.

I was thinking about the idea of the third eye, and came to a place where I was completely sure that I understood what it is. (it was something like that the third eye is that which we use to compare our impression of reality to our stimulous). I can't explain how powerful the realization was, as for me it is beyond words. It's a feeling.

When I went to bed shortly after, I had the weirdest experience I can remember ever having had. I don't know how to describe it exactly. It was similar to how you describe yours. I was in the dark in the room and I felt and could see the presence of some beings or something in the room with me, kind of swirling around and checking me out, messing with me a little to see if I was scared. I was a little at first but felt a resolve: I will not be scared, and I refused it. I could tell somehow this pleased them.

Then I swear I felt a river of "energy" or something that washed over me in a way I just can't describe. It was almost like an out of body thing but I was conscious of my body at the time, but it was like I fell out of the bottom of myself from my head first, like I stuck my head into the "river" but the rest of me stayed "dry". I cannot at all describe that "river" as it is just beyond words to me. It seemed beyond time. It seemed like "this is the "spirit" world". It was all swirly and just beautiful and powerful and scary and weird as shit, but it only lasted a few minutes. My breathing did the same thing as yours except that it didn't go out as far.. I had a few moments of almost frozen breathing, but it didn't really stand out from teh rest of the experience.

Very powerful, very weird, and very unique in my experience.

I don't know if it was more than a hallucination, but it was definately totally funky. Hasn't happened again since, but I do get a weird kind of feeling in rememberance of it from time to time. Definately a freak show.

I was a little :m: but nothing major and on no other drug but caffein at the time.

I don't make any claims based on that experience because I doubt its validity, yet at the same time it was powerful and might convince me if I weren't such an annoyingly skeptical bitch.

Oh and the reason I posted it was because I was convinced that this was somethign to do with what it is to be dead.. rather, it just seemed that way at the time and I'm sure I would have felt like I was dying had I not resolved at that point I mentioned: I will not be scared.

That is not to say that you were scared, merely that I know that this resolution saved me from that feeling at the time.
wow! that is quite a trip you took there wes... i feel you! i only wish i would have not been so scared at the time and accepted the crazy trip as in invitation to visit another world. i too felt some sort of pressence before the whole thing happened, but i could not see anyone/thing. i just felt funny, like being watched like you said.

-thanks, i have some stories in the works actually, i do enjoy writing
-i stopped psychadelics over a year ago, but what can i say... they're still floatin around in my body...
As strange as it sounds, I'm going to recommend the B-class adaptation of Lovecraft, From Beyond.

I had always assumed these were sleep-related phenomenon. Including the time I was visited by Orson the Pig and the occasion I was stuck to the ceiling while green and purple ghosts boiled some hideous concoction in the kitchen.

Don't ask how I knew what was happening in the kitchen.

I do not mock the topic; those are in fact drawn straight from memory.

But I've always assumed them sleep-related phenomena because I'm also occasionally struck by a waking paralysis that involves subtle layers of hallucinated reality. Usually it involves waking up at some point but not being able to come awake. The worst ever was the day I fell asleep on the couch and "got up and walked into the kitchen to get lunch" no less than seventeen times before I woke up, walked into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, and almost fell over from the deja whatsit.
zonabi said:
-thanks, i have some stories in the works actually, i do enjoy writing
-i stopped psychadelics over a year ago, but what can i say... they're still floatin around in my body...

well now you just approved my suspicions. There are things called flashbacks and they are most common in pschadelics. A flashback is a reoccurance of a high of a drug and can be felt any time during the rest of your life. You may have had a flash back from your past years of getting off with these drugs.
i am perfectly aware of what flashbacks are and i know when im having one.

that wasnt one. i had a strange eerie feeling before anything even happened, i felt a presence. besides, my event doesnt have any similarities with flashbacks or LSD effects except maybe for the trance i got while staring into the light...

... i dont think it was a flashback at all